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Full text of "University archives; papers presented at an institute conducted by the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science, Novermber 1-4, 1964"

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Papers  presented  at  an  Institute 

conducted  by  the 

University  of  Illinois 

Graduate  School  of  Library  Science 

November  1-4,  1964 

Edited  by 
Rolland  E.  Stevens 

Distributed  by 

The  Illini  Union  Bookstore 

Champaign,  Illinois 

Copyright  (g)  1965  by 
The  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  University  of  Illinois 

Lithographed  in  U.S.A.  by 


Ann  Arbor,  Michigan 


Archival  administration  has  been  paid  scant  attention  by  li- 
brarians and  by  teachers  of  library  science.    In  spite  of  its  resem- 
blance, at  least  in  externals,  to  the  management  of  libraries,  it  has 
been  the  historians  who  first  appreciated  the  value  of  archives  and 
who  developed  principles  and  methods  for  their  administration. 
Recognition  by  librarians  of  this  important  kindred  study  is  long  over- 
due.   There  are  signs  that  in  our  universities  we  are  emerging  from 
the  stage  in  which  the  task  of  preserving  and  arranging  the  past 
records  of  the  institutions  is  given  to  a  semi-retired  professor  of 
Greek  or  medieval  history. 

For  its  llth  Allerton  Park  Institute,  therefore,  the  faculty  of 
the  Graduate  School  of  Library  Science  of  the  University  of  Illinois 
chose  the  topic,  "University  Archives."    The  task  of  dividing  the  topic 
into  convenient  parts,  securing  speakers,  inviting  participants,  and 
attending  to  the  many  details  of  a  conference  fell  to  a  Planning  Com- 
mittee of  the  School's  faculty:    Mr.  Robert  B.  Downs,  Miss  Thelma 
Eaton,  Mr.  Herbert  Goldhor,  and  the  editor.    Happily,  the  Committee 
was  able  to  get  the  advice  and  help  of  Mr.  Maynard  Brichford,  Ar- 
chivist of  the  University  of  Illinois.    The  suitable  division  of  the  topic 
and  the  securing  of  able  persons  to  participate  in  the  program  largely 
followed  his  suggestions,  since  he  was  much  better  acquainted  with 
both  the  subject  and  the  leaders  of  the  field  than  were  the  members 
of  the  Committee.    With  his  counsel,  the  Committee  feels  that  some  of 
the  ablest  archivists  in  the  United  States  were  invited  to  take  part  on 
the  program.    Their  acceptance  of  assignments  and  their  willingness 
to  take  time  from  their  heavy  programs  to  prepare  and  deliver  papers 
at  the  Conference  resulted  almost  entirely  from  a  desire  to  further 
the  recognition  of  the  profession  of  archival  management,  particularly 
when  that  recognition  came  from  the  sister  discipline  of  library 

If  the  sharing  of  mutual  interests  by  these  two  professions  is 
overdue,  it  may  be  hoped  that  this  Allerton  Park  Institute  at  least 
fostered  a  friendship.    Most  of  the  conferees  were  university  li- 
brarians whose  duties  now,  or  soon  will,  include  the  management  of 
their  institution's  archives.    Not  only  did  they  show  great  interest 
and  ask  many  questions  in  the  meetings,  but  generally  they  also  indi- 
cated some  surprise  at  the  degree  of  independent  development  of  this 
kindred  field  and  at  the  difference  between  the  principles  governing 
the  management  of  archives  and  those  with  which  they  were  already 

At  the  final  session  of  the  conference,  Mr.  Brichford  asked  for 
opinions  about  the  need  for  training  future  archivists.    In  his  report 
of  this  session,  he  noted  that: 

The  participants  agreed  1)  on  the  need  for  special  training  for 
university  or  "small"  archivists,  2)  that  the  training  should  in- 
clude formal  training  in  archival  theory  and  practical  work  with 
materials,  and  3)  that  Library  School  students  need  some  archival 
training,  if  only  to  enable  them  to  distinguish  archival  material. 
They  did  not  agree  on  the  type  of  training,  but  suggested  three 

1  -  a  series  of  training  institutes  like  the  Allerton  sessions  with 

emphasis  on  work  with  archival  materials— similar  to  the 
American  University— National  Archives  courses. 

2  -  an  elective  course  or  courses  in  a  Library  School. 

3  -  a  special  curriculum  in  the  Library  School  with  courses  in 

historical  research  methods,  public  administration,  archival 
principles  and  techniques  and  library  science. 

Most  archivists  are  dissatisfied  with  the  existing  training  and 
there  is  an  increasing  demand  for  archivists.    The  main  problem 
is  that  a  competent  archivist  needs  an  interest  in  research,  a 
graduate  degree  in  history  and  practical  work  experience.    Short 
courses  and  electives  provide  training,  but  do  not  equip  one  with- 
out this  background  to  manage  an  archival  program. 

Besides  the  counsel  of  Mr.  Brichford,  the  Planning  Committee 
wishes  to  acknowledge  also  the  help  of  the  following  persons  in  making 
the  conference  a  success  and  in  bringing  the  papers  to  published 
form:    Mr.  Eugene  H.  Schroth,  Allerton  House;  Mr.  Hugh  M.  Davison, 
Division  of  University  Extension;  Mrs.  Ruth  Spence,  Library  School 
Library;  and  Mrs.  Bonnie  Noble  and  Miss  Jean  Somers,  Graduate 
School  of  Library  Science.   While  many  of  the  advantages  of  attending 
the  conference  cannot  be  made  available  to  those  who  are  able  only  to 
read  the  published  papers,  nevertheless  it  is  our  hope  that  readers  of 
this  volume  will  find  ideas  and  methods  which  they  may  apply  at  their 

Holland  E.  Stevens 

Chairman,  Planning  Committee 

Urbana,  Illinois 
November  1964 






Oliver  W.  Holmes 1 

*J.  E.  Boell 


Thornton  W.  Mitchell 22 

Edith  M.  Fox 36 


Maynard  Brichford 46 


Harold  W.  Tribolet 62 


Clifford  K.  Shipton 68 


Laurence  R.  Veysey 82 

*We  regret  that  Mr.  Boell's  manuscript  did  not  arrive  in  time  for 
inclusion  in  this  publication. 


Oliver  W.  Holmes 

Knowledge  exists  in  two  forms:   (1)  "active  knowledge,"  mean- 
ing that  to  be  found  in  the  brains  of  living  human  individuals  and 
therefore  available  to  them  at  any  given  moment  as  bases  for  actions, 
and  (2)   "passive  (or  potential)  knowledge,"  which  exists  in  the  great 
reservoir  of  documents  in  which  have  been  recorded  the  experiences, 
observations,  thoughts,  and  discoveries  of  other  men,  chiefly  those 
of  the  past. 

Human  progress  has  paralleled  and,  seemingly,  been  dependent 
upon  the  growth  and  availability  of  this  great  reservoir  of  "passive 
knowledge."    The  human  race  is  believed  to  have  existed  for  hundreds 
of  thousands  of  years  on  this  planet  with  much  the  same  physical  and 
mental  capacities  as  today,  but  civilization,  as  we  think  of  it,  dawned 
only  between  5,000  and  6,000  years  ago,  and,  seemingly  was  made 
possible  by  the  invention  of  writing.    It  was  writing  that  first  pre- 
served records  through  time  and  permitted  the  beginning  of  a  reser- 
voir of  passive  knowledge.    Until  then  a  man  had  only  his  own 
observations  and  experiences  to  guide  him  or  at  most  traditions  going 
back  a  few  generations  and  limited  in  place  to  a  small  neighborhood. 
Each  generation,  instead  of  standing  on  the  shoulders  of  previous 
generations,  almost  had  to  begin  all  over  again.    Only  through  the 
invention  of  writing  did  it  become  possible  to  pass  along  from  genera- 
tion to  generation  an  ever  accumulating  body  of  passive  knowledge 
from  which  man  can  draw  when  necessary  to  increase  the  body  of 
active  knowledge  at  his  command. 

The  custody  of  this  great,  and  ever  increasing,  reservoir  of 
passive  knowledge  is  the  responsibility  of  the  archivist  and  the  li- 
brarian.   They  must  preserve  it  safely  and  impartially,  and  they 
must  ever  seek  better  ways  to  make  it  increasingly  available  to 
mankind  so  that  it  becomes  part  of  the  active  knowledge  by  which  they 
are  guided. 

Instead  of  the  two  terms  "archivist"  and  "librarian,"  there 
should  be  a  single  word  to  designate  these  priests  because  this 
greatest  treasure  of  mankind  for  which  they  have  responsibility  is  an 
indivisible  whole.    There  are  differences  between  archives  and  the 
normal  holdings  of  libraries,  which  call  for  differences  in  adminis- 

The  author  is  Executive  Director,  National  Historical  Publications 
Commission,  Washington,  D.  C. 

tration,  but  the  two  are  complementary  parts  of  this  vast  reservoir  of 
passive  knowledge  and  should  not  be  too  completely  divorced.    Each 
helps  to  interpret  the  other,  and  the  priests  should  be  knowledgeable 
about  both. 

The  word  "archives,"  although  very  old  on  the  European  con- 
tinent, is  relatively  foreign  to  the  English  language  where  the  word 
"records"  has  always  meant  much  the  same  thing  both  in  common 
law  and  in  common  parlance.    The  foreign  word  was  beginning  to  be 
used  early  in  the  nineteenth  century  by  self-conscious  scholars,  es- 
pecially historians,  to  refer  to  old  records  seemingly  preserved  for 
their  special  benefit.    One  cannot  help  feeling  this  usage  of  the  term 
was  in  a  way  associated  with  the  Romantic  movement  in  its  first 
appearance  both  in  England  and  in  America.    Its  more  frequent  usage 
later  in  the  century  can  be  traced  to  the  influence  of  history  scholars 
returning  from  the  seminars  of  Leopold  von  Ranke  and  his  students 
at  German  universities.    But  the  common,  every-day  working  term  in 
the  English  language  continued  to  be  "records."    The  terminology  of 
the  archival  profession  in  English  is  still  unstable  among  those  who 
consider  themselves  professionals,  and  of  course  there  is  even  more 
confusion  in  the  layman's  mind— and  all  working  in  this  area  must  be 
constantly  aware  of  this  confusion. 

The  words  "record,"  or  "records,"  in  early  English  law,  and 
today,  have  the  sense  of  a  writing  or  documents  deliberately  pre- 
served, and  often  deliberately  created,  to  transmit  a  message  in 
time  ( Latin-recordari;  to  be  mindful  of,  or  to  remember) .    Writings 
also  preserved  unintentionally  become  records  in  time.    Records, 
therefore,  are  documents  recording  what  has  taken  place.    The  action 
is  over.    Any  document  becomes  a  record  if  it  is  preserved  after  the 

Records  deliberately  created  and  preserved  by  an  office,  an 
agency,  or  an  organization  (or  less  common,  and  less  accepted,  by  a 
family  or  an  individual)  are  its  archives.    Not  all  records  "created" 
by  an  office  or  agency  become  part  of  its  archives.    The  definition 
says  "created  and  preserved  by."    All  offices,  agencies,  and  other 
record-creating  organizations  produce  records,  such  as  outgoing 
letters,  commissions,  orders,  et  cetera,  which  they  properly  send 
out  or  distribute  to  others.    These  may  or  may  not  become  parts  of 
other  archival  bodies.    They  are  part  of  the  archives  of  the  creating 
agency  only  when  found  in  the  form  of  "record-copies"  that  it  has 
deliberately  preserved.    Also,  an  office  or  organization  may  receive 
communications  and  other  writings  that  it  does  not  preserve— that  is, 
consciously  file  as  a  record  for  future  reference.    These  usually  go 
out  as  waste  paper.    In  other  words,  an  agency's  archives  are  those 
documents  deemed  worth  keeping  or  filing  for  possible  future  use. 

Archives  may  be  categorized  or  classified  in  terms  of  their 
creating  agencies.    Thus  we  have: 

1.  Public  archives  or  public  records— those  created  by  federal, 
state,  and  local  governing  bodies.    Only  since  we  have  had  democratic 
governments— deriving  their  powers  from  the  governed— have  these 
been  public  records  in  the  sense  of  belonging  to  the  people,  that  is, 

of  being  publicly  owned,  as  well  as  in  the  sense  of  being  open  and 
accessible  to  the  public  for  reference.    Under  monarchical  govern- 
ment they  belonged  to  the  king,  but  he  might  by  his  grace  make  some 
of  them  "public  records"  in  the  sense  that  his  subjects  were  given 
the  right  to  see  them.    The  term  came  into  use  in  this  sense  in 
Medieval  England  with  respect  to  records  of  the  king's  courts,  but 
was  by  no  means  applicable  to  the  administrative  records  of  other 
governing  bodies  of  the  Crown. 

2.  Institutional  and  organizational  archives  (often  semi-public). 
These  may  include  the  records  of  political  parties,  patriotic  societies, 
clubs,  charitable  institutions  or  organizations,  learned  societies, 
foundations,  non-profit  corporations,  and  the  like.    Especially  im- 
portant categories,  having  a  long  history,  are  the  archives  of:    (a) 
churches  and  religious  organizations;  and  (b)  educational  institutions, 
particularly  colleges  and  universities. 

3.  Business  archives— that  is,  the  records  of  corporations  and 
unincorporated  businesses.    Usually  private,  they  may  be  affected 
with  a  public  interest,  especially  when  in  such  a  category  as  public 
utilities.    These  may  also,  of  course,  include  mutual  and  cooperative 
business  organizations. 

4.  Family  and  personal  archives— wholly  private  in  character. 
Some  assemblages  of  these  may  have  the  characteristics  of  archival 
bodies  and  should  be  handled  and  administered  as  such.    Others, 
however,  are  isolated  or  selected  documents  not  preserved  in  any 
special  order  or  they  have  lost  such  order  as  they  might  once  have 
been  given.    Often  families  have  mixed  them  hopelessly  or  picked 
them  over  before  releasing  them,  and  they  are  better  thought  of  as 
family  or  personal  "papers." 

This  leads  us  to  one  of  the  basic  characteristics  of  archives, 
their  special  relationship  to  their  creator.    They  are  the  documents 
of  some  creating  agency  and  have  a  special  meaning  because  of  that 
fact.    A  second  characteristic  is  that  they  were  created  in  the  course 
of  official  business,  so  to  speak.    Their  purpose  was  to  get  things 
done,  and  they  were  saved  as  the  record  of  what  was  done.    A  third 
characteristic  is  that  they  have  (or  had)  a  special  order  established 
by  their  creator  for  his  own  purposes,  and,  when  preserved  in  that 
order,  they  are  revealing  of  those  purposes.    Each  document  is  given, 
and  later  exhibits,  a  relationship  to  all  the  others  that  is  meaningful 
and  that  can  be  easily  obscured  or  lost  if  this  order  is  tampered 
with.    A  final  characteristic  is  that  all  of  these  documents  are  thus 
tied  into  one  complete  set  or  body  that  is  unique  and  possesses  a 
kind  of  "organic"  character,  a  whole  which  has  a  meaning  different 

from  and  greater  than  the  sum  of  its  parts.    This  archival  body  is 
known  by  various  terms  in  different  languages;  but  in  French,  one  of 
the  most  influential  languages  in  matters  archival,  it  is  referred  to 
as  the  fonds.    We  often  use  this  term  in  English  because  we  have  no 
really  satisfactory  equivalent.    The  terms  "archive  group,"  used  at 
the  British  Public  Record  Office,  and  "record  group,"  used  at  Na- 
tional Archives  in  Washington  and  elsewhere  in  America,  may  refer 
to  the  same  natural  body  but  often  refer  to  larger  divisions  of  hold- 
ings more  arbitrarily  bounded  for  administrative  convenience. 

Out  of  the  basic  characteristics  just  enumerated,  several 
famous  archival  principles  of  arrangement  are  derived.    First,  the 
archives  of  a  given  archival  creating  agency  must  not  be  intermingled 
with  those  of  other  creating  agencies.    This  is  the  principle  called  by 
the  French  respect  des  fonds,  meaning  a  respect  for  the  natural  body 
of  documentation  left  by  a  creating  agency  and  reflecting  its  work. 
Keep  it  just  that.    Do  not  let  documents  drift  away  from  it.    Do  not 
let  alien  documents  get  into  it. 

The  second  principle  is  that  the  archival  accumulation  of  the 
creating  agency  should  be  retained  in  its  original  organization  pat- 
tern or  structure,  that  is,  the  pattern  of  arrangement  reflecting  its 
growth  and  its  use  when  still  a  live,  active  organism,  so  to  speak. 
This  is  the  principle  of  the  sanctity  of  the  original  order  (1'ordre 
primitif) .    The  two  principles  together  add  up  to  the  principle  of 
provenience  ( provenance)  in  its  complete  sense  although  this  term 
can  be  misleading,  when,  as  is  often  the  case,  it  is  used  as  the  equiva- 
lent of  only  the  first  of  these  principles,  that  is,  respect  des  fonds. 
Maintaining  a  body  of  archives  according  to  these  principles  is  what 
we  mean  when  we  talk  about  respecting  "archival  integrity." 

The  second  of  these  principles,  the  sanctity  of  the  original 
order,  since  it  goes  a  step  further  than  merely  respect  for  the  fonds, 
is  the  most  difficult  of  the  two  to  carry  into  execution.    Often  a  body 
of  records  has  been  so  tampered  with  that  the  original  order  is  ob- 
scured and  its  restoration,  if  not  impossible,  is  difficult  and  time- 
consuming.    There  is  a  temptation  to  rearrange  the  documents 
according  to  some  other  principle,  which,  if  the  new  principle  can  be 
agreed  upon  (not  always  an  easy  matter) ,  is  also  a  difficult  and  time- 
consuming,  and  therefore  expensive,  operation.   When  the  original 
order  is  completely  lost,  such  rearrangement  becomes  necessary, 
but  this  is  very  rarely  the  case.    If  it  is  unavoidable,  it  will  be  ac- 
cepted reluctantly  and  with  the  full  realization  that,  although  com- 
posed of  the  same  documents  (the  same  molecules,  so  to  speak)  one 
has  a  new  and  different  body  of  records  with  new  meanings  brought 
out  by  the  new  relationships,  but  with  many  of  the  old  meanings  lost 

It  is  sometimes  argued  that  the  interests  of  this  generation, 
which  may  be  entirely  different  from  the  interests  of  those  who 

created  the  records,  should  have  precedence,  and  that  in  such  a  case 
the  records  should  be  rearranged  in  whatever  order  might  seem  best 
suited  to  serve  current  interests.    But  the  interests  of  the  next  genera- 
tion might  change;  and  the  interests  of  any  generation  are  not  single. 
One  will  find  many  conflicting  interests  and  to  decide  on  the  over- 
riding one  at  any  one  time  will  prove  to  be  difficult.    Some  will  de- 
mand the  chronological  approach,  others  a  geographical  approach, 
and  still  others  some  topical  approach.    It  is  my  belief  that  these  and 
all  other  approaches  can  best  be  served  by  rearrangements  on  paper 
in  the  form  of  finding  aids— calendars,  subject  indexes,  and  special 
lists  of  different  kinds.    One  cannot  be  sure,  but  it  is  possible,  that 
modern  information  retrieval  systems  may  make  possible  great 
variety  in  approaches  to  a  body  of  archival  material.    The  cost  of 
putting  the  information  into  the  machine  will  not  be  a  small  cost,  you 
may  be  sure,  but  neither  is  the  cost  of  rearranging  a  body  of  records 
according  to  some  arbitrary  principle  which  henceforth  makes  easy 
only  one  approach  and  discourages  all  others.    My  main  point  is  that 
these  rearrangements  on  arbitrary  principles  are  always  possible 
later  if  by  experience  they  prove  necessary,  whereas  the  arrange- 
ment according  to  the  provenance  principle  once  lost  cannot  be  re- 
trieved by  machines  or  humans.    The  custodian  has  thrown  away, 
almost  as  though  the  records  were  destroyed,  the  unique  insights 
offered  by  the  way  in  which  the  creating  agency  grouped  and  filed  the 
documents  as  it  acted  upon  them. 

Others  will  need  to  carry  further  the  consideration  of  these 
general  principles  and  their  application  in  the  field  of  "University 
Archives."    They  have  been  dealt  with  here  because  they  throw  light 
on  the  nature  of  archives  as  over  against  collected  informational 
materials,  chiefly  printed,  which  are  the  traditional  responsibility  of 
the  librarian.    It  appears  that  these  areas  of  responsibility  can  be 
more  sharply  separated  in  theory  than  they  usually  are  in  practice, 
and  that  together  they  make  up  the  whole  of  recorded  experience 
which  constitutes  the  growing  reservoir  of  passive  knowledge  to  be 
available  whenever  needed  in  the  service  of  mankind. 

The  history  of  archives  and  archives  administration  is  im- 
portant for  archivists,  chiefly  because  it  helps  them  to  fix  their 
present  position  in  the  development  of  their  profession  and  thus  to 
chart  their  course  for  the  future  with  greater  confidence.    If  I  seem 
to  you  to  start  further  back  than  is  necessary,  I  would  answer  that 
the  archivist  must  take  the  long  view.    His  work  is  for  the  ages  to 
come  and  it  helps  him  to  know  what  past  ages  and  past  archivists 
have  done  for  and  against  the  records  of  the  past. 

The  first  writings  appear  to  have  been  records;  in  fact,  the 
need  to  keep  records  appears  to  have  led  to  the  development  of 
writing.    Our  earliest  writings  are  records  kept  in  the  temples  and 
in  the  courts  of  the  rulers.    Priests  and  kings  were  closely  related 


in  antiquity,  and  in  some  cases  king  and  priest  were  one  and  court 
and  temple  were  one.    Inventories  had  to  be  kept  of  the  ruler's 
property— his  men,  his  weapons,  his  stock  of  supplies.    Records  had 
to  be  kept  of  offerings  made  or  taxes  (usually  in  kind)  collected.    It 
was  easy  to  draw  a  picture  of  most  of  these  things  and  to  make  marks 
beside  them  for  the  number.    This  picture  writing  tended  to  become 
conventionalized  into  signs  that  stood  for  the  words  for  the  things 
counted.    Supplementary  signs  were  soon  invented  to  stand  for  verbs 
and  adjectives.    The  further  back  one  gets  in  any  preserved  form  of 
writing  the  more  likely  it  is  to  be  of  this  nature.    It  is  well  illus- 
trated in  the  contents  of  the  recently  deciphered  Linear  B  tablets, 
the  earliest  examples  of  efforts  to  write  the  Greek  language.    Only 
the  initiates  in  the  kings'  courts  or  in  the  temples  would  be  able  to 
interpret  these  scratchings  but  as  older  ones  taught  the  younger  ones, 
records  could  be  preserved  across  time  and  deciphered  and  the 
reservoir  of  passive  knowledge,  restricted  as  it  was,  came  into 

Writing  was  not  invented  as  a  vehicle  for  poetry  or  story  tell- 
ing.   The  old  stories  and  songs  were  kept  alive  across  the  generations 
by  mnemones  ( "remembrancers") ,  to  use  the  Greek  word  for  an 
official  that  existed  in  almost  all  early  preliterate  societies.    It  was 
only  after  writing  had  developed  to  a  very  high  level  indeed  that  these 
songs  and  stories,  as  in  the  example  of  Homer,  could  be  captured  by 
the  written  word  and  thus  incorporated  into  the  reservoir  of  written 

One  would  expect  the  earliest  preserved  writings,  consequently, 
to  be  associated  with  kings'  palaces  and  temples  and  to  be  archival 
in  character,  and  so  they  are.    They  are  the  clay  tablets  of  Assyria, 
Babylonia,  and  the  Hittite  Empire  from  the  3rd  millenium  B.C.  to  the 
Christian  Era.    As  better-known  examples  may  be  mentioned: 

1.  The  Temple  Archives  of  Nippur.  — This  classic  Sumerian 
site  was  excavated  first  by  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  Museum, 
beginning  in  1887.    Excavations  were  renewed  in  1947,  and  additional 
tablets  are  still  being  discovered.    There  are  now  over  54,000  tablets, 
but  tens  of  thousands  of  clay  tablets  discovered  in  the  1890's  are  still 
being  deciphered. 

2.  The  Mari  Tablets  from  the  Palace  of  Zimri-Lim.—  More 
than  20,000  tablets  were  discovered  by  French  expeditions,  1930- 
1946.    They  include  an  eighteenth  century  B.C.  diplomatic  corre- 
spondence of  much  historical  significance  found  in  what  Was  a  sort  of 
chancery  room.    Many  tablets  of  economic  import  were  discovered 
in  other  rooms  where  accounting  records  were  found  divided  ac- 
cording to  their  subject  matter. 

3.  The  Boghazekeui  Archives,  1500-1200  B.C.,  from  the  old 
Hittite  capital.— Most  of  the  texts  came  from  the  royal  archives  and 

were  central  in  bringing  out  of  obscurity  the  whole  story  of  the 
Hittite  empire. 

4.    The  Tel-el- Amarna  Letters.— The  first  diplomatic  archives 
to  be  discovered,  these  clay  tablets  were  at  first  a  puzzle  because 
found  in  Egypt,  which  was  not  a  clay  tablet  country.    They  proved  to 
be  over  300  incoming  letters  from  kings  of  clay  tablet  countries  of 
western  Asia  to  the  Emperor  Ikhnaton,  written  a  little  after  1500  B.C., 
and  were  part  of  the  royal  archives  at  Amarna.    The  story  of  their 
dispersal  by  antiquities  dealers  and  the  long,  persistent  efforts  by 
scholars,  after  their  importance  was  realized,  to  locate  these  tablets 
or  fragments  of  tablets  and  restore  their  contents  on  paper  is  an 
interesting  parallel  to  the  dispersal  by  dealers  of  modern  archival 
fonds  or  natural  accumulations  of  private  papers. 

Clay  tablets  were  also  found  associated  with  the  Minoan  civili- 
zation of  the  Agean,  first  early  in  this  century  when  quantities  were 
discovered  by  Sir  Arthur  Evans  in  his  excavations  of  the  palace  of 
Minos  in  Crete,  but  more  recently  also  on  the  Greek  mainland, 
notably  in  excavations  on  the  west  shores  of  the  Peloponnesus  of  the 
palace  of  Nestor  by  Carl  Blegen,  where  he  designated  one  room  the 
"archives  room"  because  of  the  great  number  of  tablets  found  there. 
These  tablets  curiously  were  incised  with  a  linear  script  instead  of 
the  ubiquitous  cuneiform,  or  wedge-shaped,  writing  of  the  civiliza- 
tions further  east.    A  surprising  discovery,  when  these  tablets  were 
recently  deciphered,  was  that  the  language  was  Greek,  thus  giving  us 
Greek  writing  more  than  500  years  earlier  than  any  known  hitherto 
and  revolutionizing  the  interpretation  of  the  Minoan  age.    One  might 
wish  the  Greeks  had  continued  to  place  their  records  on  clay  tablets. 
One  does  not  know  why  this  writing  disappears  suddenly,  but  evidences 
point  to  invasions  which  ushered  in  a  dark  age  lasting  a  half  century. 
It  is  believed  the  Greeks  began  once  more  to  keep  written  records 
about  750  B.C.,  but  these  early  writings  on  less  permanent  writing 
materials  have  disappeared. 

One  could  multiply  these  illustrations.    The  discoveries  of 
these  archival  bodies  have  represented  major  advances  in  the  re- 
covery of  antiquity— they  contribute  far  more  than  unrelated  fragments. 
Clay  tablets  are  difficult  to  destroy  in  dry  climates,  and  so  we  have 
the  contents  even  of  waste  baskets,  disposed  of  supposedly  by  being 
thrown  over  the  side  of  the  mound— more  documentation  by  far  for 
the  2,000  years  before  Christ  than  for  the  1,000  years  after  the 
downfall  of  the  Roman  Empire.    We  have  governmental  records, 
religious  records,  educational  records  (the  temples  were  the  schools 
for  the  scribes,  and  we  have  even  the  clay  tablets  that  represent 
their  exercise  books),  business  records,  and  family  records.    The 
clay  tablet  period  teaches  us  one  of  our  basic  lessons,  the  importance 
of  a  permanent  base  upon  which  the  message  is  placed  if  the  records 
are  to  be  preserved  for  the  millenia  to  come.    Also,  archeologists 


like  archivists  have  learned  the  importance  of  provenance.    An 
isolated  clay  tablet,  deprived  of  its  background  and  associations,  has 
lost  much  of  its  message.    But  the  message  that  is  left  is  less  con- 
fusing if  the  tablet  remains  alone  than  when  it  is  arbitrarily  associatec 
with  other  tablets  under  some  artificial  classification  system. 

During  the  classical  period  of  Greece,  writings  were  on  white 
wooden  tablets  or  on  papyrus,  which  was  imported  from  Egypt,  or, 
later,  on  parchment.    Much  is  known  about  the  keeping  of  archives  in 
ancient  Greece,  but  the  archives  themselves,  in  contrast  to  those  of 
the  clay  tablet  civilizations,  have  not  survived  because  they  were  on 
an  impermanent  base.    A  less  dry  climate  than  the  desert  civiliza- 
tions may  have  been  a  factor,  but  the  chief  cause  of  their  destruction 
appears  to  have  been  fire.    A  conflagration  baked  the  clay  tablets 
harder,  but  wood  and  paper  invited  total  consumption.    There  are 
records  of  many  fires  and  some  were  doubtless  deliberately  get  by 
the  barbaric  invaders  who  were  to  destroy  so  much  of  our  heritage 
from  both  Greece  and  Rome. 

It  is  known  that  the  records  of  the  city-state  of  Athens  were  kept 
in  the  Metroon— the  Temple  of  the  Mother  of  the  Gods— in  the  Agora. 
The  sacred  character  of  these  records  in  Greek  eyes  is  symbolized 
by  their  being  placed  under  the  special  care  of  their  mother  goddess. 
These  were  the  originals.    Copies  of  these  wooden  tablets  were  often 
set  up  in  public  places  where  they  could  be  consulted  by  all  citizens, 
and  this  in  ancient  days  was  the  usual  form  of  publication.    More 
permanent  laws  and  constitutions  might  in  rare  instances  be  carved 
or  chiseled  in  stone. 

Much  of  our  knowledge  of  Greek  history  is  known  not  from 
records  found  in  Greece  but  to  papyri  recovered  from  the  sands  of 
Egypt.    The  use  of  the  fibers  of  the  papyrus  plant  as  a  base  for 
writing  began  very  early  in  the  Nile  Valley,  but  papyri  containing  the 
ancient  hieroglyphic  writings  are  relatively  rare.    Most  of  the  papyri 
recovered  from  Egypt  date  from  the  period  when  the  Greek  language 
was  dominant.    In  them  are  preserved  many  Greek  classics,  some  of 
which  would  otherwise  be  lost.    Non-literary  papyri,  however,  form 
much  the  greater  portion  of  the  material  recovered,  and  much  of  it 
is  archival  in  character  and  content— laws,  edicts,  judicial  proceed- 
ings, official  correspondence,  tax  lists,  and  inventories.    Papyri 
documents  have  not  been  found  in  extensive  related  bodies  so  fre- 
quently as  have  the  clay  tablets.    Possibly  they  have  been  more 
scattered  by  dealers  in  antiquities,  for  many  became  available  to 
Western  scholars  through  their  hands  in  the  last  century  before  there 
was  the  great  concern  for  details  of  provenance  that  exists  today. 
However,  each  piece— usually  in  roll  form— is  generally  a  longer 
document  than  are  those  found  on  clay  tablets.    Papyrus  became  a 
popular  writing  material  north  of  the  Mediterranean  as  well  as  south 


of  it,  probably  because  it  was  easier  to  prepare  than  parchment  and 
lighter  and  less  awkward  than  were  wooden  tablets.    It  continued  to 
be  used  in  Greece  and  Rome  down  into  the  eleventh  and  twelfth  cen- 
turies, longer  than  in  Egypt  where  after  900  A.D.  paper,  introduced 
by  the  Arabs,  became  more  common.    Few  papyri  survived,  however, 
in  the  area  north  of  the  Mediterranean.    A  damper  climate,  fires,  and 
deliberate  destruction  by  invaders  were  the  reasons.    Survival  in 
Egypt  of  this  destructible  writing  material  can  be  attributed  mainly 
to  the  dry  climate,  and  thus  the  important  role  played  by  climate 
conditions  in  the  preservation  of  records  over  the  ages  is  again 

Record  keeping  in  antiquity  probably  reached  its  height  in 
Roman  Egypt.    It  made  use  of  record  keeping  practices  imported  from 
both  Greece  and  Rome  but  also,  and  perhaps  more  important,  in- 
herited others  from  a  still  more  ancient  Egypt  and  from  the  Persian 
Empire  and  its  successors  of  the  Hellenistic  age,  which  in  turn  had 
learned  from  the  clay  tablet  civilizations  that  preceded  them. 
Happily  also,  because  so  many  papyri  have  been  preserved,  we  are 
well  informed  about  Roman  Egypt's  record  offices  and  their  highly 
developed  practices. 

In  Roman  Egypt  there  was  located  at  the  capital  of  every  nome 
or  province  a  central  record  (the  demosia  bibliotheke)  in  which  the 
various  officials  were  required  to  deposit  their  records,  or  copies  of 
them.    These  housed  the  census  records,  the  land  surveys,  the  tax 
rolls,  the  official  diaries  (each  higher  official,  from  the  prefect  down, 
was  required  to  keep  a  daybook  of  official  transactions,  open  to 
public  inspection) ,  and  the  like.    Official  correspondence  received 
was  made  up  into  composite  rolls,  the  individual  sheets  of  papyrus 
being  fastened  together;  so  also  were  the  documents  handed  in  by  the 
public.    All  these  rolls  were  preserved  and  numbered,  and  there  were 
serial  numbers,  like  page  numbers,  distinguishing  the  columns  on 
each  roll,  so  that  reference  was  easy  from  registers  also  kept  of  the 
receipt  of  these  documents.    These  offices  were  administered  by 
bibliophylakes,  which  you  may  translate  either  as  archivist  or  li- 
brarian.   They  were  the  keepers  of  the  books.    A  modern  archivist, 
seemingly,  would  have  found  himself  at  home  among  these  records. 

Alexandria,  the  capital  of  Egypt,  had  its  central  Bibliotheke,  to 
which  were  sent  copies  of  the  official  diaries  of  the  governors  in  all 
the  nomes,  thus  providing  a  security  copy  as  well  as  a  means  for 
close  supervision.    Also  fully  developed  in  Egypt  was  the  notarial 
system,  which  also  existed  earlier  both  in  Greece  and  in  the  clay 
tablet  countries.    Again  in  each  nome  is  found  an  official  responsible 
for  the  operation  of  the  system  in  that  nome,  but  in  each  major  village 
is  found  a  grapheion,  a  place  where  contracts  were  drawn  up  and 
executed,  and  where  a  file  of  these  was  kept  open  for  inspection. 


These  public  contracts  had  greater  standing  than  contracts  made 
between  parties  unofficially  and  not  made  public.    Private  contracts 
could  be  given  a  degree  of  legal  standing,  if  wished,  by  registration 
in  which  case  the  contents  would  be  summarized  but  not  revealed  in 
whole.    The  Romans  in  all  provinces  encouraged  "publication"  of 
contracts  by  full  recording  and  discouraged  private  deeds  and  con- 
tracts but  never  wholly  invalidated  the  latter.    Both  parties  to  a 
contract  were  given  copies  of  the  original.    The  originals  were  made 
up  into  rolls  and  the  rolls  numbered.    A  register  ( anagraphe)  of  all 
contracts,  in  chronological  order,  was  kept  on  other  roles.    A  notable 
body  of  papyri  at  the  University  of  Michigan  includes  the  archives  of 
such  an  office  (the  combined  grapheion  of  two  villages  named  Teb- 
tunis  and  Kirkesouche  Oros)  in  which  these  practices  were  illustrated. 
This  notarial  system,  which  became  general  in  the  Mediterranean 
world,  is  still  a  basic  feature  of  all  Latin  countries  in  the  Old  World 
and  in  the  New.    The  practices  were  illustrated  again  in  old  Vincennes 
and  in  Cahokia  and  Kaskaskia;  and  how  lawyers  trained  in  the  English 
tradition  did  wrestle  with  the  problems  offered  by  these  records  when 
we  took  over  New  Orleans ! 

Note  use  of  the  Greek  form  biblio  (book)  as  applied  to  all 
writings  in  roll  form  and  theke  (repository)  as  the  term  for  library 
or  archives,  whichever  you  wish  to  consider  it,  for  there  appeared  to 
be  no  division  or  distinction  between  these  two  in  all  antiquity.    Some 
repositories  might  hold  rolls  of  archival  character  almost  entirely, 
and  others  contain  more  rolls  of  literary  character,  especially  if  some 
scholar  or  custodian  were  interested  in  collecting  them,  but  the 
physical  contents  looked  alike,  and  our  application  backward  of  the 
modern  terms  implies  a  distinction  that  had  little  validity  before  the 
invention  or  printing. 

This  picture  of  Roman  record  keeping  at  the  provincial  and 
local  levels  has  been  discussed  at  some  length  because  record 
keeping  practices  did  not  reach  this  stage  of  development  again  until 
perhaps  the  sixteenth  century,  and  when  they  were  reviewed  it  was 
surprising  how  the  old  patterns  had  persisted.    Greeks,  and,  later, 
Arabs  brought  them  into  Sicily,  that  crossroads  of  the  Middle  Ages, 
and  from  there  they  were  spread  northward  by  the  Norman  kings 
and  the  German  emperors  who  successively  ruled  Sicily. 

In  Rome  itself  the  first  special  building  for  the  public  records 
was  erected  at  the  end  of  the  Forum  under  the  protection  of  the 
temple  of  Saturn,  as  early  as  509  B.C.    It  was  intended  especially  as 
a  place  where  the  people  could  consult  the  laws.    Most  of  the  older 
records  of  the  Republic  are  supposed  to  have  perished  in  the  burning 
of  Rome  by  the  Gauls  in  309  B.C.    Other  buildings  served  in  the 
interim  before  the  building  in  78  B.C.  of  the  great  Tabular ium,  a 
most  impressive  archives  building  that  closed  the  west  end  of  the 

*  11 

Forum,  just  below  the  Temple  of  Jupiter,  which  temple  was  the 
symbol  of  the  sovereignty  and  power  of  Rome.    Parts  of  the  great 
Tabularium  still  survive,  having  been  incorporated  by  Michelangelo 
into  the  present  Palazzo  del  Senatore.    There  were  other  tabular ia  in 
the  city  of  Rome  and  tabular  ia  in  most  of  the  provinces,  which  held 
the  tabulae  public ae,  the  public  documents  of  the  governing  bodies. 
Roman  record  keeping  reached  its  zenith  in  the  later  Empire  after 
the  administrative  reforms  of  Diocletian  about  300  A.D.    An  elaborate 
bureaucracy  developed,  organized  into  bureaus  or  officia,  for  our 
words  "office"  and  "official"  originated  in  this  period. 

Again,  we  do  not  have  the  actual  records  of  the  central  ad- 
ministration of  the  Roman  Empire,  and  we  know  of  the  ways  and 
places  in  which  they  were  kept  only  from  non-archival  writings  of 
Roman  leaders  and  from  vestiges  of  their  practices  as  they  survived 
in  the  Papal  Chancery.    For,  while  record  keeping  at  local  level 
survived  through  Egypt  and  Sicily,  as  has  already  been  described,  it 
was  the  Papal  Chancery  that  served  as  the  link  between  the  ancient 
and  modern  world  in  administrative  organization,  procedures,  and 
record  keeping  at  the  top  level.  The  Apostolic  Court  was  organized 
from  the  first  on  the  model  of  the  Roman  Imperial  Court.    It  grew  up 
under  its  shadow.   Its  offices  paralleled  those  of  the  Diocletian  Em- 
pire.   Many  churchmen  and  some  Popes  had  served  in  their  earlier 
life,  before  becoming  monks,  as  officials  of  the  empire,  notably  Pope 
Gregory  the  Great,  590-604,  who  made  the  papacy  a  political  as  well 
as  a  religious  power.    Gregory  had  served  as  Prefect  of  Rome  before 
entering  the  service  of  the  Church. 

The  barbarian  kingdoms  arising  on  the  ruins  of  the  Roman 
Empire  in  the  West  copied  more  or  less  intelligently  the  Roman 
model,  now  best  represented  by  the  Church.    This  copying  was  al- 
most inevitable  because  of  their  dependence  on  clerics  (thus  our  word 
"clerks")  for  writing,  for,  once  north  of  Italy,  clerics  were  almost 
the  only  persons  knowledgeable  in  this  art.    The  chancery  of  the 
Merovingian  kings  is  the  best  example  of  this.    After  the  alliance  of 
Clovis  with  the  Church  about  496,  he  was  helped  by  church  officials 
especially  with  chancery  matters.    The  some  ninety  authentic  Mero- 
vingian diplomas  or  charters  that  survive  from  successor  Merovingian 
kings  have  the  character  of  papal  charters.    The  older  originals  are 
written  on  papyrus,  vellum  coming  in  toward  the  end  of  the  seventh 

We  have  more  such  documentation  for  Charlemagne's  rule  than 
for  any  other  in  the  Middle  Ages.    His  chancery  was  wholly  staffed  by 
court  chaplains  and  clerics,  and  logically,  the  archives  were  kept  in 
the  royal  chapel.    Charlemagne's  son  and  successor,  Louis  the  Pious, 
appointed  a  bishop  as  his  arch  chancellor,  and  bishops  continued  to 
hold  office  through  the  Carolingian  period  and  earlier  centuries  of 


the  Capetian  kings,  gaining  more  and  more  practical  influence  in  the 
administration.    As  the  King's  chief  secretary,  the  chancellor  handled 
appeals  and  petitions  of  aggrieved  persons  (the  beginnings  of  his 
judicial  functions)  as  well  as  the  King's  political  correspondence. 
Charlemagne  established  his  palace  school  to  train  men  to  do  this 
work  and  called  in  monks  from  as  far  as  Italy  and  England  to  staff  it. 

Aside  from  the  courts  of  the  kings  and  emperors,  almost  the 
only  writing  throughout  the  Middle  Ages  was  in  the  churches  and  the 
monasteries.    They  served: 

1.  As  centers  for  the  multiplying  of  copies  for  use  in  a  day 
when  copies  were  made  only  by  hand.    This  was  a  major  function  of 
the  scriptorium  found  in  almost  all  monasteries. 

2.  As  archival  depositories  not  only  for  religious  writings  but 
for  records  of  kings  and  princes,  who  deposited  them  in  these  sanc- 
tified places  for  security  in  times  of  uncertainty. 

3.  As  creators  of  administrative  records  of  their  own.    Almost 
the  only  surviving  records  of  real  estate  and  business  transactions 
for  the  Middle  Ages  are  those  of  monasteries.    Almost  the  only  nota- 
tions of  contemporary  events  are  the  monastic  annals  and  chronicles, 
meagre  as  they  are. 

It  is  to  the  churches  and  the  monasteries  as  the  chief  places  of 
refuge  against  the  fury  and  neglect  of  the  Middle  Ages  that  we  owe 
the  preservation  of  most  medieval  documents,  and,  as  has  been  stated, 
they  are  few  as  compared  with  those  that  have  survived  from  antiquity. 

Medieval  documents  are  scarce  not  just  because  of  the  ravages 
of  time  but  because  few  were  created  in  the  first  place.    Why? 

1.  Illiteracy  was  so  widespread  few  could  make  records,  and 
there  was  not  much  point  to  making  them  when  few  could  read. 

2.  It  was  an  age  of  oral  government,  of  the  use  of  rituals  and 
ceremonies  that  were  to  be  witnessed  by  the  people,  as  a  substitute 
for  written  records.    Laws  and  edicts  were  published  by  proclamation. 
Federal  courts  operated  without  written  law  which  had  almost  ceased 
to  exist.    Trials,  often  by  ordeal,  and  punishments  were  open  so  that 
the  people  could  actually  see  justice  being  carried  out.    The  cere- 
monial conveyance  of  lands  by  livery  of  seisin  and  "beating  the 
bounds"  periodically  to  preserve  the  memory  of  boundaries  are 
further  examples  that  even  carried  over  into  the  colonial  period  of 
our  own  country. 

3.  Material  to  write  upon  (chiefly  parchment)  was  scarce  and 
expensive,  and  therefore  reserved  for  only  the  most  important 
things,  in  those  days  mostly  things  religious.    Old  writings  were 
erased  to  make  way  for  the  new;  thus  the  palimpsest.    Paper  was 
exceedingly  scarce  until  the  sixteenth  century.    Early  mills  were 
very  small  and  the  trade  secrets  were  jealously  guarded  until  the 
invention  of  printing  so  raised  the  demand  that  monopolies  were 
broken  down. 


4.    Business  transactions,  which  produce  such  quantities  of 
modern  records,  were  fewer  because  of  the  general  self-sufficiency 
of  communities,  and  were  rarely  recorded  because  they  were  usually 
mere  exchanges  in  kind  made  locally  between  neighbors. 

The  reservoir  of  passive  knowledge  built  up  by  the  civilizations 
of  antiquity  had  been  almost  overwhelmed  by  the  barbarian  way  of 
life,  which  knew  only  the  ways  of  living  traditional  to  a  people  de- 
pending wholly  on  active  knowledge. 

But  enough  passive  knowledge  survived  to  begin  the  reversal, 
and  there  were  powerful  influences  that  worked  to  accelerate  it,  once 
begun.    Some  of  these  influences  were: 

1.  The  need  for  writing  to  harmonize  conflicting  customs  and 
traditions  or  deliberately  to  choose  between  them.    This  began  with 
the  capitularies  of  Charlemagne's  time  and  triumphed  with  the  revival 
of  Roman  law  in  Bologna  in  the  twelfth  century,  which  led  to  reap- 
praisal of  principles  and  practices  brought  in  by  non-Roman  sources 
and  to  the  compilation  of  new  codes,  which  led  in  turn  to  written 
arguments  and  the  recording  of  written  decisions  in  the  king's  courts. 

2.  The  need  to  transmit  actions  taken  in  oral  ceremony  through 
time  to  future  generations,  first  to  facilitate  confirmations  by  suc- 
ceeding rulers,  and,  later,  to  avoid  need  of  confirmations  with  each 
change  in  sovereigns,  in  other  words,  to  give  stability  to  society. 
The  keeping  of  copies  of  charters  given  by  the  king  also  guarded 
against  forgeries,  which  were  not  uncommon  in  the  Middle  Ages. 
This  was  the  origin  of  the  patent  rolls  in  England.    These  contained 
the  documents  that  were  intended  to  be  open  to  the  public,  that  is 
"patent"  and  so  we  have  our  many  kinds  of  "patent"  documents  today. 
Copies  of  the  king's  private  correspondence  began  to  be  kept  also. 
These  became  the  "close"  rolls.    Thus  the  body  of  passive  knowledge 
at  the  Court  began  to  grow.    No  longer  were  the  kings  able  to  carry 
their  records  around  with  them  in  chests  as  they  traveled  from  one 
part  of  the  kingdom  to  another  with  their  traveling  court.    They  began 
to  leave  some  behind  in  a  chapel  or  fortress,  especially  those  created 
by  their  predecessors  that  they  no  longer  needed  so  close  at  hand. 

3.  The  rise  of  the  towns  in  the  eleventh  and  twelfth  centuries, 
almost  more  than  any  other  movement,  marks  the  passing  of  the 
Middle  Ages.    As  they  gained  freedom  from  feudal  jurisdiction,  they 
developed  their  own  government,  including  courts,  markets,  and  mints, 
and  of  necessity  created  and  preserved  in  their  town  hall  their  own 
records,  beginning  with  their  town  charter.    Many  famous  city  ar- 
chives in  Europe  go  back  to  the  later  Middle  Ages,  1200-1500. 

4.  The  practice  of  keeping  notarial  records  revived,  beginning 
in  Italy  in  the  twelfth  century.    Once  revived  it  spread  rapidly. 
Notaries  were  needed  to  make  and  keep  contracts  and  other  records 
for  ordinary  people  not  yet  able  to  make  and  keep  them  for  them- 


selves.    Many  kept  in  Italy,  France,  and  Spain  in  the  fourteenth 
century  are  preserved.    They  begin  to  furnish  a  valuable  picture  of 
the  life  of  the  people  in  contrast  to  that  of  Church  and  Court. 

5.    With  the  rise  of  trade  and  banking  operations,  the  written 
record  began  to  invade  non-government  fields.    The  late  twelfth 
century  saw  the  first  bills  of  exchange,  letters  of  credit,  and  other 
negotiable  instruments.    Bookkeeping,  absent  from  western  Europe 
since  the  seventh  century,  had  been  preserved  in  the  East  and  was 
reintroduced  by  Italian  merchants  with  Arabic  numbers  in  the  twelfth 
century  and  spread  northward  with  trade.    Insurance  on  merchandise 
and  marine  risks  appears  in  the  late  fourteenth  century.    Private 
banking  begins  to  play  its  role  in  northern  Italy  and  also  expands  to 
the  northward  largely  through  close-knit  family  connections.    And  so 
we  have  our  first  surviving  private  business  records  since  antiquity 
dating  from  the  fourteenth  and  fifteenth  centuries. 

The  Tresor  des  Chartes,  used  by  successive  French  kings  to 
carry  their  valuable  charters  with  them  from  place  to  place  for  300 
years  finally  came  to  rest  in  the  new  Sainte  Chape  lie  completed  in 
1248  on  the  Isle  de  la  Cite  in  Paris,  being  entrusted  again  to  a  re- 
ligious sanctuary  in  what  was  now  to  become  the  French  capital  city. 
This  may  symbolize  the  end  of  the  ambulatory  period  for  the  archives 
of  the  monarchs  of  that  day  although  Henry  VII  was  still  to  take  his 
archives  along  on  his  coronation  journey  into  Italy  in  1310,  where  they 
were  stranded  at  his  death.    They  are  still  to  be  found  in  great  part 
at  Pisa  and  Turin.    The  French  kings  added  to  their  Tresor  in  the 
chapel  from  time  to  time  until  1568,  the  date  of  the  latest  accession. 
The  contents  of  the  Tresor  des  Chartes  were  afterwards  kept  intact 
to  and  through  the  Revolution  and  then  transferred  to  the  newly  es- 
tablished Archives  Nationales,  where  they  are  maintained  as  a 
separate  closed  fonds  to  the  present  day.    In  similar  fashion,  as  the 
residences  of  other  monarchs  and  their  courts  became  more  settled, 
stationary  archival  depositories  came  into  existence  at  these  newly 
established  capital  cities. 

The  story  now,  so  far  as  governmental  archives  are  concerned, 
is  the  rise  again  of  bureaucracy  in  the  ministries  that  grew  up  under 
the  absolute  monarchs  of  Europe  of  the  sixteenth,  seventeenth,  and 
eighteenth  centuries  and  of  consequent  greater  creation  of  and  de- 
pendance  upon  records.    Expansion  of  the  central  government's 
services  was  accompanied  by  increasing  responsibility  for  field 
services  as  the  monarchs  struggled  to  break  the  local  rule  of  the 
feudal  aristocracy,  marked,  for  example,  in  France  by  the  intendant 
system.    This  movement  is  accompanied  by  the  rise  of  the  paid 
professional  civil  servant  instead  of  officials  owning  their  offices  by 
inheritance  or  purchase  of  some  forgotten  feudal  right  to  them.    These 
professional  administrators  tended  to  depend  more  and  more  on 


records  for  precedent  and  for  systematic  and  impartial  administra- 
tion of  taxes,  justice,  lands,  and  natural  resources.    They  systema- 
tized the  keeping  of  records.    There  was  an  increased  use  of  the  mails 
which  also  led  to  increased  documentation.    This  period  marks  the 
rapid  expansion  of  the  registry  system  about  which  much  was  written 
at  the  time.    This  is  the  period  that  needs  to  be  studied  if  we  are  to 
understand  the  record  systems  introduced  into  our  own  government 
at  the  time  of  its  beginnings. 

But  the  records  of  government  still  belonged  to  the  king  and 
not  to  the  people.    In  the  new  United  States,  it  is  true,  the  people 
theoretically  took  control  of  their  own  in  1776,  but  in  Europe  it  re- 
mained for  the  French  Revolution  to  establish  the  principal  that  the 
records  belonged  to  the  citizens  of  a  republic.    The  responsibility  of 
a  State  for  preserving  these  records  as  the  peoples'  heritage,  and  for 
making  them  accessible  to  the  people  was  set  forth  in  the  law  of  June 
25,  1794.    This  law  turned  the  archives  established  by  the  French 
Assembly  for  its  own  records  into  a  central  archival  depository  of 
the  Republic,  the  present  Archives  Nationales.    Subordinated  to  the 
Archives  Nationales  in  1796  were  the  newly  established  records  in 
each  of  the  recently  established  departements,  the  first  instance  of  a 
state-wide  archives  system  centrally  directed. 

This  is  not  the  place  to  pursue  the  story  of  the  French  archives 
in  the  nineteenth  century,  but  the  patterns  of  thinking  and  organization 
set  in  motion  by  the  Revolutionary  government  were  followed  by  other 
European  countries  that  came  within  the  French  orbit,  notably, 
Belgium,  The  Netherlands,  the  Kingdom  of  Naples,  and  a  number  of 
other  Italian  states. 

In  England,  Sweden,  Prussia,  and  Denmark,  on  the  other  hand, 
central  archival  establishments  evolved  out  of  existing  chancery  or 
ministerial  archives.    The  nineteenth  century  saw  the  victory  of  the 
idea  of  a  special  public  archives  service  to  preserve  and  administer 
a  nation's  archival  heritage.    Today  there  are  in  Europe  central 
archival  establishments  for  all  national  governments.    There  are 
also  a  vast  number  of  provincial  archives,  municipal  archives,  and 
archives  for  other  units  of  local  government,  which  may  or  may  not 
be  under  the  close  control  of  a  centralized  national  archival  adminis- 
tration, in  this  respect  reflecting  the  degree  of  centralization  or 
decentralization  of  a  government  generally.    In  addition  to  serving  an 
administrative  purpose,  these  archival  agencies  began  more  and  more 
in  the  early  nineteenth  century  to  serve  scholarship  as  well.    At  first 
legal  considerations,  that  is  the  rights  of  the  people  as  set  forth  in  the 
records,  appear  to  have  motivated  revolutionary  governments  in 
opening  the  archives  to  their  citizens.    But  the  enormous  masses  of 
records  of  the  old  regimes  that  became  available  in  these  depositories 
turned  them  into  "mines"  for  historical  scholars.    Increasing  national 
consciousness  brought  increasing  use  of  the  records  of  a  nation's 


past  in  writing  its  history.    This  trend  was  further  accelerated  by  the 
rise  in  Germany  and  rapid  spread  elsewhere  of  the  school  of  scientific 
history,  with  its  emphasis  upon  the  primacy  of  documents  in  the  study 
and  interpretation  of  the  past. 

In  the  nineteenth  century,  historians  came  to  dominate  in  the 
administration  of  European  archives  to  such  a  degree  that  there  was 
a  tendency  in  archives  administration  to  concentrate  their  efforts 
and  resources  on  the  records  of  the  old  regimes,  and  the  facilitating 
of  research  in  them,  to  the  neglect  of  other  administrative  functions 
and  the  maintenance  of  meaningful  relationships  with  current  govern- 
ments.   This  academic  emphasis  continued  well  into  the  twentieth 
century.    There  has  now  been  in  progress  for  some  time  a  movement 
away  from  this  limiting  tradition,  which  movement  is  in  different 
stages  of  progress  in  different  countries.    Most  of  the  archival  es- 
tablishments of  the  Latin  American  countries  were  founded  when  the 
historical  tradition  was  uppermost,  with  the  result  that,  as  a  rule, 
they  are  concerned  primarily  with  the  records  of  the  colonial  and 
wars  of  independence  periods  and  have  in  custody  few,  if  any,  records 
of  their  national  periods.    Their  holdings  tend  to  be  static  in  character. 
The  Public  Records  Office  of  Canada,  founded  in  1871,  was  in  some- 
what the  same  position  in  the  years  before  World  War  II,  but  has 
moved  rapidly  forward  in  recent  years. 

In  the  United  States  the  idea  of  centralized  custody  of  noncur- 
rent  public  records,  as  brought  back  by  scholars  returning  from  their 
education  and  research  experiences  in  the  European  continent,  was 
colored  by  the  historical  tradition  still  dominant  in  many  continental 
institutions.    Historians  especially  thought  of  archival  establishments 
mainly  in  terms  of  centralized  repositories  of  available  materials  for 
research.    Those  state  archival  agencies  that  were  established  in  the 
earlier  years  of  this  century  tended  to  be  closely  associated  with  or 
auxiliary  to  state  historical  departments  or  divisions  (or  in  the  Mid- 
west to  the  state  historical  societies,  which  are  there  state  supported 
rather  than  private  organizations) .    The  development  of  many  of 
these  archival  agencies  into  broader  spheres  of  usefulness  to  the 
government  that  supports  them  has  often  been  handicapped  by  this 
association.    The  archives  program  has  too  often  tended  to  be  thought 
of  as  just  another  service  to  history  squeezed  in  by  these  busy 

The  National  Archives  in  Washington  stands  on  a  broader  founda- 
tion and  symbolizes  the  union  of  the  cultural  and  administrative 
traditions  in  archival  administration  and  service.    Most  of  the  credit 
for  its  establishment  must  be  given  to  the  promotional  work  of  his- 
torians and  scholars  generally,  many  of  them  still  acting  in  the  cur- 
rent of  the  historical  tradition  that  has  been  described.    But  there  was 
also  a  strong  movement,  sponsored  by  government  officials  and 


administrators,  for  a  building  and  administration  to  provide  adequate 
space  and  special  care  for  the  rapidly  accumulating  noncurrent 
records  that  agencies  found  necessary  to  keep  indefinitely  for  legal 
and  administrative  use  but  that  were  either  in  the  way  for  current 
operations  or  difficult  to  preserve  and  protect  physically  and  to 
maintain  in  accessible  conditions  and  usable  order  when  stored  in 
outlying  locations.    There  were  a  few  scholars,  such  as  Dr.  J.  Frank- 
lin Jameson  and  Dr.  Waldo  G.  Leland,  who  saw  and  understood  both 
forces  and  acted  to  bring  them  together  in  support  of  legislation 
broad  enough  to  serve  both  interests. 

It  is  also  pertinent  in  this  account  of  archival  development  to 
note  that  in  the  United  States  the  historical  society  and  the  library 
movements  got  under  way  much  earlier  than  the  archival  movement 
and  that,  when  the  latter  was  still  almost  nonexistent,  the  historical 
societies  and  librarians  represented  strong  vigorous  groups  eager  to 
be  of  maximum  service  to  the  community  or  government  they  served. 
As  research  institutions,  they  began  developing  collections  of  manu- 
script sources  as  well  as  printed  materials.    Especially  if  they  were 
state  libraries  or  state  supported  historical  societies,  as  a  service 
to  the  governments  that  supported  them,  many  began  to  salvage  older 
official  documents  of  exceptional  interest.    Laws  or  executive  orders 
legalized  such  transfers  in  some  cases,  but  in  others  there  was 
merely  mutual  recognition  that  such  transfers  would  promote  the 
preservation  and  availability  of  the  records.   Where  state  supported 
libraries  or  societies  were  nonexistent,  official  records  were  fre- 
quently turned  over  to  private  libraries  and  societies  as  more  ap- 
propriate custodial  agencies  than  government  offices  engrossed  in 
their  current  business. 

Often  official  records  were  merely  added  to  the  existing  manu- 
script collections  and  treated,  as  were  other  manuscripts,  without 
much  realization  of  the  special  tenets  that  should  govern  in  their 
custody,  arrangement,  and  use.    In  other  cases,  however,  the  official 
records  were  maintained  as  a  special  unit,  and  in  a  few  instances, 
separate  archives  divisions  grew  up  within  the  state  historical  soci- 
eties or  state  libraries  and  became  to  a  certain  extent  the  official 
archival  agencies  for  the  state.    Usually,  however,  archival  functions 
in  these  agencies  have  been  limited  to  custody  and  reference  service 
on  a  limited  body  of  older  records.    In  the  very  few  cases  where  a 
more  rounded  program  has  developed,  the  archives  division  has  had 
to  reach  a  status  of  considerable  professional  autonomy,  subject  to 
the  librarian  only  in  administrative  matters.    Broad-minded  li- 
brarianship  and  strong  archival  leadership  are  the  prerequisites  if 
this  is  to  happen. 

This  interim  stage  of  development  is  also  reflected  in  the  ex- 
perience of  the  federal  government.    The  Library  of  Congress,  under 
authority  of  a  clause  inserted  in  an  appropriation  act  of  1903,  began 


to  take  custody  of  and  place  in  its  Division  of  Manuscripts  selected 
records  from  other  agencies  of  the  federal  government.    These  were 
often  single  items  or  small  groups  of  papers  of  outstanding  historical 
value  that  were  selected  from  extensive  files  left  in  the  custody  of 
the  agencies.    As  the  Library  began,  however,  to  receive  offers  from 
the  agencies  of  larger  bodies  of  older  records,  it  came  more  fully  to 
understand  the  magnitude  and  special  character  of  the  archives  of  the 
federal  government  and  it  swung  its  support  to  the  movement  for  a 
specialized  archival  agency  and  building.    In  the  words  of  the  Li- 
brarian's Annual  Report  for  1911,  ".  .  .  the  Library  can  not  sacrifice 
its  space  to  the  storage  of  public  papers  which  properly  belong  to 
other  Government  offices.    Such  papers  should  go  to  a  national  ar- 
chives depository,  and  it  is  gratifying  to  see  that  a  serious  movement 
is  on  foot  to  erect  a  building  for  this  pur  pose.  "1    Today  the  Library 
of  Congress  continues  to  serve  as  a  great  repository  for  private 
manuscript  collections  and  nongovernmental  archival  materials, 
but  it  has  released,  or  is  gradually  releasing,  to  the  National  Archives 
when  they  can  be  recognized  and  easily  separated,  such  official  rec- 
ords of  the  federal  government  as  it  has  cared  for  in  this  interim. 
The  work  of  both  institutions,  and  their  potential  for  growth  and 
service  in  the  future,  have,  it  is  believed,  been  strengthened  by  this 
logical  division  of  fields. 

Both  in  the  federal  government  and  in  the  states,  the  older 
libraries  and  historical  societies  entered  this  field  because  a  vacuum 
existed.    It  was  a  logical  extension  of  their  interests  at  the  time  and 
resulted  in  the  preservation  and  fuller  use  of  many  valuable  records. 
But  it  was,  historically  speaking,  a  transition  stage,  peculiar  to  the 
United  States  (and  to  Australia,  New  Zealand,  and  a  few  other  coun- 
tries where  the  situation  was  similar) .    The  opposite  situation  pre- 
vails on  the  European  continent  where,  because  they  were  earlier  in 
the  field,  the  archival  agencies  generally  have  the  custody  also  of 
private  manuscripts. 

Because  in  some  of  our  states  the  archive  authorities  were 
concerned  mostly  with  the  older  records  and  the  interests  of  scholars, 
the  situation  with  respect  to  records  still  in  the  offices  and  depart- 
ments of  the  state  government  grew  progressively  worse,  until  a 
third  party  entered  the  picture— the  forces  representing  administra- 
tion and  management  in  operating  agencies.    The  "no  man's  land" 
was  the  area  that  particularly  interested  them.    The  needs  of  the 
agencies  were  not  being  served.    Such  a  move  on  the  part  of  those 
interested  in  effective  records  management  is  always  to  be  expected 
when  archival  agencies  concern  themselves  only  with  those  aspects 
of  archival  work  that  are  associated  with  research  and  scholarship. 
The  management  interests  have  both  justice  and  power  on  their  side. 
The  original  purpose  of  archival  agencies  was  to  meet  the  archival 
heads  of  the  administration  that  created  and  maintained  them.    In  any 


fully  developed  modern  archival  program  these  needs  are  met,  and 
they  must  be  met  or  the  archival  program  will  be  cut  off  from  one  of 
the  strongest  sources  of  its  support  and  will  deteriorate  into  a 
shrunken  appendage  of  small  value.    It  is  not  only  the  records  of  the 
past  that  it  must  be  concerned  with  but  also  the  records  of  the  present 
and  of  the  future  both  of  which  will  all  too  soon  become  records  of 
the  past. 

An  archival  agency,  whether  serving  government  or  some 
private  organization,  (and  universities  and  colleges  are  found  under 
both  )  must  be  both  a  cultural  agency  and  an  administrative  or 
management  agency  in  its  special  field.    Its  services  in  the  cultural 
area  cannot  be  fully  developed  over  a  period  of  years  unless  its 
services  in  the  administrative  area  are  effectively  performed.    Its 
services  in  the  administrative  area  cannot  be  effectively  performed 
unless  it  has  an  appreciation  of  the  long-term  cultural  and  research 
values  of  the  records  that  are  created  and  used  in  the  living  agencies 
of  government  and  that  must  in  time  be  retired  either  to  its  custody 
or  to  the  ash  heap.    The  cultural  and  the  administrative  aspects  can- 
not be  separated.    Neither  one  should  be  emphasized  at  the  expense 
of  the  other.    An  archival  program  remains  healthy  and  draws  its 
support  from  both  sides  only  as  it  effectively  performs  in  its  dual 

A  Note  on  the  Literature  of  Archival  Science 

There  is  no  textbook,  indeed  there  is  no  one  general  book  in 
English,  or  even  in  other  languages,  that  can  be  recommended  as 
surveying  the  subject  of  archival  theory  and  practice  systematically 
and  including  good  bibliographical  references  for  further  reading. 
Why?    Because  there  is  no  universal  experience. 

Writings  even  of  general  character  tend  to  be  based  on  the 
experiences  of  the  authors  with  collections  with  which  they  are 
familiar,  in  specific  institutions,  and  in  specific  countries.    Their 
generalizations  are  often  misleading  to,  or  misunderstood  by,  ar- 
chivists in  other  countries,  and  their  illustrations  and  examples  are 
often  outside  the  experiences  even  of  colleagues  in  their  own  countries. 
When  one  describes  techniques  and  procedures  relating  to  books,  one 
is  concerned  with  identical  units  that  colleagues  can  know  and  handle. 
But  archival  bodies  are  unique,  and  only  a  colleague  who  has  lived 
with  the  body  used  as  an  illustration,  can  really  understand  what  is 
being  said  or  done  about  it.    Strangers  are  soon  lost  in  meaningless 

But,  in  a  single  country  there  are  not  enough  archivists— or 
have  not  been  until  just  recently— to  create  a  demand  for  texts  and 
manuals  that  are  based  upon  and  explain  the  special  characteristics 
of  that  country's  records. 


Experience,  and  the  lessons  learned  from  it,  tend,  therefore  to 
remain  in  the  head  of  the  practitioner.    It  may  be  that  to  a  considerable 
degree  the  work  of  an  archivist  is  something  to  be  learned  by  ex- 
ample and  through  practice  rather  than  through  books  and  classroom 
teaching.    It  is  a  workshop  sort  of  thing.    There  are  operations  to 
perform  that  one  has  to  watch  and  then  participate  in.    One  thing 
needed,  I  feel,  in  teaching  archival  practice  is  more  laboratory  work. 
Yet,  learning  by  that  method  takes  a  great  deal  of  time,  and  in  addi- 
tion, one  must  find  time  to  pull  his  experiences  together  and  compare 
notes  with  others  and  generalize.    That  is  the  nature  of  much  of  the 
writing  in  the  field.    You  will  find  it  in  short  articles,  and  it  will  con- 
sist of  accounts  of  experience  with  this  body  of  records  or  that,  or 
"this  is  the  way  we  handle  this  problem  at  our  institution." 

The  central  repository  in  this  country  for  such  articles,  for 
just  over  a  quarter  century  now,  has  been  The  American  Archivist, 
the  quarterly  professional  journal  of  the  Society  of  American  Ar- 
chivists.   It  has  been  a  good  journal  consistently  and  compares 
favorably  with,  if  it  does  not  excel,  other  journals  in  other  countries, 
of  which  there  are  about  a  dozen.    These  latter  are  less  useful  to  the 
beginner  for  the  reasons  mentioned  above. 

There  are  in  English,  however,  four  books  that  all  archivists 
should  know  and  read  frequently.    Every  archivist  should  analyze  and 
compare  them  and  know  what  they  have  of  value  and  what  they  lack. 
Between  them,  they  will  contain  most  of  the  theory  that  one  needs. 
One  will  not  understand  all  of  it  without  some  practice  on  his  own 
account.    He  will,  therefore,  reread  these  books  again  and  again  for 
the  greater  understanding  that  can  come  only  after  experience.    They 
are  here  listed  in  the  order  in  which  they  were  published. 

1.  Muller,  Samuel,  et  al.    Manual  for  the  Arrangement  and 
Description  of  Archives.    (Translated  by  Arthur  H.  Leavitt 
from  the  2nd  Dutch  edition  of  1920.)    New  York,  H.  W.  Wilson, 
1940.  (First  published  in  Dutch  in  1898  and  later  translated 
into  French,  German,  and  Italian.) 

2.  Jenkinson,  Hilary.  A  Manual  of  Archive  Administration. 
New  &  rev.  ed.  London,  P.  Lund,  Humphries  &  Co.  Ltd.,  1937. 
(2nd  edition,  much  revised  from  the  original  edition  in  1922.) 

3.  Schellenberg,  T.R.  Modern  Archives;  Principles  and 
Techniques.    (  First  published  in  Melbourne,  1956.)    Chicago, 
University  of  Chicago  Press,  1957.   (Also  translated  into  a 
number  of  languages  including  Spanish,  German,  and  Hebrew.) 

4.  Ernest,  Posner.    American  State  Archives.    Chicago,  I 
University  of  Chicago  Press,  1964. 


1.    Library  of  Congress.    Report  of  the  Librarian  of  Congress 
and  Report  of  the  Superintendent  of  the  Library  Building  and  Grounds 
for  the  Fiscal  Year  Ending  June  30,  1911.    Washington,  Government 
Printing  Office,  1911,  p.  26. 

Thornton  W.  Mitchell 

In  recent  years,  records  have  become  a  matter  of  increasing 
concern.    For  a  long  time,  there  have  been  archival  establishments 
in  which  valuable  records— or  presumably  valuable  records— have 
been  kept.    But  modern  reproducing  methods  and  natural  growth  have 
resulted  in  more  records  of  less  quality  for  the  archivist  to  deal  with. 
Since  World  War  n,  under  the  leadership  of  the  federal  government, 
there  has  been  a  concerted  effort  to  reduce  the  backlog  of  old  rec- 
ords, to  insure  the  preservation  of  valuable  records,  to  make  records 
and  recorded  information  more  accessible  to  administrators  and 
researchers,  and  to  create  records  of  high  quality.    This  effort  has 
been  directed  toward  managing  the  flood  of  records  and  paper  work 
that  threatens  to  swamp  the  activities  that  create  and  handle  them. 
There  has  been  discussion  for  many  years  about  what  this  effort 
should  be  called,  and  there  have  been  many  names  applied  to  it. 
Since  it  is  concerned  with  the  management  of  records,  the  term 
"records  management"  seems  to  be  a  simple  and  all-inclusive  solu- 
tion to  the  problem  of  a  name. 

Colleges  and  universities  have  become  concerned  more  recently 
than  others  with  their  records  problems.    There  have  been  several 
college  archives  that  have  attempted  to  bring  valuable  material  into 
their  custody;  there  have  been  other  college  archives  that  have, 
passively,  received  whatever  was  thrust  at  them.    The  mere  creation 
of  a  college  or  university  "archives"  does  not,  in  itself,  solve  the 
problem.   Without  a  program  which  identifies  the  records  that  go 
into  the  archives  and  makes  some  provision  for  getting  them  there, 
the  "archives"  are  apt  to  become  dumping  grounds  for  material  that 
no  one  wants  but  everyone  is  afraid  to  do  anything  about.    The  absence 
of  a  program  means  that  the  college  or  university  runs  the  risk  of 
losing  records  that  should  be  kept,  of  keeping  records  that  should  be 
eliminated,  of  maintaining  records  under  adverse  circumstances,  of 
fragmenting  documentation,  and  of  making  it  impossible  for  either  the 
administrator  or  historian  to  benefit  from  past  experience. 

We  know  that  records  are  created.    They  are  then  processed 
and  maintained  in  some  manner,  and  finally  they  are  disposed  of 

The  author  is  Assistant  State  Archivist  (State  Records) ,  Division  of 
Archives  and  Manuscripts,  Department  of  Archives  and  History, 
Raleigh,  North  Carolina. 



either  by  destruction  or  by  preservation  in  an  archives.    In  1955,  the 
Second  Hoover  Commission  Task  Force  on  Paperwork  Management 
calculated  that  about  70  per  cent  of  the  total  cost  of  a  record  was  in 
creating  it.    It  would  seem  reasonable,  therefore,  to  expect  that  a 
program  to  manage  records  would  start  with  their  creation  because 
this  represents  the  greatest  potential  for  savings.    This  usually  is 
not  the  manner  in  which  the  management  of  records  is  approached, 
however.    Most  programs  come  through  the  back  door  by  starting 
with  the  disposal  phase  first. 

Although  it  is  almost  like  locking  the  barn  door  after  the  horse 
is  stolen  (because  most  of  the  cost  of  records  has  been  incurred  by 
the  time  they  are  to  be  disposed  of) ,  this  approach  to  records  through 
the  disposition  phase  is  reasonable  and  understandable  and,  in  fact, 
may  be  desirable.    It  is  easy  to  ascertain  when  records  have  outlived 
their  usefulness,  they  frequently  represent  an  immediate  and  acute 
problem,  the  need  and  the  results  of  doing  something  about  them  can 
be  understood  more  readily,  and  disposition  is  productive  of  im- 
mediate results.    In  addition,  before  paper  work  can  be  controlled  and 
managed,  someone  must  know  what  paper  work  there  is;  and  the 
easiest  way  to  find  out  is  by  following  the  first  step  in  developing 
records  disposition— by  making  an  inventory.    Most  programs,  tn^n, 
start  with  the  disposition  aspect  of  records  management— and  too 
many  of  them  never  get  away  from  it. 

A  disposition  program  can  go  to  either  of  two  extremes— 
everything  can  be  kept  or  everything  can  be  thrown  away  after  a 
period  of  years.    Neither  of  these  extremes  is  realistic,  but  one  or 
the  other  can  easily  happen  if  the  disposition  program  is  not  carefully 
planned.    There  are  several  things  that  can  be  done  with  records  to 
dispose  of  them;  there  are  some  that  for  historical  or  administrative 
reasons  must  be  kept  permanently;  there  are  others  that  have  a  rela- 
tively short  use  for  the  purposes  for  which  they  were  created  but 
that  need  to  be  kept  for  longer  periods  of  time  because  of  legal,  fiscal, 
or  similar  requirements;  and  finally,  there  are  records  that  should 
be  destroyed  after  having  served  the  purpose  for  which  they  were 

Records  in  the  first  of  these  three  categories  represent,  ob- 
viously, archival  material;  the  second  represents  material  that  should 
be  stored  in  such  a  way  that  it  is  readily  available,  if  needed;  and 
the  third  is  that  which  can  be  destroyed.    The  disposition  plan  should 
provide  for  all  three  of  these  categories  of  records.    It  is  not  enough 
for  a  plan  to  call  for  destroying  every  possible  piece  of  paper  and 
then  keeping  the  left-over  strays  as  "permanent"  records;  nor  should 
the  plan  fail  to  describe  specifically  the  material  that  has  archival 
value;  this  material  should  be  identified  and  provided  for  to  prevent 
some  unthinking  person  from  destroying  it. 


The  disposition  plan  is  developed  by  "records  scheduling."    A 
schedule  is  a  document  that  contains  a  complete  disposition  plan  for 
the  unit  concerned.    Scheduling  starts  by  making  a  physical  inventory 
of  all  records.    There  is  some  disagreement  that  this  is  either  nec- 
essary or  desirable;  but  if  the  schedule  does  the  things  that  need  to 
be  done,  the  person  who  prepares  it  must  know  what  records  there 
are.    And  no  records  can  be  destroyed  without  knowing  what  the 
pattern  of  documentation  within  that  unit  or  that  institution  is.    There 
are  some  short  cuts  that  can  be  taken;  but  the  fact  remains  that  it  is 
impossible  to  evaluate  records  realistically  and  intelligently  without 
full  information  about  all  of  the  records  and  without  knowing  what 
will  be  kept  as  well  as  what  will  be  thrown  away.    If  permanent  rec- 
ords are  considered  to  be  the  material  that  is  left  after  everything 
possible  is  thrown  away,  a  schedule  can  be  written  without  making  a 
complete  inventory.    But  if  the  positive  approach  of  identifying  and 
selecting  archival  material  first  and  then  throwing  everything  else 
away  is  taken,  the  schedule  must  start  with  an  inventory  of  all 

The  inventory  should  show  several  things.    First,  of  course,  is 
the  name  or  the  title  of  the  records  being  inventoried,  their  inclusive 
date  span,  the  volume,  and  the  location.    It  may  be  advisable  to  show, 
also,  the  manner  in  which  the  records  are  arranged,  their  relationship 
to  other  records,  the  extent  to  which  the  record  or  the  information  is 
duplicated,  and  other  factors  that  may  affect  the  retention  of  the  rec- 
ord.   Analysis  of  the  inventory  will  give  other  information  as  well; 
for  example,  if  part  of  a  records  series  is  stored,  the  inclusive  date 
of  the  stored  records  will  usually  give  some  indication  of  the  period 
of  time  after  which  the  records  are  used  less  frequently. 

Following  the  inventory,  the  records  are  appraised.    That  is, 
they  are  examined  from  the  point  of  view  of  their  legal,  fiscal,  ad- 
ministrative, and  historical  value.    Appraisal  is  deciding  whether  a 
record  should  be  kept  and  for  how  long  and  why,  or  whether  it  should 
be  destroyed  and  after  how  long  and  why.    All  of  the  potential  uses 
and  values  of  the  records  should  be  considered  in  making  this  deter- 
mination.   And  in  reviewing  potential  uses  of  records,  modern 
methods  of  processing  information  have  made  it  feasible  to  preserve 
voluminous  records  whose  sheer  bulk  formerly  made  use  of  the  data 
they  contained  impracticable.   With  the  availability  of  electronic 
tabulating  equipment  and  other  high  speed  devices,  it  is  no  longer 
desirable  to  destroy  or  to  authorize  the  destruction  of  records  solely 
on  the  grounds  that  their  bulk  prevents  exploitation  of  the  valuable         t 
information  in  them. 

Both  in  the  appraisal  process  and  in  the  succeeding  step- 
writing  the  schedule— the  personnel  who  use  the  records  should  be 
consulted.    Their  opinions,  however,  should  not  be  final  because  they 


may  have  an  exaggerated  idea  of  the  value  of  the  records.  But  they 
should  not  be  ignored  in  the  entire  process,  because  they  work  with 
and  know  the  records  and  know,  further,  how  the  records  are  used. 

The  schedule  should  then  be  prepared  in  such  a  form  that  it  may 
be  referred  to  readily  by  those  who  use  it.    It  should  show: 

1.  Records  that  are  to  be  kept  permanently  because  they  have 
long-term  historical  or  administrative  value.    Remember,  however, 
that  there  are  more  records  designated  as  permanent  than  anyone  is 
ever  going  to  want  to  use  and  that  they  tell  a  lot  of  things  that  no  one 
wants  to  know.    There  has  been  some  professional  discussion  about 
the  very  small  percentage  of  "permanent"  records.    Like  any 
generality,  this  low  percentage  may  be  misleading;  but  the  fact  re- 
mains that  there  are  relatively  few  records  that  are  worth  keeping  a 
long  time.    These  permanent  records  should  go  eventually  into  the 
archives  for  preservation. 

2.  Records  that  are  to  be  destroyed  and  after  what  period  of 

3.  Records  that  may  be  moved  to  an  intermediate  storage  area 
after  their  immediate  usefulness  is  ended  but  before  their  final 
disposition  may  be  effected.    This  final  disposition  may  be  preserva- 
tion in  the  archives  or  it  may  be  destruction.    A  college  or  a  univer- 
sity may  not  be  large  enough  to  justify  both  an  archives  and  an 
intermediate  storage  area  (records  center) .    But  the  archivist  would 
be  well  advised  to  offer  this  records  center  service;  transfers  into 
the  archives  are  simplified,  and  the  possibility  of  accidental  destruc- 
tion of  valuable  material  is  minimized.    The  archivist  will  find  that 

he  is  handling  the  destruction  of  almost  all  records  that  are  destroyed; 
This  will,  unless  the  volume  is  too  great,  permit  him  periodically  to 
check  the  schedule  to  be  sure  that  it  does  not  call  for  the  destruction  of 
material  that  should  be  kept. 

4.  Records  that  are  to  be  microfilmed  prior  to  destruction  or, 
in  the  case  of  essential  records,  for  dispersal  to  a  security  location. 
Microfilming  is  expensive  (in  North  Carolina  we  have  computed  an 
average  cost  of  $28  per  cubic  foot  to  microfilm  records) ,  and  it 
should  be  used  to  reduce  the  volume  of  records  only  when  the  origi- 
nals must  be  kept  so  long  that  the  storage  cost  offsets  the  filming 
cost  or  when  the  originals  are  of  such  form  or  size  that  they  cannot 
be  readily  preserved  in  the  original.    These  standards  do  not,  of 
course,  apply  to  microfilming  to  obtain  a  security  copy  of  an  essential 

5.  Records  that  should  be  reviewed  or  "screened"  prior  to 
destruction.    Many  small  administrative  and  organizational  units 
have  records  that  do  not  fit  clearly  into  either  the  "destroy"  or  "save" 
category.    These  should  be  looked  over  by  a  competent  person  before 
they  are  destroyed.    This  review  may  result  in  all  or  almost  all  of 


the  material  being  destroyed;  but  there  may  be  some  that  is  worth 
keeping.    This  review  is  time  consuming  and  costly;  but  it  will  in- 
sure the  preservation  of  stray  items  that  could  easily  be  thrown 

The  schedule  may  do  other  things.    It  may,  for  example,  provide 
for  the  security  protection  of  essential  records;  and  it  may  even  go 
so  far  as  to  provide  for  reorganizing  the  files  in  such  a  way  that  a          ' 
reasonable  retention  period  may  be  more  readily  applied.    But  the 
schedule  should  provide  for  the  disposition  of  all  records,  regardless 
of  whether  that  disposition  is  preservation  in  an  archives,  destruction, 
storage  prior  to  destruction  or  transfer  to  an  archives,  or  micro- 
filming.   Unless  the  schedule  does  all  of  these,  the  archives  may 
become  a  dumping  ground  and  it  may  prove  virtually  impossible  to 
obtain  transfers  of  future  accumulations  of  valuable  records. 

After  the  schedule  has  been  drafted,  it  should  be  discussed  with 
the  persons  whose  records  are  concerned.    In  these  discussions,  it 
should  be  remembered  that  many  people  have  an  exaggerated  idea  of 
the  value  of  their  records  and  may  be  defensive  about  them.    In  addi- 
tion, many  of  the  immediate  custodians  of  records  neither  see  nor 
understand  the  relationship  of  their  records  to  others.    Usually,  the 
persons  immediately  responsible  for  records  are  conservative  in 
their  estimation  of  the  period  of  time  after  which  they  can  be  disposed 
of.   It  is  better,  however,  to  accept  what  may  seem  to  be  an  unduly 
long  time  with  the  hope  that  it  can  be  shortened  later  than  it  is  to 
risk  antagonizing  someone  who  may  block  the  entire  program. 

The  schedule  should  be  approved  before  it  is  put  into  effect. 
This  approval  should  come  from  the  highest  possible  authority— the 
dean  of  a  school,  the  president  or  chancellor  of  a  college  or  univer- 
sity, the  head  of  an  agency.    And,  if  the  schedule  applies  to  a  state 
college  or  university,  there  may  be  legal  requirements  for  approval 
as  well. 

In  North  Carolina,  the  state  colleges  and  the  University  of  North 
Carolina  have  the  same  status  as  government  agencies.    Two  of  these 
have  been  scheduled  in  the  manner  already  described.    Because  it 
might  be  years  before  the  other  institutions  are  scheduled,  the  De- 
partment of  Archives  and  History  developed  a  standard  which  contains 
suggested  retention  and  disposition  periods  for  major  records  series. 
This  College  and  University  Records  Retention  and  Disposition 
Schedule  is  intended  to  serve  as  a  guide  to  their  disposition.    It 
schedules  not  only  for  destruction,  it  schedules  for  retention  and  for 
transfers  to  the  college  archives.    It  also  suggests  microfilming  for      t 
the  security  protection  of  essential  records.    By  implication,  it  sug- 
gests what  records  should  be  created. 

The  schedule  is  the  keystone  in  records  disposition.   Without  a 
plan,  transfers  to  the  archives  and  the  destruction  of  obsolete  material 


are  haphazard,  and,  in  all  probability,  material  will  be  saved  that 
should  be  thrown  away  and  material  will  be  thrown  away  that  should 
be  saved. 

But  assuming  that  the  schedule  is  prepared  and  approved  and  is 
placed  in  operation,  what  comes  next?   In  many  instances— nothing! 
Many  "records  management"  programs  get  to  the  point  that  they 
handle  disposition  effectively,  and  there  they  stop. 

Although  records  disposition  may  eliminate  accumulation  of 
obsolete  records  promptly,  identify  and  insure  the  preservation  of 
records  with  permanent  values,  and  save  equipment  and  space,  it  does 
not  really  solve  many  records  problems.    It  does  not  improve  the 
quality  of  the  records,  for  example,  nor  does  it  stop  the  creation  of 
unnecessary  records;  it  neither  makes  the  recorded  information 
more  readily  available  nor  does  it  simplify  the  procedures  that  re- 
sult in  the  creation  and  processing  of  records.    Records  management 
includes  a  great  deal  more  than  records  disposition,  but  with  records 
disposition  as  the  point  of  departure  it  is  possible  to  go  into  some  of 
the  more  sophisticated  techniques  that  have  been  developed  to  manage 
records  and  paper  work  effectively. 

The  schedule  can  be  the  initial  step  that  will  lead  to  effective 
management  of  the  total  life  cycle  of  records.    After  it  has  been  ap- 
proved, the  persons  who  apply  it  find  that  the  manner  in  which  the 
material  is  filed  rather  than  the  provisions  of  a  schedule  control  the 
disposition  of  it.    And  if  a  lot  of  transitory  material  is  filed  with 
material  of  more  enduring  value,  it  will  all  be  kept  for  the  longer 
period  of  time.    So  the  next  logical  step  is  into  the  files  maintenance 

One  of  the  major  problems  with  filing  is  that  most  of  it  is  done 
by  persons  who  were  hired  because  of  their  competence  in  some  other 
activity.   Most  filing  is  done  by  persons  who  were  employed  because 
they  were  good  stenographers,  good  typists,  or  good  something  else. 
And  if  filing  is  the  major  duty  of  an  employee,  that  employee  is 
probably  among  the  lowest  paid.    It  is  little  wonder,  then,  that  files 
and  filing  represent  a  major  records  problem.    Not  only  are  filing 
systems  inefficient,  but  widely  scattered  duplicate  files  tend  to  frag- 
ment information  and  waste  filing  and  finding  time. 

Files  are  usually  arranged  numerically,  alphabetically,  or  by 
some  classification  system.    Numerical  files  are  those  which  are  ar- 
ranged according  to  a  preassigned  number  or  by  a  number  that  is 
arbitrarily  assigned  to  identify  the  document  or  documents.    Numeri- 
cally arranged  files  are  simple  and  are  easily  expandable.    Their 
principal  drawback  is  that  numbers  usually  have  no  relation  to  the 
subject  or  the  name  of  the  material  filed,  with  the  result  that  a 
numerical  file  almost  universally  requires  an  index  of  some  type. 
Alphabetical  files  are  usually  name  files  and  are  arranged  by  name 


regardless  of  whether  they  relate  to  person,  place,  or  thing.    They 
are  simple,  but  they  may  be  difficult  to  expand  because  it  is  not  al- 
ways possible  to  anticipate  within  what  letter  of  the  alphabet  addi- 
tional material  may  belong.    Some  efforts  have  been  made  to  combine 
numerical  and  alphabetical  files,  but  the  combinations  usually  have 
the  drawbacks  of  both  and  the  advantages  of  neither. 

The  third  way  in  which  files  may  be  arranged  is  in  some 
rational  order  based  on  the  relation  of  documents  and  of  subjects  to 
each  other.    This  type  of  arrangement  usually  involves  a  classifica- 
tion scheme  or  system;  this  is  the  manner  in  which  subject  material 
is  usually  arranged.    Some  classification  systems  are  numerical; 
the  decimal  system  is  perhaps  the  best  known  of  the  numerical 
classification  schemes.    Some  systems  are  alphabetical,  or  they  may 
be  combinations  of  the  two.    The  classification  system  should,  how- 
ever, bring  together  documents  relating  to  the  same  matter  or  to  the 
same  subject.    Classifications  systems,  therefore,  are  usually  used 
to  file  so-called  subject  material. 

The  system  by  which  subject  material  is  arranged  should  be 
simple,  flexible,  and  expansible.    It  should  also  be  set  up  in  such  a 
way  that  material  of  the  same  or  a  related  subject  is  brought  together. 
The  most  simple  subject  file  system  is  an  alphabetical  arrangement 
of  subjects  in  which  one  folder  has  no  direct  relation  to  the  folders 
preceding  or  following  it.    For  example,  there  may  be  succeeding 
folders  that  would  be  labeled  "Annual  Reports,"  "Applications  for 
Employment,"  and  "Automobile  Maintenance  and  Repairs."   With  a 
file  arranged  in  this  manner,  there  is  also  a  tendency  to  file  organi- 
zationally; that  is,  to  file  by  the  name  of  the  correspondent  or  the 
office  with  which  correspondence  is  exchanged.   With  material  filed 
in  this  manner,  related  subjects  may  be  widely  separated;  the  or- 
ganizational folders  may  include  material  relating  to  many  different 
subjects;  and  the  relationships  of  subjects  to  each  other  may  be  com- 
pletely obscured.    Such  a  system  is  readily  expansible,  because  there 
is  no  end  to  the  number  of  different  subjects  that  may  be  inserted 
into  proper  alphabetical  order. 

The  best  known  numerical  arrangement  for  subject  material  is 
the  Dewey  Decimal  System.    This  system  is  predicated  on  the  as- 
sumption that  all  filed  material  can  be  organized  into  ten  major 
subjects;  that  each  major  subject  can  be  divided  into  ten  subdivisions; 
and  so  on  ad  infinitum.    Subjects,  therefore,  are  assigned  numbers, 
each  digit  of  which  indicates  a  subject  or  subdivision  thereof.    The 
most  serious  defect  of  this  type  of  system  is  that  it  is  limited  to 
tens— that  it  is,  in  other  words,  not  sufficiently  flexible.    It  also  has 
the  defect  of  requiring  an  index;  virtually  nothing  can  be  retrieved 
from  it  without  first  consulting  an  index  to  determine  in  which  folder 
search  should  begin. 


There  are  combinations  of  alphabetical  and  numerical  schemes 
in  such  systems  as  an  alpha-numeric  file.    The  best  known  file  of 
this  type  was  the  Navy  Filing  System,  in  which  major  subjects  were 
assigned  letter  designators  which  generally  coincided  with  the  first 
letter  of  the  subject— "A"  for  Administration  and  "S"  for  Supplies, 
for  example.    The  principal  subdivisions  were  then  assigned  numbers 
in  sequence,  and  these  subdivisions  were  then  subdivided  by  numbers 
in  sequence.    A  file  designation  in  an  alpha-numeric  system,  then, 
would  appear  as  "A6-6,"  meaning,  in  this  case  "records  disposition" 
as  an  administrative  technique.    A  system  of  this  type  also  requires 
an  index,  and  its  expansibility  is  limited  by  the  number  of  letters  in 
the  alphabet.    In  addition,  two  or  more  major  subjects  may  begin  with 
the  same  letter— for  example,  "Administration"  and  "Aviation"— which 
require  adjustments  in  the  letter  designators. 

Another  refinement  of  the  combined  alphabetical  and  numerical 
systems  is  the  so-called  subject-numeric  system  in  which  subject 
names  are  used  as  designators  and  numbers  are  assigned  to  sub- 
divisions.   For  example,  a  major  subject  would  be  identified  as 
"PERSONNEL;  "  the  major  subject  then  would  be  subdivided  and  the 
subdivisions  could  then  be  further  divided.    These  subdivisions  are 
assigned  identifying  numbers;   "PERSONNEL  6"  for  example,  may 
mean  "Employee  Relations"  and  "PERSONNEL  6-2"  may  mean 
"Grievances."    These  designators  may  be  further  refined  by  abbreviat- 
ing the  major  heading  to,  for  example,  "PERS"  with  the  complete  file 
designator  written  "PERS  6-6."    A  system  such  as  the  subject- 
numeric  system  is  simple,  flexible,  and  expansible;  subjects  can  be 
added,  for  example,  without  limit.    Its  major  drawback,  however,  is 
the  fact  that  numbers  are  associated  with  it  and  an  extensive  scheme 
requires  an  index  for  maximum  utility. 

The  most  easily  used  classification  system  is  the  so-called 
self  indexing  subject  system  which  is  similar  to  other  classification 
systems  except  that  numbers  are  not  used  as  designators.    Major 
subjects  are  established;  these  are  then  subdivided  and  the  subdivi- 
sions are  further  divided.    The  names  of  the  subdivisions  are  used, 
however,  rather  than  a  number.    Since  the  number  of  major  subjects 
is  usually  relatively  small,  a  file  arranged  according  to  this  system 
can  be  searched  directly  from  the  folder  labels  without  reference  to 
an  index  first. 

Whatever  kind  of  classification  system  is  used,  the  fact  re- 
mains that  the  system  provides  nothing  more  than  a  framework 
according  to  which  papers  and  documents  are  arranged.   Whether 
the  system  is  elaborate  or  simple,  the  most  important  single  opera- 
tion in  regard  to  filing  is  deciding  to  which  subject  a  particular  docu- 
ment relates.    This  dec  is  ion -making  is  called  classifying— deciding 
under  what  subject  a  document  shall  be  placed.    Various  systems 
have  weaknesses;  but  the  major  problems  with  any  system  result 


from  human  failure  in  deciding  where  something  shall  be  filed.   What- 
ever system  is  used,  it  should  be  tailored  to  the  particular  needs  that 
it  is  intended  to  meet.    An  elaborate  decimal  system  would  be  sense- 
less in  a  subject  file  that  occupies  half  a  drawer;  a  simple  subject 
system  arranged  alphabetically  would  be  useless  in  a  file  that  occupies 
200  file  cabinets.    An  organizational  file  may  be  the  simplest  when 
the  relationships  between  subjects  are  not  elaborate  and  most  of  the 
correspondence  is  exchanged  with  a  few  persons  or  organizations. 

There  is  no  "best"  system  except  the  one  that  best  fits  a 
particular  situation.    But  this  does  not  prevent  the  person  who  is 
responsible  for  files  from  doing  the  things  that  indicate  they  are  well 
managed:    drawers  properly  labeled;  folders  labeled  and  the  folder 
tabs  in  proper  order  to  show  the  nature  of  the  subject  it  holds;  folders 
not  bulging;  files  broken  so  that  only  current  material  is  in  current 
files;  guides  properly  used;  out  cards  or  charge-outs  properly  used. 
Any  one  of  these  is  small;  in  the  aggregate,  however,  they  make  the 
difference  between  good  and  poor  management. 

Although  a  records  management  program  may  begin  with  rec- 
ords disposition,  it  is  soon  found  that  decisions  made  in  filing  and 
files  maintenance  have  the  greatest  effect  on  the  disposition  of  rec- 
ords.   Records  management  then  progresses  to  the  filing  area,  and 
here  it  soon  finds  that  decisions  that  were  made  when  the  records 
were  created  have  the  greatest  effect  on  the  way  that  files  are  set  up 
and  maintained.    The  number  of  copies  of  a  letter,  for  example,  and 
the  number  of  different  subjects  in  a  letter  affect  the  way  in  which  it 
is  filed;  the  manner  in  which  reports  are  authorized,  prepared,  and 
submitted  have  an  impact  on  the  files;  and  the  way  in  which  records 
and  paper  work  pass  through  an  office  or  series  of  offices  may  deter- 
mine whether  the  transaction  is  documented  properly  or  whether  it  is 

Records  are  usually  created  as  correspondence,  forms,  and 
reports.    They  are  created,  in  other  words,  as  communications  from 
one  place  or  one  person  to  another;  as  information  that  is  organized 
in  a  particular  way  or  for  a  particular  purpose;  and  as  organized 
information  that  is  transmitted  from  one  person  or  place  to  another. 
Obviously,  reports  can  be  made  as  letters  in  a  narrative  style  or  as 
organized  data  on  a  form.    Since  most  of  the  money  spent  on  records 
is  spent  in  creating  them,  the  need  for  work  in  the  records  creation 
area  of  records  management  is  obvious. 

Letters,  generally,  may  be  hard  to  read  and  to  understand  be- 
cause they  are  too  long.    The  savings  that  result  from  shortening  a 
single  letter  by  one -quarter  would  be  minimal;  but  on  as  few  as  100 
letters  a  year  they  would  be  substantial.   When  a  letter  is  shortened, 
there  should  be  no  reduction  in  the  thought  content;  rather  the  excess 
and  unneeded  words  should  be  cut  out.    Letters  are  costly,  also,  be- 


cause  many  people  who  write  letters  find  them  hard  to  write.    And 
many  of  the  people  who  find  it  a  chore  to  write  a  letter  feel  that  the 
two  or  three  letters  they  produce  each  day  should  each  be  a  master- 
piece of  erudition.    Letters  should  be  simple— they  are  usually  written 
to  answer  a  question  or  to  ask  or  tell  a  person  something.    They 
should  be  written  in  words  that  people  understand— in  picture  words 
rather  than  abstractions. 

Many  repetitive  letters  can  be  printed  and  used  as  form  letters. 
To  be  effective,  a  form  letter  should  have  a  minimum  of  fill-ins  and 
the  fill-ins  should  be  located  so  that  they  can  be  completed  without 
difficulty.    Form  letters  should  be  used  if  they  deal  with  routine 
business  or  informational  matters;  they  should  not  be  used  for 
personal  letters  and  for  letters  that  contain  a  message  that  brings 
grief  or  disappointment  to  the  reader.    A  form  letter  with  ten  lines 
is  economical  if  it  is  used  at  least  twenty  times  a  month;  fifteen  lines 
fifteen  times  a  month;    twenty  or  more  lines  ten  times  a  month.    The 
economy  of  a  form  letter,  then,  is  measured  in  terms  of  the  number 
of  lines  and  the  number  of  times  used  per  month. 

If  a  letter  is  not  used  enough  times  for  it  to  be  economical  to 
be  printed,  it  may  be  possible  to  use  a  pre-written  pattern  or  guide 
letter.    A  letter  of  this  type  is  written  in  advance  of  use,  fits  a 
particular  situation,  and  may  be  prepared  by  a  typist  who  has  been 
instructed  to  write  a  particular  letter.    The  principal  advantages  of 
form  and  pattern  letters  is  that  they  are  well  written,  they  contain 
only  necessary  information  and  avoid  excess  verbiage,  and  they  can 
be  written  and  mailed  promptly. 

Just  as  it  is  possible  to  manage  correspondence,  so  is  it  pos- 
sible to  manage  forms.    The  goal  of  forms  management,  however,  is 
somewhat  different;  its  aim  is  to  eliminate  unnecessary  forms, 
combine  forms  that  are  similar,  and  to  simplify  necessary  forms  so 
that  they  can  be  filled  out  more  easily.    In  order  to  have  a  forms 
control  program,  particularly  if  the  number  of  forms  is  not  large,  it 
is  not  necessary  to  assemble  samples  of  all  forms  and  then  to  classify 
them  into  functions.    With  a  large  number  of  forms,  a  functional  file 
will  certainly  bring  together  forms  that  perform  a  like  or  common 
function.    The  most  effective  way  to  control  forms,  however,  is  to 
review  them  in  the  context  of  the  procedural  operation  that  uses  them. 
Too  frequently,  a  procedure  is  designed  to  fit  forms  that  are  already 
in  use;  actually,  the  forms  should  fit  the  procedure. 

A  great  deal  of  attention  has  been  paid  to  the  proper  design  of 
forms,  and  this  should  be  considered  as  a  part  of  the  effective 
management  of  forms.    C.  Northcote  Parkinson  in  his  scholarly  dis- 
cussion of  Parkinson's  Law  describes  forms  design  in  these  words: 
"The  art  of  devising  forms  to  be  filled  in  depends  on  three  elements: 
obscurity,  lack  of  space,  and  the  heaviest  penalties  for  failure.    In  a 


form-compiling  department,  obscurity  is  ensured  by  various  branches 
dealing  respectively  with  ambiguity,  irrelevance,  and  jargon."!    Many 
forms  seem  to  meet  these  standards,  but  they  need  not.    Most  forms 
are  now  filled  in  by  typewriter  and  the  form  should  be  designed  so 
that  the  lines  conform  to  machine  spacing  and  the  entries  should  be 
lined  up  so  that  they  can  be  made  with  a  minimum  number  of  tab 
stops.    Design  standards  may  be  simple,  and  a  properly  designed 
form  can  be  filled  in  in  a  fraction  of  the  time  required  to  fill  in  a 
poorly  designed  form— and  clerical  time  costs  money. 

Reports  are  a  paper  work  burden.    The  reporting  pattern  re- 
sembles an  inverted  pyramid:    at  the  top  are  many  separate  offices 
each  requiring  only  one  or  two  relatively  simple  reports;  and  all  of 
these  zero  in  on  a  single  office  at  the  bottom  of  the  heap  which  is 
faced  with  the  gigantic  task  of  preparing  dozens  of  reports.    Reports 
duplicate  each  other— the  same  or  substantially  the  same  information 
is  reported  to  more  than  one  place;  they  are  made  too  frequently— 
often  at  a  frequency  which  has  no  relation  to  the  reported  data;  they 
cost  too  much— if  a  report  costs  several  thousand  dollars  to  prepare 
it  may  not  be  worth  the  cost  of  preparing  it. 

There  are  many  different  techniques  by  which  the  creation  of 
records  can  be  managed  or  controlled.    There  are  formal,  conven- 
tional control  programs.    Records  can  also  be  managed  through  what 
has  been  called  a  systems  approach— that  is,  a  review  of  procedures 
which  will  automatically  result  in  review  of  the  paper  work  that 
accompanies  them.    Streamlining  of  the  procedure  will  automatically 
streamline  the  accompanying  paper  work.    But  whatever  management 
technique  is  used,  the  fact  remains  that  the  creation  of  records  must 
be  managed  or  paper  work  will  completely  overwhelm  the  operations 
it  is  supposed  to  assist. 

Why  should  an  archivist  be  concerned  with  the  management  of 
current  records  ?   Why  should  the  custodian  of  historical  documents 
be  concerned  about  techniques  for  controlling  the  creation  of  records  ? 
The  archivist  is  concerned  with  permanently  valuable  records— not 
only  of  the  past  but  of  the  present.    The  archives  of  the  future  are 
being  created  and  filed  right  now;  if  the  archivist  does  not  protect 
his  interests  in  the  permanently  valuable  material  during  its  creation, 
maintenance,  and  eventual  disposition,  he  must  be  satisfied  with  what- 
ever manages  to  survive.    If  he  participates  actively  in  the  creation, 
maintenance,  and  disposition  of  all  records,  he  will  protect  his 
interest  in  the  relatively  small  percentage  that  comprises  permanent 

Too  frequently,  the  archivist  has  been  pushed  aside  while  the 
records  manager  practices  his  trade  upon  the  records  with  which  the 
archivist  will  eventually  be  concerned.    Then,  when  all  decisions  have 
been  made  and  the  records  have  been  created,  filed,  and  finally  dis- 
posed of,  the  remnanent  passes  to  the  archivist. 


The  archivist,  then,  has  a  dual  responsibility.    First,  he  must 
preserve  the  historical  heritage  of  the  institution  which  he  serves; 
second,  he  must  insure  that  the  documentation  of  that  heritage  is  of 
the  highest  possible  quality.    The  latter  is  possible  only  through  the 
proper  management  of  records  and  paper  work.    Many  an  archivist 
may  feel  that  he  is  above  the  mundane  problems  of  administration 
and  management  which  appear  to  be  the  special  province  of  records 
management.    Unless  he  injects  himself  into  these  areas,  however, 
the  archivist  will  find  that  he  has  less  and  less  influence  over  the 
activities  with  which  he  is  specially  concerned.    Today  the  archivist 
can  no  longer  function  in  his  ivory  tower;  to  be  effective,  he  has  no 
alternative  but  to  participate  actively  and  aggressively  in  the  manage- 
ment of  the  material  from  which  the  items  comprising  his  "archives" 


1.    Parkinson,  C.  Northcote.    Parkinson's  Law.    Cambridge, 
The  Riverside  Press,  1957,  p.  109. 


Records  Management  General 

Commission  on  Organization  of  Executive  Branch  of  the  Government. 

Task  Force  Report  on  Paperwork  Management:    Part  I— In  the 

United  States  Government.   Washington,  D.  C.,  Government 

Printing  Office,  1955. 
DePaul  University.    Memorandum  to  the  Records  Management  Act. 

Washington,  D.  C.,  Office  of  Civil  and  Defense  Mobilization, 

Griffin,  Mary  Claire.    Records  Management:    A  Modern  Tool  for 

Business.    Boston,  Allyn  and  Bacon,  Inc.,  1964. 
Office  of  Civil  and  Defense  Mobilization.    Records  Management  and 

Preservation.    Washington,  D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office, 

Ross,  H.  John.    Paperwork  Management:    A  Manual  of  Workload 

Reduction  Techniques.    South  Miami,  Florida,  Office  Research 

Institute,  c.  1961. 

*This  bibliography  makes  no  claim  to  being  definitive  or  complete. 
It  indicates  to  the  novice  some  of  the  sources  of  additional  informa- 
tion on  various  phases  of  records  management. 


Schellenberg,  T.  R.  Modern  Archives:  Principles  and  Techniques. 
Chicago,  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1956. 

Records  Creation 

Bureau  of  the  Budget.  Simplifying  Procedures  through  Forms  Con- 
trol. Washington,  D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office,  1948. 

Butterfield,  William  H.    Common  Sense  in  Letter  Writing.  Englewood 
Cliffs,  N.  C.,  Prentice-Hall,  Inc.,  c.  1963. 

General  Services  Administration.    Form  Letters  [Records  Manage- 
ment Handbook:    Managing  Correspondence] .   Washington,  B.C., 
Government  Printing  Office,  1954. 

General  Services  Administration.  Forms  Analysis  [  Records  Manage- 
ment Handbook:  Managing  Forms] .  Washington,  D.  C.,  Govern- 
ment Printing  Office,  rev.  1960. 

General  Services  Administration.    Forms  Design  [Records  Manage- 
ment Handbook:    Managing  Forms] .    Washington,  D.  C., 
Government  Printing  Office,  rev.  1960. 

General  Services  Administration.    Guide  Letters  [  Records  Manage- 
ment Handbook:    Managing  Correspondence] .    Washington,  D.  C., 
Government  Printing  Office,  1955. 

General  Services  Administration.    Plain  Letters  [  Records  Manage- 
ment Handbook:    Managing  Correspondence] .   Washington,  D.  C., 
Government  Printing  Office,  1955. 

Knox,  Frank  M.    Design  and  Control  of  Business  Forms.    New  York, 
McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  1952. 

Department  of  the  Navy.    Forms  Management  (NMO  Inst  5213.5) . 
Washington,  D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office,  1958. 

Sheppard,  Mona.  Plain  Letters:  The  Secret  of  Successful  Business 
Writing.  New  York,  Simon  and  Schuster,  1960. 

Files  Maintenance 

American  Records  Management  Association.  Rules  for  Alphabetical 
Filing.  Los  Angeles,  American  Records  Management  Associa- 
tion, 1960. 

Department  of  the  Army.  Installing  and  Using  the  Army  Functional 
Files  System  (Department  of  the  Army  Pamphlet  No.  345-1) . 
Washington,  D.  C.,  Department  of  the  Army,  1958. 

Department  of  the  Navy.    Guide  to  Better  File  Operations  ( NMO  Inst 
5211.6) .    Washington,  D.  C.,  Navy  Management  Office,  1957. 

General  Services  Administration.    Files  Operations  [  Records 

Management  Handbook:    Managing  Current  Files] .    Washington, 
D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office,  1964. 


North  Carolina  Department  of  Archives  and  History.    Files  and  Filing 
[  Records  Management  Handbook] .    Raleigh,  1963. 

Odell,  Margaret  K.,  and  Strong,  Earl  P.    Records  Management  and 
Filing  Operations.    New  York,  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  1947. 

Records  Disposition 

California  Department  of  Finance.    Records  Disposition  [  Paperwork 
Management  Handbook] .    Sacramento,  1961. 

General  Services  Administration.    Applying  Records  Schedules  [  Rec- 
ords Management  Handbook:    Managing  Noncurrent  Files] . 
Washington,  D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office,  rev.  1961. 

Mitchell,  William  E.  Records  Retention.    Evansville,  Ind.,  Ellsworth 
Publishing  Co.,  rev.  1963. 

North  Carolina  Department  of  Archives  and  History.    Records  Dis- 
position [  Records  Management  Handbook] .    Raleigh,  rev.  1964. 

North  Carolina  Department  of  Archives  and  History.    State  Records 
Center  [  Records  Management  Handbook] .    Raleigh,  1963. 


Department  of  the  Army.    Microfilming  of  Records  ( Technical 
Manual  TM  12-257) .   Department  of  the  Army,  1955. 

Bureau  of  the  Budget.    Process  Charting:    Its  Use  in  Procedural 

Analysis.    Washington,  D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office,  1945. 

General  Services  Administration.    Agency  Mail  Operations  [  Records 
Management  Handbook:   Managing  Mail] .   Washington,  D.  C., 
Government  Printing  Office,  1957. 

General  Services  Administration.    Protecting  Vital  Operating  Records 
[  Records  Management  Handbook:   Managing  Current  Files]"! 
Washington,  D.  C.,  Government  Printing  Office,  1958. 

The  George  Washington  University.    Records  Essential  for  Identifica- 
tion of  Persons:    An  Inventory  and  Evaluation  of  Public  Records 
Relating  to  Identification  of  Individuals  during  Emergency  and 
Post-Emergency  Periods.   Washington,  D.  C.,  1961. 

North  Carolina  Department  of  Archives  and  History.    College  and 

University  Records  Retention  and  Disposition  Schedule.    Raleigh, 

Woman's  College  of  the  University  of  North  Carolina  [University  of 
North  Carolina  at  Greensboro] .  Archives:  Records  Schedule. 
Greensboro,  1962. 


Edith  M.  Fox 

Cornell  University  was  among  the  pioneers  in  the  development 
of  a  university  archives  and  a  regional  history  collection.    The 
physical  results  of  that  endeavor  are  at  times  so  annoyingly  apparent 
in  expanding  stacks  and  worrisome  storage  places  as  to  obscure  the 
research  values  of  the  bulky  records  that  cause  the  trouble.    In  con- 
trast, the  books  and  articles  which  have  been  wholly  or  partially 
based  on  these  materials  take  little  room,  although  a  surprisingly 
large  number  of  them  are  scattered  through  any  major  library. 

The  pioneering  days  have  ended.    During  the  past  decade,  a  fair 
number  of  universities  have  established  archives,  and,  occasionally, 
related  manuscript  divisions.   National,  state,  and  city  agencies, 
universities,  historical  societies,  and  other  institutions  have  issued 
guides  to  their  holdings.    The  Library  of  Congress  maintains  a  union 
list  of  manuscripts.    Despite  the  pains  of  growth  and  their  attendant 
problems,  these  agencies  and  institutions  are  cooperating  with  en- 
thusiasm to  make  primary  sources  better  and  more  widely  available 
to  serious  researchers.    Never  have  scholars  had  such  a  wealth  of 
resources  within  their  easy  reach. 

At  a  university  like  Cornell,  where  the  archival  and  regional 
history  department  is  within  the  library  system  and  housed  in  a  great 
research  library,  the  scholar  oriented  to  the  primary  source  has  the 
additional  good  fortune  of  having  the  published  primary  and  secondary 
sources  at  hand.    Such  a  situation  can  be  ideal,  particularly  if  the 
primary  source  is  not  sacrificed  in  the  interests  of  the  secondary 

It  is  impossible  to  consider  the  collecting  of  archival  materials 
at  Cornell  as  a  distinct  and  separate  activity.    Regional  History  and 
the  University  Archives  are  two  co-equal  units  constituting  one  de- 
partment.   At  the  present  time,  they  are  so  closely  knit  that  a  divorce 
might  prove  disastrous  for  both,  as  well  as  for  the  cause  of  research. 
That  the  University  Archives  had,  in  a  way,  its  beginnings  in  Regional 
History  and  that  the  single  purpose  of  collecting  became  a  dual  pur- 
pose have  deeply  influenced  the  character  of  each. 

The  Collection  of  Regional  History  was  established  in  October 
of  1942  with  the  aid  of  a  Rockefeller  Foundation  grant.    It  was  thought 

Mrs.  Fox  is  Curator  of  Regional  History  and  University  Archivist, 
Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York. 



that  grass-roots  collecting  of  manuscripts  and  ephemera  relating  to 
the  common  man  of  the  region  might  reveal  through  research  certain 
regional  differences  and  a  pattern.    But  the  fragmentary  evidence 
collected  showed  no  particular  pattern  and  few  correlations.    The 
many  account  books  then  garnered  may  never  be  of  much  use  except 
as  objects  of  curiosity  a  thousand  years  hence.    Sets  of  family  papers, 
small  or  large,  remain  undisturbed  in  the  stacks,  waiting  for  the 
touch  of  research  to  realize  their  potential  value. 

Despite  the  talk  in  those  early  days  about  the  historical  value 
of  the  regional  sources,  no  scholar  took  so  much  as  a  nibble  at  them. 
Whitney  Cross,  a  former  Cornell  curator,  satisfied  some  of  his 
frustrations  of  being  a  collector  without  a  researching  clientele  by 
acquiring  the  papers  of  Edward  Eggleston  which  had  attached  to  them 
the  biographer  who  continued  to  use  them.    The  Hoosier  Schoolmaster 
certainly  represented  the  common  man  if  not  the  region.  1 

Three  years  later,  in  1945,  when  I  became  head  of  the  makeshift 
cubbyhole  quarters  with  a  door  to  which  there  were  240  keys  on  the 
lower  campus,  I  was  still  a  graduate  student,  with  Professor  Paul  W. 
Gates  as  my  chairman.    The  most  active  individual  behind  the  crea- 
tion of  almost  any  American  manuscript  division  in  a  university  is 
an  historian  in  search  of  primary  sources  for  himself  and/or  his 
graduate  students.    Professor  Gates  had  played  that  role  in  the  crea- 
tion of  Regional  History.    After  1945,  and  for  some  years,  the  empha- 
sis in  collecting  was  on  records  generally  originating  in  the  region 
and  relating  to  agriculture,  land  policies,  railroads,  the  lumber 
industry,  and  similar  topics.    A  number  of  Professor  Gates'  students 
used  some  of  these  papers  for  theses,  a  goodly  share  of  which  were 

A  pioneering  spirit  held  the  professor,  the  students,  and  the 
curator  in  an  enthusiastic,  highly  advantageous  association.    One 
result  was  that  the  curator  came  to  identify  collecting  aims  so  closely 
with  real  or  potential  research  needs  that  one  could  not  be  thought  of 
without  the  other.    This  identification  helped  to  make  for  a  definition 
of  a  university  archives  which  is  broader  and  richer  for  the  research 
content  than  is  generally  accepted  in  the  archival  world. 

The  definition  of  the  university  archives  as  a  depository  not 
only  for  the  historical  documents  and  official  records  of  the  institu- 
tion but  also  for  the  private  papers  of  those  who  created  the  docu- 
ments and  records  was  inherent  in  the  founding  and  continuing 
existence  of  Cornell  University.    The  founding  was  an  intimate 
personal  experience  for  two  very  different  men.    Some  months  before 
opening  day,  President  Andrew  D.  White  wrote,  "Night  &  day  I  have 
worked  for  this  University— I  am  willing  to  give  my  life  &  all  I  have 
for  it."2    A  few  months  after  that  bright  October  day,  Ezra  Cornell 
wrote  to  his  wife  that  the  establishment  of  Cornell  University  was  the 


culmination  of  all  his  successes,  which  were  reached  through 
grievous  toil  and  suffering. 3    The  backgrounds,  experiences,  and 
philosophies  of  these  two  men  formed  the  mold  in  which  the  plan  of 
the  university  was  cast.    Both  men  knew  this. 

Cornell  and  White  were  more  than  founders  who  established  a 
university  similar  more  or  less  to  other  institutions  of  higher  learn- 
ing.   They  created  a  new  university  which  Allan  Nevins  designated  as 
*.  .  .  the  most  remarkable  phenomenon  in  higher  education  during  the 
postwar  decade. "^ 

The  nature  of  that  phenomenon  is  concisely  and  best  described 
in  The  History  of  Cornell  by  Morris  Bishop: 

The  Cornell  Idea  was  a  compound  of  two  ideas:  the  Ezra 
Cornell  Idea  and  the  Andrew  D.  White  Idea.    The  Ezra  Cornell 
Idea  was  expressed  in  his  famous  motto.    It  was  an  appeal  for 
education  to  meet  recognized  needs  and  lacks  in  American  life. 
It  insisted  on  the  test  by  utility,  on  the  practical  applications  of 
studies.    The  Andrew  D.  White  Idea  was  the  motivation  by  the 
desire  to  learn,  in  place  of  disciplinary  education.    It  transferred 
the  power  of  choice  from  the  teacher  to  the  student.    It  insisted 
on  the  individual's  rights  in  full  confidence  that  the  free  indi- 
vidual, with  kindly  guidance,  will  find  his  way  to  wisdom  and 
virtue. 5 

Neither  Cornell,  nor  White,  nor  their  contemporaries  explained 
or  defined  the  Cornell  Idea  although  everybody  talked  about  it. 
Professor  Bishop  wrote  that  he  had  difficulty  in  defining  it.    No  great 
light  is  shed  on  the  problem  by  the  official  records:    the  Charter, 
REGISTER,  the  various  announcements,  the  letters  by  Cornell,  White, 
and  others  which  were  kept  as  exhibits  or  official  letters  in  the 
Trustees'  Minutes,  the  lecture  notes,  the  outlines  of  courses,  and 
the  other  documents  and  records. 

There  are,  of  course,  choice  bits  about  early  activities  tucked 
away  in  the  official  records.    One  daybook,  kept  by  the  business 
manager,  gives  a  running  account  for  the  first  year  in  Cascadilla 
Hall,  a  former  water-cure  sanatorium,  a  barracks  of  a  place  which 
had  class  rooms  and  laboratories,  and  housed  the  faculty  and  their 
families  as  well  as  the  students.    Professors  demanded  new  equip- 
ment and  scolded  about  students  throwing  slops  from  the  upper 
windows.    A  great  hubbub  over  coal  ended  in  coal  tickets  for  all.    A 
student  from  Harvard,  refusing  to  eat  with  the  hoi  polloi,  had  his 
meals  in  his  room.    The  laboratory  of  Professor  Burt  G.  Wilder,  the 
first  anatomist,  stank  so  terribly  that  everyone  felt  ill.    Ezra  Cornell 
sent  the  night  soil  from  the  privies  to  fertilize  the  university  vegetable 
gardens.    Founder's  Day,  Ezra  Cornell's  birthday,  was  celebrated  with 
dancing,  a  sinful  pleasure  in  the  eyes  of  Ithacans.    President  White 


turned  the  place  upside  down  in  preparation  for  the  eminent  Goldwin 
Smith,  the  British  political  economist.    He  even  installed  a  bell  so 
Smith  would  not  have  to  yell  for  service.    But  with  all  this,  and 
White's  plans  for  the  faculty,  Cornell's  reports  on  construction,  the 
trustees'  deliberations,  and  the  constant  display  of  pioneering  en- 
thusiasm and  discomfort,  there  is  nothing  which  defines  the  great 
innovation  of  the  Cornell  Idea. 

Professor  Bishop  produced  his  definition  after  many  hours 
spent  in  reading  the  private  papers  of  Cornell  and  White.    In  terms  of 
his  own  perspective  and  knowledge,  he  recreated  their  backgrounds 
and  experiences,  understood  their  philosophies,  and  gave  meaning  to 
the  aims  which  were  so  concrete  in  practice,  yet  so  nebulously  ex- 
pressed in  theory.    And  given  the  warm  human  nature  of  his  sources, 
he  was  able  to  produce  a  warm  human  book,  the  most  delightful,  well- 
written,  and  scholarly  university  history  yet  published. 

Just  as  the  combination  of  the  private  Cornell  and  White  papers 
with  the  official  records  of  the  day  are  needed  to  understand  the  new 
university,  so  are  needed  the  same  combination  of  private  and  official 
records  for  any  study  of  later  developments  at  Cornell,  be  it  a  col- 
lege, a  department,  or  even  a  position.    Each  development  is  deep- 
rooted  in  the  private  interests  and  personalities  of  one  or  more 
individuals.    And  this  is  as  true  of  Regional  History  and  the  Univer- 
sity Archives  as  of  any  other  department. 

What  happened  to  the  official  records  and  the  private  papers 
down  through  the  years  at  Cornell  is  more  or  less  typical  of  what 
happened  elsewhere.    Official  records  of  the  university  were  saved, 
sometimes  less  carefully  than  they  should  have  been,  but  on  the 
whole  very  well  indeed,  and  not  necessarily  for  business  or  legal 

The  University  Library  held  a  few  private  papers  but  had  no 
interest  in  them.    There  was  no  demand  for  them.    Only  the  papers 
of  great  men  were  saved  by  institutions.    The  private  papers  of  more 
ordinary  men  were  saved  in  the  attics  of  the  big  houses  of  the  day. 
But  the  Library  carefully  saved  its  official  papers,  and  the  Cornell 
University  Archives  has  a  beautiful  set  of  them.    On  the  other  hand, 
the  private  papers  of  Daniel  Willard  Fiske,  the  first  librarian,  papers 
Professor  Bishop  found  most  useful,  were  thrown  in  the  library  tower 
and  allowed  to  dry  rot  and  almost  disintegrate. 

Andrew  D.  White  considered  his  papers  important,  partly  be- 
cause of  the  letters  famous  men  had  written  to  him.    His  literary 
executor  kept  the  files  intact  in  the  library.    Like  his  cofounder, 
Ezra  Cornell  wanted  his  papers  saved  for  posterity.    Information 
expressed  in  them  about  the  development  of  the  telegraph,  as  well  as 
about  the  founding  of  the  University  warranted  preservation.    But  his 
papers  became  divided  among  members  of  the  family.    Many  of  them 
are  scattered  about  the  country. 


The  Library  may  have  ignored,  even  mistreated,  the  con- 
temporary private  papers  for  whose  care  it  was  neither  trained, 
equipped,  nor  supported,  and  for  which  the  demand  was  infinitesimal, 
but  it  did  very  well  by  Cornelliana— the  pamphlets,  stunt  books,  scrap 
books,  and  other  ephemera,  and  the  official  and  unofficial  publications, 
all  of  which  are  vital  as  supplements  to  manuscripts,  and  in  them- 
selves.   In  fact,  the  numerous  items  are  so  well  cataloged  and  shelved 
that  the  process  of  getting  them  into  the  Archives  where  they  belong 
is  taking  forever. 

An  acceleration  of  developments,  changes,  and  events  during 
the  1940's  precipitated  the  establishment  of  the  official  archives  in 
1951  and  determined  its  nature  and  position.    Of  course,  the  tre- 
mendous increase  of  scholarly  research  in  primary  sources  was  and 
is  the  growing  and  powerful  force  for  preservation.    Otherwise,  the 
great  paper  war  would  be  quickly  solved  by  total  destruction,  except 
for  a  few  choice  captives. 

We  have  already  seen  how  the  emphasis  at  Cornell  on  regional 
history  made  for  a  broad  definition  of  a  university  archives.    The 
very  aims  of  regional  history  demanded  the  establishment  of  an  ar- 
chives.   A  curator  could  not  collect  the  records  of  small  educational 
institutions  on  the  basis  of  their  values  for  research  without  coming 
to  have  strong  feelings  about  the  records  of  one  of  the  great  univer- 
sities of  the  country. 

The  research  interest  of  a  number  of  historians  suddenly  turned 
toward  Cornell  as  a  subject  for  investigation  with  the  use  of  archival 
records  presupposed.   Walter  P.  Rogers  analyzed  Andrew  D.  White's 
influence  on  the  development  of  the  modern  university  in  terms  of 
what  he  found  in  the  private  papers. ^   And  Paul  W.  Gates  focused 
attention  on  the  potential  research  values  of  Cornell's  business 
records  through  his  extensive  use  of  the  Western  Lands  papers  for 
his  study  of  Cornell's  Wisconsin  pine  lands,  a  study  important  for 
Wisconsin  history  as  well  as  Cornell's  history  as  a  land  grant 
college. 7   A  nostalgic  appreciation  for  the  university's  beginnings 
was  subtly  engendered  by  Carl  Becker  in  his  preliminary  lectures 
and  his  published  Cornell  University:    Founders  and  Founding. 8    This 
appreciation  was  not  dissipated  but  strengthened  by  the  death  of  that 
illustrious  historian  in  1945,  two  years  after  the  publication  of  his 
book.    The  research  interest  of  these  three  historians  had  made  use 
of  the  non- cur  rent  official  records  as  well  as  the  private  papers. 

Whitney  R.  Cross,  having  his  hands  full  in  organizing  and  build- 
ing a  new  collection  and  also  thinking  that  regional  and  Cornell 
archival  materials  were  not  compatible  in  a  regional  collection,  re- 
fused to  round  up  usable  archival  sources  on  campus,  and  accepted 
those  sources  only  when  necessary.    But  this  speaker  could  not 
resist  gathering  university  records  and  papers  which  might  be  of 


quick  interest  to  scholars.    The  papers  of  Ezra  Cornell  and  Andrew 
D.  White  were  begged  from  the  Library  and  along  with  other  sources 
from  the  campus,  most  of  them  private  papers,  were  brought  to  the 
archives.    After  the  publication  of  The  Second  Report  of  the  Curator, 
1945-1946,  CORNELL  UNIVERSITY  ARCHIVES  was  never  again  used 
as  one  of  the  entries  in  the  report  of  Regional  History.    It  had  become 
clear  that  there  would  have  to  be  a  separation  between  records  of  the 
region  and  those  of  the  university,  if  Cornell  were  ever  to  have  an 
archives  of  its  recorded  history. 

There  was  the  nagging  worry  about  records  and  papers  dis- 
appearing.   It  was  Professor  George  Healey,  now  Curator  as  well  of 
Rare  Books  and  Manuscripts,  who  asked  one  day,  "And  what  ever 
happened  to  the  Charles  Kendall  Adams'  papers?"    The  question  was 
tossed  back  and  forth  and  all  around  the  campus  until  it  was  dis- 
covered that  the  papers  of  Cornell's  second  president  had  been 
sacrificed  to  a  scrap  paper  drive  during  the  war.    However,  Professor 
Healey's  question  continues  to  be  echoed  in  the  hope  that  someone 
salvaged  them,  and  that  they  will  be  returned  to  Cornell. 

And  then  there  happened  a  threat  to  Cornell's  non-current 
records  which  could  have  been  a  catastrophe.    One  June  evening,  a 
flash  flood  and  a  broken  storm  sewer  poured  water  into  a  vault  lo- 
cated in  the  sub-basement  of  a  girls'  dormitory,  the  vault  used  by  the 
Treasurer's  Office  and  various  administrative  officers  to  store  a 
large  quantity  of  non-current  records.    Most  of  these  records,  except 
for  an  excess  of  vouchers,  were  worth  permanent  preservation. 

From  time  to  time,  administrative  officers,  who  were  most 
cooperative,  had  allowed  the  removal  of  sets  of  records  to  be  added 
to  Regional  History's  holdings.    Although  the  quarters  given  over  to 
Regional  History  were  far  from  ideal,  they  were  certainly  an  im- 
provement on  the  sub-basement.    But  the  records  still  in  this  vault 
were  now  faced  with  destruction. 

The  flood  water  rose  to  a  height  of  two  feet  and  remained 
there  until  discovered.    In  a  sense,  the  event  was  not  without  an 
advantage.    During  the  rest  of  the  week,  the  endless  ironing  of  legal 
documents  and  the  twenty-four  hour-a-day  drying  by  hot  air  of  the 
other  records  demonstrated  in  a  way  words  could  not  that  the  sub- 
basement  of  a  girls'  dormitory  was  no  proper  place  for  Cornell's 
historical  records. 

In  the  meantime,  Regional  History  had  become  an  administrative 
unit  of  the  University  Library,  the  Rockefeller  grant  having  ended. 
This  change  determined  the  organizational  place  the  Archives  would 
have.    Stephen  A.  McCarthy,  recently  appointed  Director  of  the 
Library,  was  well  disposed  toward  university  archives.    His  taste 
leaned  toward  the  preservation  of  the  private  papers  of  Cornell's 
notables,  a  taste  he  shared  with  a  number  of  faculty  members.    Even 
the  patron  historian  of  Regional  History,  despite  his  wide  experience 


with  state  and  national  archives,  despite  his  scholarly  grubbing  among 
non-current  records  in  campus  catchalls,  distrusted  any  proposal 
which  would  allow  a  retirement  of  records  program  to  threaten  the 
collecting  of  historical  sources.    In  any  case,  if  he  wanted  to  research 
in  Cornell's  old  business  records,  which  no  one  else  cared  to  do  at 
that  time,  he  had  only  to  ask  the  Treasurer's  Office  for  a  key. 

Cornell's  centennial  was  then  a  few  short  years  away,  and 
there  was  concern  among  those  who  had  a  deep  affection  for  the  past 
about  having  sources  available  for  the  historian  to  use  once  he  was 
appointed.    Not  much  connection  was  seen  between  the  papers  to  be 
brought  together  and  Regional  History,  the  campus  center  for  col- 
lecting contemporary  sources.    An  affiliation  was  regularly  dis- 
couraged by  the  sight  of  the  curator  always  returning  to  campus  with 
a  truckload  of  soot-covered  records  and  dumping  them  in  the  middle 
of  a  respectable  Cornell  University  building. 

It  was  disturbing  to  realize  that  the  choicest  private  papers 
were  to  be  brought  together  and  designated  the  University  Archives. 
It  appeared  wrong  to  have  the  University  Archives  include  only  the 
non-current  official  record  and  the  historical  document,  although  that 
is  the  acceptable  form  in  archival  circles.    Too  many  institutions 
had  the  most  precious  private  papers  in  the  Library,  and,  ingloriously 
off  to  one  side,  the  official  files  and  records  in  a  Records  Center.    In 
the  gap  between  them  there  fell  to  destruction  all  the  sources  judged 
without  value  in  a  perspectiveless  present.    It  appeared  that  the  role 
of  the  historian  was  being  confused  with  that  of  the  archivist,  his  loyal 
servant.    The  ghosts  of  the  grand  old  historians  of  the  past  century 
who  gathered  their  own  sources  were  walking  on  our  campus. 

After  some  reflection  along  these  lines,  I  suggested  to 
McCarthy  that  I  try  writing  a  proposal  for  a  proper  University  Ar- 
chives.   He  thought  it  a  good  idea.    Eventually,  after  considerable 
thought  and  work,  I  gave  the  results  to  him.    The  Library  Board 
recommended  the  establishment  to  the  Faculty,  which  approved  and 
in  turn  made  a  recommendation  to  the  Trustees  that  the  University 
Archives  be  established  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  University 
Library  and  that  the  development  and  management  of  the  University 
Archives  be  made  the  responsibility  of  the  University  Archivist  under 
the  delegated  authority  from  the  Director  of  the  Library.    The  Uni- 
versity Archives  was  to  be  one  of  two  co-equal  units  in  the  same 
quarters  under  a  Curator  of  Regional  History  and  University  Archivist. 
There  was  also  to  be  an  Advisory  Council.    An  orderly  retirement 
program  for  the  entire  University  was  to  be  established. 

The  Trustees  began  their  resolution  with  a  statement  that  a 
University  Archives  be  established  to  insure  the  preservation  of  the 
significant  records  of  the  University  and  their  organization  for  use  in 
historical  studies  and  research.    The  significant  records  were  (1) 
non-current  records  of  permanent  value,  and  (2)  records  relating  to 


the  history  of  the  University  and  to  the  persons  connected  with  it. 
The  records  could  be  manuscript,  printed,  photographic,  or  of  other 

Within  a  short  time  after  the  establishment  of  the  University 
Archives,  non-current  records  began  to  be  retired  from  the  New 
York  State  College  of  Agriculture,  the  most  significant  for  us  at  that 
time  being  the  files  of  former  deans,  and  records  relating  to  exten- 
sion work.    These  records  showed  Cornell's  role  as  an  integral  part 
of  rural  New  York.    There  were  many  and  marked  correlations  be- 
tween these  records  and  those  in  Regional  History  relating  to  the 
farmer,  cooperatives,  farm  organizations,  and  other  agricultural 
manifestations  in  this  region. 

The  relationship  between  Regional  History  and  the  University 
Archives  began  to  change  rapidly.    The  change  was  inherent  in  the 
appointment  of  the  Curator  as  the  Curator  and  University  Archivist. 
The  University  Archives  is  now  the  dominant  partner  in  the  "two 
coequal  units"  relationship,  except  in  the  field  of  political  papers. 
With  few  exceptions,  the  collecting  for  Regional  History  is  now  within 
Cornell's  sphere  of  interest  as  it  is  represented  by  holdings  in  the 
Archives.    The  results  are  excellent  for  the  research  interest  in  and 
of  a  few  colleges,  notably  the  New  York  State  College  of  Agriculture. 
The  research  interests,  real  or  potential,  of  other  colleges,  depart- 
ments, and  offices  have  been  neglected  only  in  the  sense  that  the 
University  Archivist  has  had  the  entire  burden  of  retiring  and  col- 
lecting records  in  addition  to  many  administrative  and  professional 
duties  and  has  generally  answered  the  strongest  demands  first. 

Agriculture,  engineering,  and  architecture  illustrate  the  dif- 
ferent levels  of  strength  in  primary  sources  that  are  encountered. 
Agriculture  is  an  example  of  a  subject  area  having  rich  resources. 
Its  records  and  papers  constitute  more  than  a  quarter  of  the  bulk  of 
the  department's  entire  holdings,  the  giant  share  being  in  Archives. 
Both  administrators  and  faculty  members  of  The  New  York  State 
College  of  Agriculture  have  been  and  are  most  cooperative  in  retiring 
or  giving  their  non-current  records  and  private  papers  and  those  of 
their  predecessors  to  the  Archives.    Research  interest  in  these 
holdings  is  broad  and  varied  and  comes  from  the  campus  and  beyond 
campus.    This  interest  was  largely  responsible  for  the  creation  of 
Regional  History.    Scholarly  use  has  been  stimulated  by  grants  and 
aids,  one  of  which  recently  supported  an  Oral  History  Project  which 
in  its  turn  produced  more  records. 

On  the  other  hand,  engineering  is  slightly  represented.    Regional 
History  early  acquired  a  few  sets  of  choice  professional  papers. 
There  are  scattered  records  and  papers  relating  to  the  development 
and  administration  of  the  various  engineering  colleges.    The  Cornell 
Society  of  Engineers  is  retiring  its  records  to  the  Archives.    There 


are  three  reasons  for  the  paucity  of  records.    A  former  dean  has 
been  using  records  to  write  a  history.    There  has  been  no  demand  for 
research  material  in  this  area  to  stimulate  collecting.    The  University 
Archivist  has  not  exerted  enough  pressure  for  a  retirement  program. 
In  contrast,  the  Cornell  Aeronautical  Laboratory  at  Buffalo  has  co- 
operated in  working  out  a  retirement  program. 

Regional  collecting  on  a  small  scale  and  the  retirement  of 
archival  records  in  the  field  of  architecture  supported  a  research 
project  of  great  cultural  value.    The  primary  sources  had  been  used 
to  some  extent  but  not  extensively  by  students  and  others  before 
Professor  Kermit  C.  Parsons  began  work  on  an  architectural  history 
of  Cornell.    He  had  the  aid  of  a  graduate  student  in  history  who 
combed  through  archival  and  regional  records  looking  for  letters, 
drawings,  photographs,  and  other  sources  for  over  two  years. 

The  faculty  of  the  College  of  Architecture  is  highly  cooperative 
in  the  retirement  of  its  records  and  the  giving  of  private  papers.    At 
present,  a  plan  is  being  worked  out  for  collecting  regional  records 
within  Cornell's  sphere  of  interest  in  answer  to  the  need  of  research 
materials  for  a  project  in  city  planning  and  urban  renewal. 

The  same  statement  can  be  made  about  other  fields  of  interest 
as  represented  by  colleges,  departments,  and  offices  on  campus. 
Certainly,  the  disciplines  at  Cornell  and  the  ever -increasing  empha- 
sis on  original  research  indicate  a  strong  future  in  well-rounded 
collections  of  manuscript  and  other  primary  sources  in  many  fields. 

The  acquisition  of  primary  sources  through  retirement  or 
collecting  of  records  more  often  than  not  begins  with  prolonged 
menial  labor.    It  has  none  of  the  dignity  of  purchase  from  a  dealer. 
The  sight  of  the  collector  struggling  in  storerooms  on  campus  or 
elsewhere  with  dusty  and  sometimes  mice-ridden  files  and  always 
maintaining  that  special  high  level  of  enthusiasm  may  earn  the  epithet 
"junk-collector"  and  the  job -description  "All  that  is  needed  is  an 
open  hand."    But  it  is  this  acquisition  which  brings  pleasure  to  the 
archivist  and  creates  a  truly  useful  archives. 


1.  Eggleston,  Edward.    The  Hoosier  Schoolmaster;  A  Novel. 
New  York,  O.  Judd  and  Company,  1871. 

2.  Andrew  W.  White  to  Joseph  Harris,  Feb.  24,  1868.    In 
"Trustees'  Minutes,  Cornell  University." 

3.  Cornell  to  Mary  Ann,  Jan.  17,  1869.    In  "Ezra  Cornell 
Papers."    At  Cornell  University  Archives. 


4.  Nevins,  Allan.    The  Emergence  of  Modern  America,  1865- 
1878.    New  York,  The  Macmillan  Company,  1927,  p.  272. 

5.  Bishop,  Morris.    The  History  of  Cornell.   Ithaca,  N.  Y., 
Cornell  University  Press,  1962,  p.  177. 

6.  Rogers,  Walter  P.    Andrew  D.  White  and  the  Modern  Uni- 
versity.   Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Cornell  University  Press,  1942. 

7.  Gates,  Paul  W.    The  Wisconsin  Pine  Lands  of  Cornell 
University;  A  Study  in  Land  Policy  and  Absentee  Ownership.    Ithaca, 
N.  Y.,  Cornell  University  Press,  1943. 

8.  Becker,  Carl.    Cornell  University:    Founders  and  the 
Founding.    Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Cornell  University  Press,  1943. 

Maynard  Brichford 

How  records  are  appraised  and  processed  in  the  University 
Archives  at  Illinois  will  be  the  subject  of  this  discussion.    At  the 
University  of  Illinois,  the  University  Archives  is  located  in  the  Li- 
brary.   Wherever  the  archivist  may  be  located  organizationally,  he 
should  be  out  of  his  office  two-thirds  of  the  time.    While  processing 
must  be  done  in  the  Archives,  the  archivist  should  define  and 
standardize  processing  procedures  so  that  he  may  spend  his  time  in 
locating  the  historical  documentation  relating  to  the  activities  of  the 
university's  staff  and  students.    Effective  appraisal  must  be  done  in 
offices,  storerooms,  stockrooms,  and  basements.    Every  time  rec- 
ords are  moved  the  chances  of  disarrangement  and  loss  increase. 

I  have  never  seen  a  position  description  describing  the  duties 
of  a  university  archivist.    Such  a  description  should  cover  these 
points.    The  archivist  must  have  freedom  to  contact  sources  of 
archival  material,  to  act  quickly  on  his  own  responsibility,  to 
appraise  the  research  or  historical  value  of  material,  to  classify 
according  to  an  archival  system,  and  to  destroy  material  lacking 
sufficient  evidential  or  informational  value  to  warrant  its  continued 
retention.    An  archivist  should  have  three  lives:    as  a  researcher, 
a  records  manager,  and  an  administrator.    As  a  researcher,  he 
would  learn  the  researcher's  requirements  for  primary  source 
material.    As  a  records  manager,  he  would  learn  the  importance  of 
quality  records  and  how  to  select  those  records  most  worthy  of 
preservation.    As  an  administrator,  he  would  gain  an  appreciation  of 
the  administrator's  view  of  archives  and  the  techniques  involved  in 
the  creation  of  records. 

Records  Appraisal  Standards 

The  most  important  part  of  the  archivist's  work  and  the  least 
evident  to  the  outsider  is  the  appraisal  of  records  for  their  archival 
value.    In  systems  analysis  I  found  it  most  valuable  to  remember 

Maynard  Brichford  is  University  Archivist,  University  of  Illinois, 
Urbana,  Illinois. 



Rudyard  Kipling's  line  from  "The  Elephant's  Child,"  "I  keep  six 
honest  serving-men.    They  taught  me  all  I  knew.    Their  names  are 
What  and  Why  and  When,  and  How  and  Where  and  Who."    For  archival 
work,  four  of  these  serving  men  suffice.    We  need  to  know  what  to 
keep  and  why.    We  need  to  know  who  will  use  it  and  how. 

Before  proceeding  with  appraisal  techniques,  I  shall  list  the 
most  common  types  of  records  that  may  be  housed  in  a  University 
Archives.    Most  archives  will  include  official  records  from  campus 
offices.    We  define  them  as  all  records,  documents,  correspondence, 
accounts,  files,  manuscripts,  publications,  photographs,  tapes, 
drawings,  or  other  material  bearing  upon  the  activities  and  functions 
of  the  university  or  its  officers  and  employees,  academic  and  non- 
academic.    Records  produced  or  received  by  the  university  in  the 
transaction  of  its  business  become  university  property.    Subject 
files,  correspondence,  personnel  records,  academic  records,  and 
business  records  accumulate  rapidly  and  will  likely  be  the  archivist's 
first  concern.    These  files  constitute  the  framework  of  the  institu- 
tion's documentation. 

A  second  type  of  records  are  the  private  personal  papers  of 
faculty  and  administrative  staff.    These  should  also  be  the  definite 
responsibility  of  the  archivist.    It  is  not  necessary  to  draw  fine  lines 
of  distinction  between  university  property  and  personal  property.    If 
they  are  valuable,  take  them  as  university  records  by  records  dis- 
posal procedures,  or  take  them  as  private  papers  by  agreement  with 
the  donor.    Private  papers  are  more  difficult  to  acquire  than  office 
files  and  frequently  are  more  valuable  to  the  researcher.    Letters, 
journals,  notebooks,  diaries,  scrapbooks,  photographs,  and  manu- 
scripts reveal  professional  interests  and  opinions  which  enable  the 
researcher  to  relate  a  man's  academic  career  to  his  total  interests. 
A  professor  will  write  to  an  absent  colleague  in  language  that  he 
would  never  put  in  a  report  to  the  President  or  Dean.    The  full  story 
of  the  academic  community  is  best  represented  in  documentation 
accumulated  by  outstanding  faculty  members. 

Records  of  student  and  faculty  organizations  are  valuable.    At 
Wisconsin  and  Illinois  we  have  found  literally  hundreds  of  student 
organizations  representing  the  academic,  social,  professional,  politi- 
cal, and  religious  interests  of  the  student  body.    Many  of  these 
organizations  will  leave  few  records  beyond  the  annual  photograph 
in  the  yearbooks,  but  all  should  be  surveyed  for  possible  material  of 
research  value;  such  as  Phi  Beta  Kappa  addresses  and  the  minutes  of 
the  University  Club. 

University  publications  should  be  integrated  into  the  Archives 
and  filed  as  series  in  the  appropriate  sub-group  with  official  records 
and  faculty  papers.    Carefully  collected  and  evaluated,  publications 
may  permit  the  destruction  of  many  cubic  feet  of  supporting  work 


papers.    This  is  especially  true  in  the  area  of  business  records  and 
automated  academic  records  keeping  systems,  where  the  informa- 
tional content  is  most  important.    When  fiscal  and  procedural  audits 
permit  the  destruction  of  such  records,  the  researcher  generally 
retains  an  interest  in  only  the  summaries  and  published  reports. 

The  acquisition  of  publications  may  pose  problems.    Your 
library  has  probably  collected  college  or  university  publications 
since  the  institution  was  organized.   With  the  development  of  the 
mimeograph  machine  and  the  offset  press,  the  publishing  functions 
have  become  so  decentralized  and  have  grown  so  rapidly  that  both 
administrators  and  librarians  have  been  buried  beneath  a  flood  of 
serials,  studies,  reports,  catalogs,  circulars,  bulletins,  pamphlets, 
announcements,  and  other  published  issuances.    The  archivist  can 
make  a  real  contribution  by  using  his  classification  system  and 
control  techniques  to  bring  order  to  this  chaotic  situation.    Thus  far, 
we  have  taken  the  following  steps  at  Illinois: 

1.  The  "Illinois  Collection"  of  University  publications  is  being 
disbanded.    One  copy  of  all  items  will  be  placed  in  the  Ar- 
chives.   If  necessary,  extra  copies  will  be  placed  in  the 
general  stacks  under  a  subject  matter  classification  or  a 
University  classification.    These  copies  circulate,  while 
Archives  copies  do  not.    Other  duplicate  copies  will  be 

2.  One  copy  of  all  University  Press  and  Printing  Division 
publications  is  sent  directly  to  the  Archives. 

3.  If  any  doubt  exists  about  our  holding  a  publication,  we  re- 
quest that  the  office  or  faculty  member  send  it  to  the  Ar- 
chives so  we  may  check  it  against  our  holdings.   We  also 
receive  university  publications  sent  to  the  Library. 

Many  Archives  include  theses,  papers,  and  dissertations.    They 
form  a  valuable  adjunct  to  the  university  publications  and  departmental 
academic  records.    At  Illinois,  these  items  are  retained  by  the  general 

Other  archives,  and  I  am  sure  that  many  of  you  are  or  will  be 
in  this  group,  have  collections  of  regional  history  manuscripts  or 
literary  manuscripts.    These  valuable  resources  for  scholarship  may 
be  boxed  and  processed  like  archival  material,  but  they  are  not  ar- 
chives and  should  not  be  intermingled  in  catalogs  or  storage  areas 
with  the  university  or  college  archives. 

What  aspects  of  recorded  human  experience  shall  be  preserved? 
An  archivist  cannot  rely  upon  principles,  laws,  and  schedules  to 
determine  what  shall  be  kept.    It  is  most  important  that  he  read 
widely  and  well  and  interview.    He  should  keep  reference  statistics 
on  users,  purposes,  and  series  used.    The  first  and  most  important 


aspect  of  records  appraisal  is  preparation  by  securing  a  thorough 
knowledge  of  the  functions  of  the  office  that  created,  filed,  or  pub- 
lished the  records.    For  official  records,  the  archivist  should  consult 
the  college  or  university  catalog;  the  administrative  history  in  his 
classification  guide;  any  histories  of  the  college,  department,  or 
office  and  field  notes  or  memoranda  covering  previous  correspond- 
ence, contacts,  and  visits.    These  sources  should  orient  the  archivist 
to  the  organizational  development,  functions,  policies,  and  procedures 
of  the  creating  office.    Sometimes  a  working  knowledge  of  your  insti- 
tution may  require  personal  interviews  with  faculty  and  administrative 
staff.    Such  interviews  contribute  to  an  intelligent  collection  policy 
and  effective  assistance  to  researchers  as  well  as  to  the  archivist's 
ability  to  evaluate  his  material. 

For  faculty  papers,  the  archivist  should  read  and  outline  a 
biographical  sketch  in  Who  Was  Who  in  America,  Who's  Who  in 
America,  American  Men  of  Science,  National  Academy  of  Sciences' 
Biographical  Memoirs,  Directory  of  American  Scholars,  or  another 
suitable  biographical  record.    He  should  then  check  his  records  for  a 
vita  and  a  list  of  the  subject's  publications.    At  this  point,  it  might  be 
necessary  to  spend  an  hour  with  an  encyclopedia  or  some  textbooks  to 
acquaint  oneself  with  the  academic  field  and  the  major  lines  of 
development  and  research  interest.    Published  institutional  histories 
may  provide  additional  perspective.    This  takes  time  and  talent,  but 
both  can  be  secured  if  you  want  a  functioning  university  archives.    If 
you  find  the  transition  from  historian  to  physicist  to  agronomist  to 
architect  difficult,  you  should  not  be  a  university  archivist. 

For  publications,  preparation  is  largely  a  matter  of  identifying 
their  source  and  purpose.    The  problems  of  personal  negotiations  are 
usually  eliminated  by  a  procedural  requirement  that  a  copy  of  all 
publications  be  sent  to  the  Archives.    Appraisal  is  further  simplified 
by  a  policy  decision  on  what  types  of  published  material  will  not  be 
retained.    In  this  category,  we  usually  include  blank  forms,  letter- 
heads, envelopes,  routine  form  letters  and  office  announcements, 
announcements  of  events  which  are  listed  on  the  University  Calendar, 
announcement  posters,  and  transmittal  sheets. 

Archival  material  is  retained  for  its  evidential  or  informational 
value.    Archives  are  records  of  who  did  what  and  why.    To  obtain  the 
most  significant  records  we  need  criteria  for  determining  the  value 
or  quality  of  the  various  records  series.    In  general,  we  should  select 
records  with  the  greatest  potential  value  to  researchers,  covering 
the  broadest  range  of  the  university's  activities  for  the  longest  time 
with  the  smallest  volume  of  the  most  easily  understandable  records. 

The  first  of  two  standard  approaches  is  a  horizontal  selection 
of  the  top  level  records.    Valuable  policy  documentation  is  usually 
quite  understandable  and  takes  the  shape  of  minutes,  correspondence, 
reports,  and  subject  files.    It  is  seldom  on  punched  cards  or  magnetic 


tape.    Care  should  be  taken  to  avoid  duplication  of  official  records 
at  the  president's  office,  dean's  office,  and  departmental  levels,  or 
between  the  business  office  and  line  offices.    Avoidable  duplication 
usually  exists  in  directives,  reports,  and  files  which  contain  a  com- 
mon form.    Subject  and  correspondence  files  will  contain  a  large 
proportion  of  unavoidable  duplication.    It  is  unavoidable  because  the 
cost  of  weeding  exceeds  the  cost  of  processing  and  storing  the  extra 

A  second  technique  is  the  vertical  selection  of  a  segment  of  an 
organization's  records  which  documents  systems  and  procedures. 
This  may  require  a  sampling  of  various  records  from  routine  work 
papers  and  memoranda  through  data  processing  records  to  a  final 

The  modern  university  is  engaged  in  teaching,  research,  and 
service.    The  archivist  should  select  records  containing  adequate 
documentation  of  these  three  basic  functions.   We  can  agree  that  the 
summary  academic  transcript  for  each  student,  final  reports  of  re- 
search activity,  and  periodic  reports  of  service  offices  should  be 
retained  in  the  Archives.    While  these  synoptic  records  do  not  present 
appraisal  problems,  the  archivist  must  make  daily  decisions  on  other 
records  which  will  determine  our  knowledge  of  the  past.    In  all  areas, 
he  should  be  sensitive  to  the  quality  of  the  records.   While  recogniz- 
ing that  all  records  have  some  archival  value,  he  will  shortly  realize 
that  only  from  three  to  ten  per  cent  can  be  preserved.    In  a  recent 
review  of  inventory  work  sheets  for  records  at  the  University  of 
Illinois  Chicago  Undergraduate  Division,  we  found  approximately  6 
per  cent  had  sufficient  archival  value  to  warrant  transfer  to  the 
University  Archives. 

Indifference  to  modern  procedures  for  the  creation  and  main- 
tenance of  records  produces  archival  material  of  poorer  quality  and 
greater  quantity.    Gradually,  universities  will  follow  the  federal 
government,  state  governments,  and  industry  in  becoming  concerned 
about  the  cost  of  records  making  and  records  keeping.    Until  then,  the 
university  archivist  will  have  difficulties  in  arousing  interest  in  the 
efficient  handling  of  paper  work.    Most  university  offices  are  char- 
acterized by  peaks  of  activity  and  lulls.    Data  processing,  pre- 
registration,  and  the  12-month  school  year  relieve  but  do  not  eliminate 
these  cycles.    Factors  like  the  25  per  cent  annual  turnover  in  the 
academic  community  also  distinguish  us  from  other  major  producers 
of  archival  material.    Despite  these  important  differences,  we  can 
profit  from  the  archival  literature  produced  by  government  agencies. 

Official  records  should  be  obtained  under  a  routine,  orderly 
process  of  transfer  from  active  office  files  or  inactive  storage  areas 
to  the  university  archives.    This  may  be  done  by  records  disposal 
schedules  or  by  informal  agreement  between  the  archivist  and  the 


custodian  of  the  records.    The  archivist's  goal  should  be  a  records 
disposal  schedule  for  each  university  office.    Practical  limitations  on 
his  time,  the  degree  of  compliance  and  standardization  that  the  ad- 
ministration will  insist  upon  and  the  repetitive  nature  of  scheduling 
offices  may  force  him  to  identify  files  having  archival  value  and 
allow  the  Business  Office  general  schedule  and  the  office  adminis- 
trators to  decide  retention  periods  for  other  record  series.    The  one 
man  archives  may  need  an  alternative  to  scheduling  and  the  time- 
consuming  inventory  leg  work  of  records  analysts  or  self-inventories. 
In  visiting  an  office,  I  contact  the  secretary  or  department  head,  make 
a  quick  inventory,  indicate  which  types  of  records  probably  have 
archival  value,  which  types  may  be  destroyed  when  legal  and  financial 
retention  requirements  are  met  and  leave  a  letter  from  the  President's 
Office  outlining  a  transfer  procedure.  If  possible,  the  procedure 
should  involve  clean  chronological  file  breaks.    The  archivist  should 
avoid  the  "dribble  system"  where  custodians  of  important  files  send 
a  folder  to  the  Archives  whenever  they  decide  it  is  more  "historical" 
than  "administrative."    He  should  also  avoid  the  system  reported  by 
a  department  head  in  1924,  "Unfortunately  when  closet  room  gives  out, 
some  unerudite  and  dirty-handed  person  will  have  to  consign  to  the 
flames  all  but  the  worthwhile— and  his  judgment  may  not  be  good." 
Another  peril  is  the  official  historian  who  regards  his  appointment  as 
a  letter  of  marque  to  raid  the  office  files  for  items  of  historical 

Among  the  largest  producers  of  paper  work  in  a  university  are 
the  administrative  and  business  offices.    Their  records  are  most 
suitable  for  scheduling.    They  pose  a  problem  for  the  archivist  in  that 
the  processor  needs  skills  in  bookkeeping  and  filing  systems  to  under- 
stand why  and  how  these  records  were  created.    Many  manuscript 
and  archival  collections  remain  unprocessed  for  the  lack  of  such 
skills.    Another  area  which  produces  many  records  in  the  modern 
university  is  the  area  of  science  and  technology.    Although  the 
archivist  may  be  better  prepared  to  handle  records  produced  by  the 
social  sciences  and  humanities,  he  should  develop  procedures  and 
criteria  for  the  identification,  selection,  and  transfer  of  scientific 

Faculty  papers  should  be  collected  by  the  archivist.    Most 
senior  faculty  members  are  of  sufficient  importance  that  their 
literary  remains  should  be  preserved.    In  all  cases,  basic  processing 
should  be  undertaken.    It  is  often  advisable  to  accept  faculty  papers 
on  a  piecemeal  basis  and  agree  to  return  unwanted  documents  to  the 
donor.    The  archivist  should  guard  against  acquiring  too  many  col- 
lections of  men  in  one  area  or  discipline  or  which  represent  a  highly 
specialized  field. 


Faculty  papers  may  include  several  unique  types  of  records. 
The  reminiscence  may  take  four  forms: 

1.  Written  collections  prepared  by  the  faculty  member  to 
document  his  career. 

2.  Commentaries  written  to  explain  groups  of  documents  relat- 
ing to  special  interests  or  projects. 

3.  Marginal  notes  constituting  contemporary  or  ex  post  facto 
opinions  on  the  documents. 

4.  Oral  history,  recorded  or  summarized  by  the  interviewer  on 
magnetic  tapes  or  disks. 

The  archivist  should  welcome  reminiscences  in  striving  to 
secure  maximum  documentation  for  important  activities.    He  should 
take  care  that  the  reminiscences  do  not  impair  the  integrity  of  exist- 
ing files  or  serve  as  substitutes  for  contemporary  documents.   Written 
recollections  by  emeritus  faculty  have  proved  very  useful  in  our 
Archives.    Many  departmental  histories  probably  belong  in  this 
category.    Commentaries  are  preferable  to  marginalia  and  both 
should  be  dated  and  signed.    A  tape  recorded  interview  is  preferable 
to  the  interviewer's  notes  on  a  conversation,  but  both  should  be 

A  productive  oral  interview  is  the  result  of  skillful  selection 
of  a  suitable  person  to  be  interviewed,  careful  preparation  by  the 
interviewer,  tact,  timing,  and  courtesy.    I  favor  an  informal  interview 
beginning  from  a  series  of  questions  submitted  in  advance.    The 
questions  help  the  person  interviewed  prepare  and  demonstrate  the 
sincerity  and  interest  of  the  interviewer.    Pictures  may  help  to  keep 
an  interview  moving. 


A  procedure  for  accessioning  archival  material  should  be  as 
simple  as  possible.    It  should  be  effective,  but  with  a  minimum  of 
controls.    In  the  case  of  departmental  records,  a  note  as  to  the  date 
and  office  of  origin  should  be  kept.    For  faculty  papers,  the  Archive 
needs  a  record  of  the  date  and  source  of  the  documents.    For  publica- 
tions, it  is  generally  not  necessary  to  keep  a  precise  record  of  the 
date  of  accessioning,    as  the  material  usually  comes  from  the  office 
of  publication  shortly  after  the  publication  date  shown  on  the  docu- 
ments.   For  small  lots  of  photographs,  we  enter  the  date  and  source 
on  the  back  of  the  print  copy.    Field  notes  are  a  convenient  means  for 
recording  the  date  and  origin  of  archival  materials  received. 

Classification  &  Arrangement 

Archival  material  is  classified  by  source,  rather  than  by  sub- 
ject.   This  basic  difference  from  library  material  is  founded  on  the 


principle  of  provenance.    Provenance  dictates  that  material  is  filed 
according  to  its  origin,  so  that  it  will  explain  the  functions  of  that 
office.    The  sources  of  college  or  university  records  are  the  offices 
that  create  or  file  records.   We  have  designated  sixty  administrative 
units  as  record  groups  or  primary  organizational  units.    These  rec- 
ord groups  are  grouped  together  as  major  administrative  offices, 
colleges,  institutes,  auxiliary  services,  and  other  campuses.    Typical 
record  groups  are  the  Board  of  Trustees,  President,  Provost,  Comp- 
troller, eleven  colleges,  three  institutes  and  major  service  offices 
like  Alumni  Association,  Extension,  Physical  Plant,  and  Student 

We  have  about  377  sub-groups  or  secondary  organizational 
units.    Typical  sub-groups  are  bureaus,  divisions,  departments,  and 
the  offices  of  deans  or  directors. 

Our  classification  guide  lists  record  groups  and  sub-groups 
and  gives  a  brief  administrative  history  of  each.    It  is  the  equivalent 
of  an  organization  chart  and  provides  the  first  two  numbers  of  the 
three  number  record  series  classification. 

A  record  series  or  file  is  a  group  of  records  or  documents 
having  a  common  arrangement  and  a  common  relationship  to  the 
functions  of  the  office  that  created  them.    The  record  series  are 
arranged  within  sub-groups  in  order  from  general  to  specific. 
Proceedings,  minutes,  or  subject  files  may  be  assigned  number  one. 
Housekeeping  records,  special  files,  and  files  of  subordinate  adminis- 
trative units  may  be  numbered  from  three  to  nineteen.    Numbers 
beginning  at  twenty  have  been  reserved  for  private  papers.   We  add  a 
fourth  number -0-to  indicate  published  materials.    Our  record  series 
range  in  size  from  single  documents  in  envelopes  to  100  cubic  feet. 

In  determining  the  existing  arrangement  of  a  record  series, 
the  archivist  will  generally  find  that  it  is  arranged  alphabetically, 
numerically,  or  chronologically.    He  should  avoid  revising  or  re- 
arranging the  order  of  records  received.    If  the  file  comes  in  good 
order,  it  should  be  processed  and  kept  in  the  original  order.    If  the 
file  comes  in  disorder,  but  with  reasonably  complete  and  accurate 
subject  headings  on  the  folders,  it  should  be  processed  and  arranged 
alphabetically  by  subject.    If  private  papers  or  organizational-  records 
come  in  a  mess— no  definition  required—,  they  should  be  processed 
and  arranged  in  chronological  order— unless  the  volume  of  material 
and  the  subjects  covered  lend  themselves  to  classification  and  ar- 
rangement by  subject.    Under  no  circumstances  would  I  create  an 
arrangement  alphabetically  by  correspondent  when  the  person  who 
filed  the  records  had  not  done  so.    A  series  of  recent  articles  in 
library  publications  have  shown  an  unfortunate  tendency  to  emphasize 
rearrangement  of  papers  in  archival  collections  and  manuscripts. 
To  provide  certain  self-indexing  features,  this  is  sometimes  done  by 
arranging  incoming  correspondence  in  alphabetical  order  and  outgoing 


correspondence  in  chronological  order.    Other  novice  archivists  have 
not  only  rearranged  their  materials,  but  have  segregated  correspond- 
ence by  the  quantity  of  letters  from  various  individuals  and  prepared 
elaborate  card  indexes  to  large  collections.    Frequently  the  proponents 
of  these  ideas  have  attended  basic  archival  courses  and  show  a  firm 
grasp  of  control  by  record  group,  sub-group  and  series,  but  proceed 
to  violate  basic  archival  principles  of  arrangement  at  the  filing  unit 
or  document  level. 


Processing  is  an  extension  of  appraisal.    It  is  dependent  on  the 
knowledge  acquired  during  the  appraisal  process.    The  same  person 
should  do  both.    The  key  to  successful  processing  is  the  constant 
application  of  techniques,  while  carefully  measuring  your  time. 
Processing  involves  boxing  for  transfer,  unpacking,  cleaning,  unfold- 
ing, removing  paper  clips  and  rubber  bands,  stapling,  taping  damaged 
documents,  sorting,  destroying  duplicate  and  unwanted  material, 
replacing  torn  or  brittle  folders,  adding  legible  folder  captions  and 
inclusive  dates,  boxing,  and  labeling.    On  an  uninterrupted  day,  an 
archivist  can  effectively  process  about  five  cubic  feet  of  faculty 

Processing  photographs  presents  problems  arising  from  the 
small  lots,  glass  plates,  subject  classification,  and  poor  identification 
of  source,  date,  location,  and  subject.    We  do  not  change  the  existing 
order  of  photographic  record  series.    Due  to  the  kinds  of  subjects 
photographed  and  the  uses  made  of  photographs,  we  have  developed  a 
standard  subject  classification  system  for  photographic  material. 
This  system  is  used  for  the  central  filing  of  small  lots  of  photographs 
given  to  the  archives,  and  extra  prints  of  plates,  negatives,  or  prints 
in  regular  record  series.    The  standard  subject  classification  will 
also  be  used  for  a  card  index  to  prints  and  negatives  where  no  extra 
prints  are  available.    It  may  also  be  used  for  photographic  record 
series  when  no  existing  arrangement  is  discernible. 

For  archival  collections,  use  acid-free  folders  obtainable  from 
many  manufacturers  of  filing  supplies.   When  processed  and  ready 
for  filing  in  the  archives,  records  may  be  stored  in  fibredex  docu- 
ments cases,  similar  to  those  manufactured  by  the  Hollinger  Corpora- 
tion, or  in  10"xl2"xl5"  cardboard  record  center  type  boxes.    These 
boxes  are  obtainable  from  most  commercial  box  manufacturers. 
They  may  be  obtained  with  or  without  handholds  in  the  end,  lids,  or 
interlocking  bottoms  and  tops.    Small  boxes  and  envelopes  are  used 
for  material  occupying  less  than  the  four  lineal  inches  which  a  fibre- 
dex documents  case  will  accomodate.    There  should  be  no  necessity 
for  flat  filing,  except  in  the  instance  of  very  rare  or  fragile  documents. 


Letterbooks  and  8-1/2"  x  11"  publications  should  be  housed  in  boxes, 
rather  than  bound  or  rebound. 

A  neat  and  attractive  label  is  important  in  locating  records  and 
maintaining  the  appearance  of  the  archives.    The  archival  agency 
should  be  identified  in  printing  on  a  gummed  label.    The  following 
information  should  be  typed  on  the  label:    record  group,  sub-group, 
series  title  and  inclusive  dates,  box  contents  (A-K,  1950-53,  Corre- 
spondence), series  number,  and  box  number. 


The  type  of  shelving  to  be  used  in  a  university  archives  should 
be  determined  by  the  boxes.    It  is  not  necessary  to  have  easily  ad- 
justable shelving.    The  shelving  should  be  40  inches  wide,  12  or  27 
inches  deep  depending  upon  whether  one  or  two  boxes  are  to  be  ac- 
commodated, and  as  high  as  space  will  permit  considering  the  loca- 
tion of  the  ceiling  beams  and  lights,  air  circulation  and  accessibility. 

The  archival  storage  area  should  be  laid  out  for  maximum 
storage  space.    The  archivist  will  never  have  enough  storage  space 
to  accommodate  the  records  that  should  be  preserved.    He  and  the 
librarian  will  share  a  basic  greediness  for  space.    After  maximum 
provision  is  made  for  storage,  the  archivist  should  use  the  balance 
of  his  area  for  three  other  functions:  processing,  reference,  and 
office  space. 


The  archivist  should  concentrate  on  accurate  description  of 
materials  which  he  processes.    He  should  write  down  all  pertinent 
data  as  he  processes  the  records.    This  includes  inclusive  dates  on 
each  box,  a  general  narrative  description  and  evaluation  of  the  con- 
tents, notes  on  significant  letters  and  documents,  information  on  the 
type  of  material  to  be  found  in  the  series,  information  about  the 
reason  for  the  record's  creation  or  evidential  value  and  information 
as  to  its  subject  matter  content  or  informational  value.    The  notes  of 
the  processor  should  be  organized  and  typed  as  a  supplementary  find- 
ing aid  for  the  records  series.    From  these  notes  it  is  possible  to 
prepare  an  inventory  work  sheet  (see  Fig.  1)  or  summary  description 
of  the  contents  of  the  record  series.    The  inventory  work  sheet  may 
also  be  prepared  on  records  in  the  office  prior  to  transfer  to  the 
university  archives. 






ROOM    I  ».    LIBRARY 


October  22,   196<* 

Cl.itlfic.tion  Number  J5/3/2 

Departmental  File 





Public  Services,   University 





University  Archives 




Room  19,   Library 


1  lettersize  file  drawer 

M.  J.   Brichford,   University 




Departmental  file  maintained  .by  the  University  Archives  for  use  in  inventorying, 
collecting,  processing  and  servicing  records  transferred  to  its  custody  wrier 
Faculty  Letter  #68,  Nov.  29,  1963,  including  folders  on  each  sub-group  ot  oecci"'»".v 
university  office  containing! 

1)  typewritten  field  notes  on  conversations  with  faculty,  administrators 

and  secretaries  about  records  and  recollections  relating  to  the  developn>  =  n* 
of  teaching,  research  and  service  at  the  University) 

2)  correspondence  with  offices  and  individuals  concerning  official  records, 
faculty  papers  and  publications) 

3)  supplementary  finding  »ido  and  lists  containing  additional  information 
concerning  subject  content  and  dates  of  records  series  listed  in  the 
University  Archives  Records  Control  File) 

4)  published  and  reproduced  material  about  the  functions  of  offices  and  caroprs 
of  faculty) 

5)  related  material. 


numerical  by  record  group  classification  number  and  numerical  by  sub-group  class  ification  numbqr 
INDEX.  PINOINO  AIDI  on  nL*  auiou  thereunder. 

University  Archives  Classification  Guide  lists  numbers  &  contains  brief  administrative  history  . 


2M  — 1063— 817.:;  K 

Figure  1. 

I  believe  that  the  freedom  of  a  narrative  description  is  prefera- 
ble to  an  inventory  work  sheet  that  contains  a  large  number  of  fill-in 
boxes.    I  am  equally  convinced  that  the  archival  processor  should 
follow  a  standardized  format  in  preparing  a  work  sheet  for  transcrip- 
tion to  a  record  series  control  card.    Insistence  on  this  uniform 
phrasing  of  the  description  has  earned  the  lasting  enmity  of  my 



A  records   s«f t«9   or    file    Is    a   iroup  of   records   or  documents  hawing 
(l)      8   common  arrangement    and 
(?)      a  common  relationship   to   the    functions   of   the  office  that  created  them. 

Be  soeclflc   In   listing  records  series.     Do  not    lump  several    toq»th«r   as   "miscellaneous 
Financial  Records",    "Routine  Correspondence  Piles"   or   "Ledgers   «     Also,    do  not   Hat 
ferns   as  records  series   unless   the  form   listed   Is    the  only  document   In   the   file. 


A   short    f  nml  I  Inr    title,    doscrlptlve  of    Informot  lonal    content   of    the   file. 

Inclusive  dates  of   documents.      If   an  active  record,   omit    the   final   date  e.g.    1955- 


Total   cubic  feet  (I    1/2  for  letter  size  drawer,  2  for   legal    slie,    I   fer    10,000  tab  cards, 
l/b  for  a  12"  5  x  8  cnrd  ft  le,    1/10  for  •    IB"  3  x  5  card  file) 


For   most  recent   year    In  cubic   feet. 


Complete  only   If   the  record  series   dons  not  come   from  the   office  which   created  It, 
e.g.  records  collected  or  held   In   private  hands* 


Alternative   titles 

and  form  numbers  preceded  by  modifying   Information  (a 

«g.  dupl  1 

mimeograph  copies  of  monthly  summaries  of,,,)    and  followed  by  a  concrete 

noun  e.g 

appl  Icattons 

Inventories                  payrolls 


bll  Is 

Journals                         photographs 



ledgers                         plans 










c  1  <i  1  ms 


n  lenses 



not  1  cos 

eports                   worksheets 




Information  explaining  why  the  record  Is   found  »t   Its  present   location,   "submitted 
by"  or    "sent  to"  another  office.   I.e.    Itt  procedural   slgnlf  Icance. 

Reference  to  University  Statutes  or  General    Rules. 

Description  of   Information  or  documentation  contained  In  fhe  record  series. 

1.  Single  Form  -   "showing"   followed  by  a    list  of   entries, 

2.  Fl  les  -  "Incl  udlng"  or   "containing"   followed  by  a    list  of    documents. 

%     Correspondence  and  Subject  Files  .  "relating  to"  or    "concerning"   followed  by 
a    list  of   significant  subjects. 

Supplementary  data  showing  ;jny  previous  disposals,    federal    and  office    Internal    audits, 
or   any  other  data   pertinent   to  a  determination  of  the  minimum  retention  period. 

Chronological,   alphabetical,    numerical   or    by   status   (active  or    Inactive). 
Also   list   secondary  and  tertiary   arrangements  thereunder. 


Gi  ve   the   number  of    years    the  record  series  must   be  retained   In   active  office  space 
for    administrative,    fiscal    or    leqal    reference. 

Figure  1. 

graduate  student  assistants  and  other  writers,  but  it  has  produced 
readily  understandable  descriptions  which  may  be  copied  to  produce 
a  guide.    The  instructions  on  the  back  of  the  inventory  work  sheet 
contain  the  basic  formula.    Start  with  the  title  or  titles  modified  by 
information  about  the  type  of  document,  means  of  production,  and 


frequency  of  issuance.    Follow  with  a  statement  concerning  the 
procedural  significance  of  the  record.    State  why  it  was  created  or 
filed  in  this  location  and  cite  requirements  in  statutes  or  regulations. 
This  forms  the  basis  for  a  judgment  of  the  evidential  value  of  the 
record  series.    At  this  point,  I  begin  a  series  of  adverbial  clauses 
beginning  with  "including,"  "containing,"  "concerning,"  "relating," 
"showing,"  and  "about"  which  lead  to  statements  about  the  contents  of 
the  record  series,  the  format  of  the  documents  it  contains  and  the 
significant  subjects  covered.    The  processor's  work  notes  should 
indicate  the  most  significant  subjects.    They  should  also  refer  to 
important  documents,  correspondents,  and  dates.    Explanatory  notes 
relating  to  other  record  series,  indexes,  gaps,  and  duplication  should 
follow.    Our  record  series  control  card  (see  Fig.  2)  provides  the 
basic  control  over  processed  material  and  is  consulted  first  by  re- 
searchers.   It  has  twenty-one  lines  for  a  narrative  description  of  the 

Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences 


12/19/63  and  5/21/6»» 




by  type  of  material  and  chronologically  thereunder 

Papers  of  Victor  E.  Shelford,  professor  of  Zoology  (191^-1 9*16),  including  correspondence, 
reports,  publications  and  statements  relating  to  plant,  animal  and  aquatic  ecology; 
scientific  meetings,  lectures  and  papers;  field  trips  and  studies;  editing  and  securing 
contributions  for  publications  (19,?<t-56);  the  organization,  development,  membership  and 
functions  of  the  Ecological  Society  of  America  and  its  committees  (1937-'*5);  preservation 
of  natural  areas  as  sanctuaries  for  the  ecological  study  of  biotic  and  animal  comnmniti>-s; 
the  political  involvement  of  ecologists  in  preserving  natural  areas;  grasslands  areas  ,ir<d 
the  Grasslands  Research  Foundation  (1931-58);  wildlife  management  research  (l'J.55-5'0;  the 
University  Committee  on  Natural  Ar;as  and  Uncultivated  Lands  (19^6-^9);  animaJ  populations 
and  solar  radiation  (l')^7-^Ji);  a  proposed  plant  and  animal  life  sciences  building  (19'32-S5) 
the  history  of  ecology  (1955-61)  and  the  scientific  contributions  of  Shelford  and  his 
students.   The  scientific  contributions  are  reprints  of  articles  by  Shelford  Ct  vols. 
1906-W>)  and  his  students  (5  vols.,  igiS-W. 

Figure  2. 


If  additional  information  must  go  on  a  supplementary  finding  aid, 
we  note  this  on  the  control  card.    The  finding  aid  is  placed  in  the 
appropriate  sub-group  folder  in  a  nearby  filing  cabinet.    A  primary 
finding  aid  reflects  the  arrangement  of  the  record  series  and  usually 
takes  the  form  of  a  box  list,  showing  the  dates,  subjects  covered,  and 
significant  documents.    For  important  series,  it  may  be  a  folder  label 
listing,  which  extends  control  about  as  far  as  an  archivist  can  afford 
to  go.    Because  archival  records  are  filed  by  source,  secondary  find- 
ing aids  may  be  required  for  archival  material.    It  is  frequently 
necessary  to  make  relative  indexes  or  lists  of  subjects  that  are  treated 
in  various  record  series  or  filing  units.    The  modern  archivist  does 
not  prepare  3"  x5"  card  indexes  to  his  holdings. 

The  archivist  should  publish  supplemental  information,  such  as 
lists  of  topics  which  may  be  developed  from  materials  in  the  archives, 
special  subject  lists,  manuscript  guides,  and  other  documents  which 
will  assist  the  researcher  in  locating  information  on  his  subject.    He 
should  impress  upon  serious  researchers  the  importance  of  discuss- 
ing possible  source  material  with  him.    He  should  be  a  consultant 
capable  of  guiding  researchers  through  the  masses  of  modern  docu- 
mentary source  materials.    He  should  promote  and  improve  the  uses 
of  his  material  by  scholars. 

I  will  close  with  two  quotations  from  the  faculty  letter  announc- 
ing our  program: 

"As  an  institution  of  higher  learning,  the  University  of  Illinois  has 
a  responsibility  to  the  academic  community  and  to  the  public  for 
the    preservation  of  records  containing  evidence  and  information 
with  respect  to  its  origins  and  development  and  the  achievements 
of  its  officers,  employees  and  students.    The  University  is  equally 
concerned  with  preserving  material  of  research  or  historical 
value  and  assisting  its  administrative  and  academic  officers  by 
relieving  their  offices  of  inactive  records,  eliminating  records 
that  need  not  be  preserved,  and  providing  space  and  custody  in 
the  University  Archives  for  material  that  should  be  preserved." 

"The  University  Archivist  will: 

1  -  Decide  if  material  no  longer  needed  by  the  office  of  origin 

should  be  preserved  in  the  Archives; 

2  -  Classify  and  arrange  such  records  and  material  as  may  be 

transferred  to  his  care  for  permanent  preservation  and 
keep  the  same  accessible  to  all  persons  interested,  subject 
to  proper  and  reasonable  rules  and  restrictions  as  he  may 
find  advisable; 

3  -  Process  transferred  material  to  destroy  duplicates  and 

other  items  that  do  not  have  sufficient  evidential  or  in- 
formational value  to  warrant  their  continued  preservation; 


4  -  Advise,  upon  request,  concerning  standards,  procedures, 
and  techniques  required  for  the  efficient  creation,  use,  and 
destruction  of  University  records." 

There  is  no  easy  way  to  meet  these  important  responsibilities. 
The  appraising  and  processing  of  archival  material  requires  hand 
work  and  experience.    Its  expense  is  justifiable  only  if  your  institu- 
tion recognizes  that  it  has  an  obligation  to  document  and  to  preserve 
a  record  of  its  contributions  to  society. 



American  Institute  of  Physics.  "Notebooks,  Correspondence,  Manu- 
scripts:   Sources  For  the  Fuller  Documentation  of  the  History 

of  Physics."  New  York,  1963. 
Bauer,  G.  Philip.   "The  Appraisal  of  Current  and  Recent  Records," 

The  National  Archives  Staff  Information  Circulars,  13:1-25, 

June  1946. 
Brichford,  Maynard.  "Preservation  of  Business  Records,"  History 

News,  11:77,  Aug.  1956. 
Gilb,  Corinne  L.   "Tape -Recorded  Interviewing:  Some  Thoughts  From 

California,"  The  American  Archivist,  20:335-344,  Oct.  1957. 
Harvard  University.  "The  Harvard  University  Archives"  (Guides  to 

the  Harvard  Libraries,  No.  4),  Cambridge,  1957. 
Lewinson,  Paul.   "Archival  Sampling,"  The  American  Archivist, 

20:291-312,  Oct.  1957. 
Lewinson,  Paul.   "Toward  Accessioning  and  Standards— Research 

Records,"  The  American  Archivist,  23:297-309,  July  1960. 
Mood,  Fulmer,  and  Carstensen,  Vernon.   "University  Records  and 

Their  Relation  to  General  University  Administration,"  College 

and  Research  Libraries,  11:337-345,  Oct.  1950. 
Schellenberg,  T.  R.  "The  Appraisal  of  Modern  Public  Records," 

Bulletins  of  the  National  Archives,  8:1-46,  Oct.  1956. 
Woolf,  Harry.   "The  Conference  on  Science  Manuscripts,"  ISIS, 

53:3-157,  March  1962. 

Classification  &  Arrangement 

Holmes,  Oliver  W.   "Archival  Arrangement;    Five  Different  Opera- 
tions at  Five  Different  Levels,"  The  American  Archivist, 
27:21-41,  Jan.  1964. 


National  Archives.  "The  Control  of  Records  at  the  Record  Group 
Level,"  The  National  Archives  Staff  Information  Circulars, 
15:1-12,  July  1950. 

National  Archives.   "Principles  of  Arrangement,"  The  National 
Archives  Staff  Information  Papers,  18:1-14,  June  1956. 

National  Archives.   "Archival  Principles:  Selections  From  the 
Writings  of  Waldo  Gifford  Leland,"  The  National  Archives 
Staff  Information  Papers,  20:1-13,  March  1955. 

Schellenberg,  Theodore  R.   "Archival  Principles  of  Arrangement," 
The  American  Archivist,  24:11-24,  Jan.  1961. 


Kane,  Lucile  M.  "A  Guide  to  the  Care  and  Administration  of  Manu- 
scripts," Bulletins  of  the  American  Association  for  State  and 
Local  History,  2:333-388,  Sept.  1960. 

Minogue,  Adelaide  E.   "Physical  Care,  Repair,  and  Protection  of 
Manuscripts,"  Library  Trends,  5:344-351,  Jan.  1957. 


Rieger,  Morris.   "Packing,  Labeling,  and  Shelving  at  the  National 
Archives,"  The  American  Archivist,  25:417-426,  Oct.  1962. 


Evans,  Frank  B.   "The  State  Archivist  and  the  Academic  Researcher,— 

'Stable  Companionship',"  The  American  Archivist,  26:319-321, 

July  1963. 
National  Archives.  "The  Preparation  of  Preliminary  Inventories," 

The  National  Archives  Staff  Information  Circulars,  14:1-14, 

May  1950. 
U.  S.  Library  of  Congress.  The  National  Union  Catalog  of  Manuscript 

Collections,  1959-1961.  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  J.  W.  Edwards,  1962. 

Harold  W.  Tribolet 

Librarians  and  archivists  face  a  great  number  of  administrative 
problems:  personnel,  building  programs,  heating,  air-conditioning, 
trustees,  and  so  on.  This  discussion  adds  a  new  dimension— 
conservation—to  their  problems.    Many  of  the  points  touched  upon 
will  not  help  specifically  in  handling  the  tons  of  day-to-day  materials 
charged  to  their  care,  but  they  will  consider  the  hazards  of  disinte- 
gration and  the  techniques  of  preservation  of  rarities. 

At  one  time  conservation  was  a  pure  craft,  and  still  is  more 
or  less;  however,  today  the  craft  and  the  science  of  conservation 
have  merged.   With  this  merger,  we  now  have  a  more  positive  solu- 
tion to  the  complex  problems  of  adding  years  to  the  life  of  important 
material  of  the  past  and  of  the  present. 

Strangely,  many  of  the  early  conservators  were  very  secretive 
about  their  techniques;  they  were  not  inclined  to  share  their  knowl- 
edge; and  too  much  emphasis  was  placed  on  the  tradition  of  the  craft. 
Amusing  stories  about  techniques  and  formulas  have  been  passed 
down  from  one  generation  to  the  next.    An  example  of  such  a  story 
involves  the  simple  operation  of  oiling  leather  bindings.    One  man 
proudly  told  that  his  Grandfather  had  always  used  banana  peels  to 
furnish  leather  bindings,  and  he  said:   "There  is  nothing  better." 
This  man  supported  an  unproved  and  questionable  technique,  and 
ignored  the  scientists  who  have  proposed  other  solutions  for  leather 
preservation.    The  story  is  typical  of  those  passed  on  from  one 
generation  to  another.    In  most  instances,  they  have  done  no  good  and 
in  many  cases  they  have  done  harm. 

The  eight  factors  which  cause  disintegration  are:  heat,  light, 
air,  moisture,  insects,  other  materials,  inherent  characteristics, 
and  people. 

Objects  stored  in  attics  or  in  areas  where  there  is  excessive 
heat  disintegrate  much  faster  than  do  those  items  that  have  been 
stored  under  ideal  conditions.    In  fact,  conservationists  use  heat  to 
make  accelerated  age  tests. 

Materials  exposed  to  sunlight  fade  and  become  dehydrated. 
Fluorescent  and  incandescent  lighting  as  well  as  reflected  natural 
light  also  cause  objects  to  show  early  signs  of  disintegration. 

Harold  W.  Tribolet  is  Manager,  Extra  Bindery,  The  Lakeside  Press, 
R.  R.  Donnelley  &  Sons  Co.,  Chicago,  Illinois. 



Fortunately,  it  is  possible  to  retard  the  injurious  effect  of  light  with 
controlled  illumination  and  light  filters. 

Some  people  believe  that  air  promotes  the  life  of  paper;  how- 
ever, this  is  not  true.    Many  of  the  objects  that  have  lasted  best  have 
been  preserved  in  book  form  under  compression.    The  Gutenberg 
Bible  is  a  good  example  of  this.    Copies  of  the  book  that  are  not  ex- 
hibited are  in  better  condition  than  those  frequently  exposed  to  the 
atmosphere,  much  of  which  is  polluted  to  some  degree. 

Paper  exposed  to  excessive  moisture  for  prolonged  periods 
frequently  suffers  from  destructive  mildew  or  unsightly  foxing. 

The  ravages  caused  by  insects  around  a  library  are  so  well 
known  that  there  is  no  need  to  elaborate  upon  them. 

By  "other  materials"  we  mean  the  migration  of  injurious  acids 
from  one  material  to  another.    As  an  illustration,  a  short  time  after 
a  newspaper  clipping  is  placed  inside  a  book,  a  discoloration— acid 
damage— becomes  evident  on  the  adjoining  leaves.    The  bad  material, 
in  this  case  the  newspaper  clipping,  always  affects  the  good  material, 
and  the  migratory  action  is  never  in  the  other  direction. 

The  inherent  characteristics  of  the  objects  to  be  preserved  are 
important.    If  poor  materials  are  involved,  a  short  life  span  can  be 
expected  unless  ideal  storage  conditions  are  provided.    Good  materials 
have  a  better  chance  of  survival  under  adverse  conditions,  but  they, 
too,  will  respond  favorably  in  a  suitable  environment. 

People  create  a  number  of  hazards  through  poor  handling  of 
items,  often  a  result  of  pure  ignorance.    The  simplest  illustration 
is  the  extensive  way  in  which  pressure-sensitive  plastic  tape  has 
been  used  to  repair  damaged  paper  during  the  last  decade  or  so. 

Let  us  suppose  that  we  have  a  sheet  of  early  eighteenth-century 
paper  that  shows  signs  of  bad  handling:  torn  margins,  water  spots, 
and  applications  of  pressure-sensitive  plastic  tape.    Assuming  that 
the  image  is  on  one  side  of  the  paper,  it  would  be  possible  to  adhere 
a  piece  of  thin  mulberry  tissue  to  the  back  of  the  piece  of  paper  to 
support  it.    This  provides  physical  support  for  the  weakened  fibers. 
An  operation  of  this  kind  requires  paste  and  many  conservationists 
consider  old-fashioned  wheat  paste  the  best.    Suitable  support  for  the 
damaged  sheet  of  paper  could  also  be  provided  with  a  piece  of  all-rag, 
chemically-safe  paper.    Silk  chiffon  is  sometimes  used.    This  ma- 
terial, however,  has  limitations  which  are  determined  by  the  adhesive, 
and  the  chemical  characteristic  of  the  paper  to  which  it  is  being  ap- 
plied.   For  example,  a  piece  of  paper  which  is  highly  acidic  will  cause 
disintegration  of  silk  chiffon  much  earlier  than  all-rag  paper  which 
is  chemically  safe.    Silk  chiffon  is  nevertheless  considered  a  good 
supporting  fabric  where  transparency  is  essential. 

In  handling  a  recent  restoration  involving  a  historically- 
important  insurance  policy,  which  had  been  reduced  to  hundreds  of 


irregular  pieces  of  paper  by  broken  glass,  silk  chiffon  was  selected 
as  the  best  supporting  material.    It  was  possible  to  paste  the  many 
fragments  and  slide  them  into  correct  position  on  the  silk,  making 
the  document  whole  and  strong. 

Other  materials  which  successfully  support  paper  are  cotton, 
linen,  and  a  relatively  new  material  known  as  polyester  web,  a  matted 
mylar  fiber  that  has  been  found  to  be  most  useful  in  supporting  folding 
maps,  for  it  is  very  strong  in  relation  to  its  thickness.    All  of  the 
bonding  problems  involving  mylar  fiber  have  not  been  solved;  how- 
ever, the  material  is  worthy  of  further  experimentation. 

When  a  broadside,  drawing,  or  similar  sheet  of  paper  requires 
mounting  or  hinging  to  a  rigid  support,  an  all- rag  fiber  board  should 
be  used  rather  than  a  board  made  of  impermanent  fiber.    Poor  board 
liberates  acids  that  migrate  to  the  paper  placed  against  it,  causing 
discoloration  and  disintegration. 

If  a  mounted  piece  is  to  be  displayed  in  a  frame,  it  is  advisable 
to  provide  a  mat,  also  made  of  all-rag  board.    The  mat  will  keep  the 
item  away  from  the  surface  of  the  glass  on  which  moisture  will  some- 
times form  under  certain  atmospheric  conditions.    A  piece  of 
moisture-proof  material  should  be  applied  to  the  back  of  a  framed 
piece,  attached  to  the  wooden  molding,  to  prevent  the  penetration  of 
moisture  through  the  back  surface.    A  great  number  of  framed  docu- 
ments and  drawings  have  been  ruined  or  damaged  from  moisture 
absorbed  from  a  wall,  especially  an  outside  wall,  and  from  exces- 
sively humid  air. 

When  both  sides  of  a  paper  object  are  to  be  protected  and  dis- 
played, it  can  be  supported  within  a  contour  mat,  then  placed  between 
two  sheets  of  Plexiglas  UF1,  a  clear  plastic  formulated  to  give  pro- 
tection against  injurious  light  rays,  both  natural  and  artificial.    Al- 
though Plexiglas  will  break,  it  does  not  splinter  as  glass  does.    The 
National  Gallery  of  Art  in  Washington,  D.  C.,  recently  installed  this 
material  over  its  skylight  glass  to  diminish  the  light  problem.    This 
plastic  should  not,  however,  be  placed  over  an  unfixed  pastel,  for 
static  electricity  may  develop  and  cause  the  chalk  to  loosen. 

Paper  that  is  badly  worn,  weak,  and  on  the  fringe  of  total  dis- 
integration can  be  deacidified,  then  laminated  between  thin  plastic 
film  and  tissue.    In  this  process  heat  and  pressure  combine  the 
materials  into  one  unit.    If  a  book  is  involved,  the  leaves  are  taken 
from  the  binding,  laminated,  then  rebound,  usually  in  a  new  cover, 
for  the  thickness  of  the  paper  is  increased  by  the  lamination. 

Experimental  work  in  this  country  and  in  Europe  is  attempting 
to  perfect  a  deacidification  process  that  can  be  applied  to  the  leaves 
of  books  that  do  not  require  lamination  or  rebinding.    It  is  a  difficult 
problem,  for  the  chemical  vapors  that  are  most  beneficial  to  the 
paper  cause  a  warp  to  develop  in  the  leaves,  especially  when  the  grain 
of  the  paper  is  horizontal.   When  the  technique  is  perfected,  and  it 


probably  will  be,  it  will  extend  the  life  span  of  millions  of  books  at  a 
very  low  cost. 

Many  paper  objects— books,  broadsides,  etchings,  prints— that 
have  developed  stains  can  be  bleached  with  liquid  chemicals.    Special 
care  must  be  taken  in  handling  wet  paper  and,  of  course,  the  chemi- 
cals must  be  mild.    In  most  instances  the  washed  paper  is  sized  with 
I  gelatin  and  dyed  to  bring  it  back  to  its  natural  color.    H.  J.  Plender- 
leith,  formerly  with  the  British  Museum  Research  Laboratory, 
recommends  Chloramine  T  as  a  safe  chemical  for  the  washing 
process.    This  chemical  must  be  washed  out  of  the  paper  before  the 
job  is  considered  finished.   When  washing,  sizing,  and  tinting  an  ob- 
ject, one's  aims  should  be  the  retention  of  the  original  characteristics 
of  the  paper,  whether  it  be  a  book,  broadside,  or  other  paper  object. 
The  indentations  in  a  printed  piece  should  not  be  removed;  this  can 
be  accomplished  by  pressing  the  wet  paper  when  it  is  about  99  per 
cent  dry  between  soft  white  blotting  paper. 

Simple  tears  in  paper  can  be  repaired  with  mulberry  tissue  or 
cotton  fibers,  applied  with  wheat  flour  paste.    Avoid  the  handy 
pressure-sensitive  plastic  tape,  for  it  is  not  a  suitable  material 
when  permanence  is  a  factor.    A  sophisticated  restoration  can  be 
accomplished  by  the  addition  of  a  matching  paper  to  an  incomplete 
piece  of  paper.    In  this  process,  fibers  are  pulled  from  the  old  and 
new  pieces  of  paper,  then  pasted  together.   If  a  laid  paper  with  ob- 
vious chain  marks  is  being  treated,  the  chain  marks  of  the  two  pieces 
of  paper  should  be  aligned. 

Paper  pulp,  prepared  by  cooking  paper  scraps,  then  balling 
them,  and  finally  mixing  them  with  water  before  application,  is  a 
good  material  for  repairing  small  holes,  such  as  worm  holes  and 
perforations.    Another  way  of  repairing  perforated  paper  is  to  per- 
forate an  identical  piece  of  paper  with  the  same  type  of  machine 
which  was  used  for  the  original  perforation.    The  little  circular 
pieces  of  paper  punched  out  can  then  be  mixed  with  thin  paste  and 
pressed  into  the  holes  of  the  paper  being  restored  by  means  of  a 
dental  tool.    This  type  of  restoration  is  better  for  antique  paper  than 
smooth,  modern  paper. 

If  a  book  lacks  a  leaf,  a  simple  facsimile  can  be  installed,  using 
a  photograph  or  a  photostat  made  from  a  complete  copy  of  a  similar 
book.    A  better  solution  is  a  Xerox  reproduction,  made  on  paper  that 
resembles  the  paper  in  the  book.    The  most  sophisticated  kind  of  a 
facsimile  requires  an  engraving,  made  from  a  photograph  of  an 
^original  leaf,  ink  carefully  mixed  to  match,  and  finally  an  impression 
fon  the  correct  paper.    Since  such  a  facsimile  could  lead  to  deception, 
it  is  advisable  to  stamp  or  print  the  word  "FACSIMILE"  in  the  gutter 


Although  all  facsimiles  are  not  identified  as  such,  they  should 
be.    In  trying  to  identify  facsimile  pages  in  a  book,  the  following  steps 
should  be  taken: 

1.  Examine  each  leaf  against  a  strong  light  to  determine  if 
the  chain  marks  or  other  characteristics  of  paper  are  identical. 

2.  Using  your  fingers  or  a  guage,  check  all  leaves  to  deter-       4 
mine  if  they  are  abnormally  thick  or  thin. 

3.  With  a  magnifying  glass,  examine  the  edges  of  the  leaves 
and  observe  the  marks  left  by  the  cutting  blade  of  the  guillotine 
cutter.    Any  leaves  that  have  been  added  will  not  have  identical 
serrations,  because  they  were  cut  with  another  knife. 

4.  Turning  the  pages  of  the  book,  look  for  particles  of  dirt 
or  migratory  stains— the  fly  speck  or  foxing  marks— that  trans- 
fer from  one  page  to  another.    If  the  marks  are  not  visible  on 
the  opposite  page,  then  it  is  probable  the  clean  page  is  a  fac- 
simile or  one  that  requires  further  examination. 

Vellum  is  the  most  independent  and  probably  the  most  perma- 
nent of  the  materials  used  for  the  leaves  of  books,  book  covers, 
broadsides,  diplomas,  and  similar  documents.    Very  little  can  be 
done  or  needs  to  be  done  to  lengthen  its  life;  however,  in  some  in- 
stances it  must  be  flattened  or  repaired.    If  a  sharp  crease  or  fold 
must  be  eliminated,  the  vellum  is  moistened  or  humidified,  then 
drum-stretched  on  a  flat  surface  with  weights  around  the  edges. 
Never  use  a  steam-iron  to  solve  this  problem!    If  a  void  has  to  be 
filled,  a  piece  of  similar  vellum  can  be  bonded  into  position.    If  a 
tear  must  be  repaired,  stitches  with  suturing-gut  will  provide  the 
desirable  strength. 

A  sympathetic  restoration  of  existing  binding  materials  is 
desirable,  to  be  sure,  but  in  some  cases  there  is  not  enough  of  the 
original  material  to  save  or  it  is  entirely  gone.    In  such  instances,  a 
period  style  or  replica  binding  can  be  applied.    To  illustrate  this 
point,  the  rare  first  illustrated  edition  of  The  Canterbury  Tales  came 
to  us  in  an  inadequate  binding  applied  during  the  last  century.    After 
the  leaves  were  repaired  and  sewn  in  the  style  of  the  fifteenth  century, 
wooden  boards  were  laced  to  the  cords  of  the  raised  bands,  and  a 
calfskin  cover  was  applied.    In  the  manner  of  the  period  of  the  book, 
all  details  of  reconstruction  were  kept  deliberately  crude,  the  tooling 
of  the  leather  was  irregular,  and  finally  the  leather  was  discolored 
and  rubbed. 

Most  of  the  leather  used  for  binding  and  restoration  work  is       M 
tanned  in  Europe,  where  great  emphasis  is  put  on  the  longevity  of  the™ 
skins  produced.    The  best  skins  are  vegetable  tanned  in  the  traditional 
way,  are  free  of  injurious  acids,  and  are  treated  with  a  protective 
salt  to  resist  the  effect  of  the  polluted  atmosphere.    Although  vegetable 
tannage  is  excellent  and  is  easily  manipulated,  it  does  have  an  affinity 


for  the  acids  in  the  air.    On  the  other  hand,  chrome  tanned  leather 
does  not  have  this  weakness,  but  it  is  difficult  to  form  and  tool.    One 
English  tanner  is  now  doing  a  combination  tannage  which  may  be 
superior  to  the  traditional  process. 

Although  little  can  be  done  to  preserve  cloth  bindings,  apart 
from  putting  them  into  protective  cases,  leather  binding  must  be 
treated  periodically  with  preparations  that  have  been  found  to  be 
beneficial.    The  initial  treatment  involves  application  of  a  solution 
of  potassium  lactate  then,  after  this  has  dried,  a  mixture  of  neat's- 
foot  oil  and  lanolin.    Currently  this  dual  treatment  appears  to  be  the 
best.    We  hope,  however,  the  scientists  will  eventually  develop  a 
single,  all-purpose  solution  to  protect  leather  from  polluted  air, 
insects,  and  mold.    Cleansed  air,  controlled  humidity,  and  an  even 
temperature  are,  of  course,  important  elements  in  the  preservation 
of  leather. 

Vellum  bindings  will  not  benefit  from  any  preparation  known 
today.  The  material  can,  however,  be  cleaned  with  an  eraser  or  a 
damp  cloth  with  saddle  soap. 

Since  all  of  us  are  only  temporary  custodians  of  the  things  we 
possess  or  have  under  our  control,  it  is  important  that  we  recognize 
the  serious  responsibility  of  preserving  the  objects  of  the  past. 
Preservation  alone  may  suffice  in  some  instances  and  restoration  in 
others.    It  is  a  decision  that  is  not  always  easy,  but  we  are  obligated 
to  know  and  understand  what  can  be  done. 

Clifford  K.  Shipton 

In  this  paper  the  archivist's  obligations  to  his  clientele;  ad- 
ministrative, scholarly,  and  other  will  be  discussed,  and  archivists 
will  be  warned  of  the  pitfalls  into  which  we  in  Cambridge  have  fallen. 

There  is  no  question  that  the  bread  and  butter  clientele  of  a 
university  archive  is  the  administrative  officer.    Recently  there  came 
to  my  desk,  detoured  by  the  congestion  of  the  regular  channels,  a 
request  for  a  certain  folder  from  the  Comptroller's  files  for  the  year 
1962/63.   We  started  a  boy  to  the  depths  of  our  storage  space  while 
they  started  their  office  boy  for  our  office.    I  trust  that  their  paths 
intersected  at  the  right  time  and  place.    This  is,  of  course,  records 
management,  pure  and  simple,  but  it  is  the  way  in  which  we  finance 
our  archives.    Some  years  ago  President  James  B.  Conant  informed 
a  meeting  of  administrators  that  the  University  budget  would  have  to 
be  cut,  and  said,  "Taking  the  departments  alphabetically,  'Archives'." 
At  which  two  department  heads  whom  I  had  never  met  personally 
spoke  up  and  said,  "You  can't  cut  the  Archives  budget;  it  would  cost 
us  more  to  do  the  work  which  they  are  doing  for  us." 

In  most  universities  with  which  I  am  acquainted  the  archives 
program  has  obtained  recognition  and  support  only  by  offering 
records  management  service.    To  some  historians,  this  seems  to 
clutter  up  the  fields  of  research.    We  once  had  a  Director  of  the 
Harvard  University  Library  who  was  a  Pulitzer  Prize  winning  his- 
torian, and,  irritated  at  the  demands  of  records  management,  he  once 
told  me  that  we  should  accept  in  the  Harvard  Archives  only  truly 
archival  material,  material  worth  permanent  preservation.    "All 
right,"  I  said,  "but  you  will  have  to  inform  all  of  these  department 
heads  that  we  can  no  longer  service  their  records— they  won't  take  it 
from  me."    He  thought  of  that  list  for  a  moment,  sighed,  and  said, 
"All  right;  how  much  space  will  you  need  for  their  records?" 

We  have  tried  various  compromises  to  solve  the  space  and 
service  problem,  such  as  giving  keys  to  the  storage  space  to  the 
financial  offices  and  telling  them  that  they  would  have  to  service 
their  records  in  our  custody.    That  has  not  worked  particularly  well 
because,  left  to  themselves,  the  administrative  offices  will  send  in 
their  records  in  odd-shaped  and  slack-filled  boxes  which  take  up 

The  author  is  Custodian  of  the  Harvard  University  Archives,  Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts. 



entirely  too  much  space.    Our  threat  to  repack  their  records  at  their 
expense  has  caused  the  worst  offenders  to  reform.    We  are  also 
thinking  of  charging  the  administrative  offices  rent  for  the  shelving 
occupied  by  their  non-permanent  records  in  our  custody.    Faced 
with  that  proposal,  I  think  that  some  of  them  will  agree  that  the 
destruction  schedules  can  be  hastened. 

Actually  I  should  be  very  sorry  to  give  over  the  records  manage- 
ment service  because  of  the  opportunity  which  it  gives  me  to  observe  the 
use  of  the  material  before  I  join  in  authorizing  its  destruction.    To 
me  there  is  something  truly  awful  in  having  to  make  the  decision  as 
to  what  the  historian  of  future  generations  is  to  know  about  this  one. 
Obviously  the  decision  should  be  made  by  someone  with  training  and 
experience  in  historical  research.    I  have  known  commercial  records 
management  services  to  recommend  the  destruction,  as  useless,  of 
material  of  priceless  historical  value,  actually  protected  by  the 
statutes  of  the  State.    On  the  other  hand,  historians  sometimes  ask 
us  to  preserve  material  so  bulky  that  any  knowledge  of  records 
management  costs  demonstrates  such  a  policy  to  be  impractical. 

Some  university  archivists  have  found  their  most  serious 
problem  that  of  convincing  the  administrative  offices  that  they  can 
be  entrusted  with  confidential  files.    One  university  does  not  entrust 
its  archivist  with  the  minutes  of  its  trustees,  although  they  have  in 
part  been  printed.    In  another  university  a  dean  is  now  proposing  to 
destroy  the  student  folder  file  because  of  the  disciplinary  material 
which  it  contains.    If  not  destroyed,  this  file  will  be,  a  hundred  years 
from  now,  the  most  frequently  consulted  segment  of  the  archives. 

So  critical  is  this  question  of  a  student— and  soon  alumni— file 
in  several  universities  that  I  am  going  to  repeat  what  I  have  told  a 
few  of  them  of  our  experience  at  Cambridge.   We  have  two  files, 
each  of  which  in  theory  contains  a  folder  for  every  person  who  ever 
matriculated  in  the  University.    One  is  a  public  file  of  historical 
material  which  began  in  the  alumni  records  office,  and  the  other  is 
a  file  of  confidential  records  from  the  administrative  offices.    The 
public  file  contains  ephemeral  printed  material,  odd  manuscript 
letters,  and  the  fruits  of  clipping  services.    It  certainly  contains 
some  odd  material.    In  looking  into  the  folder  of  a  man  of  the  Class 
of  1724  I  found  an  annotation  of  the  fact  that  230  years  after  his 
graduation  he  had  been  sent  a  letter  requesting  that  he  verify  his 
latest  address. 

The  archival  student  folder  file  is  quite  another  matter.   When 
we  set  it  up  we  found  that  over  a  period  of  twenty  years  some  two 
dozen  administrative  offices  had  kept  student  folder  files.    On  the 
average,  every  student  in  this  period  had  folders  in  five  different 
files— admissions,  scholarships,  the  different  deans,  etc.    So  long  as 
we  kept  these  files  intact  as  parts  of  the  archives  of  the  several 


offices,  servicing  them  was  a  troublesome  matter.    If,  for  example, 
a  request  came  for  the  folder  for  a  boy  in  the  Class  of  1914,  we  had 
to  look  on  a  chart  to  see  which  offices  were  keeping  student  folder 
files  at  that  time.    So  we  threw  archival  theory  to  the  wind  and  com- 
bined all  of  these  files  into  one. 

Naturally,  these  archival  student  folder  files  are  one  of  the 
most  sensitive  and  confidential  in  our  custody.    I  make  a  point  never    | 
to  look  at  the  folder  of  anyone  I  know.    No  folder  is  ever  delivered 
over  the  counter  to  the  reading  room.    If  an  FBI  agent  asked  to  see 
one,  I  used  to  inspect  it  myself,  answer  his  questions  if  reasonable, 
and  in  case  of  any  doubt  refer  him  to  the  Registrar.    Of  late  years 
this  subject  has  become  so  sensitive  that  we  have  referred  all  FBI 
questions  to  the  appropriate  administrative  officers.    One  of  these 
days  we  shall,  without  doubt,  begin  combining  the  older  segments  of 
these  archival  student  folder  files  with  the  public  alumni  folder  file. 
The  most  difficult  decision  which  I  ever  had  to  make  was  in  this  field. 
Admission  applications  are,  of  course,  a  gold  mine  for  historians. 
With  their  letters  of  recommendation  and  what  is  usually  the  first 
surviving  literary  effort  of  the  applicants,  they  are  most  illuminating. 
However,  at  a  time  when  our  College  was  receiving  ten  times  as 
many  admission  applications  as  it  could  accept,  we  had  to  decide  that 
we  could  keep  the  records  of  only  those  who  were  admitted,  and  who 
came.    It  would  have  been  just  too  costly  to  box  and  store  the  rejected 
applications  until  they  could  be  made  available  to  a  generation  of 
historians  yet  unborn.    Without  doubt  an  appreciable  number  of  the 
biographical  queries  which  come  to  us  by  mail  could  have  been 
answered  from  this  file,  but  we  could  not  justify  the  cost  of  keeping 
and  servicing  this  material. 

Until  we  became  deeply  involved  in  the  records  management 
program,  about  half  of  the  material  in  our  department  was  historical 
rather  than  archival,  and  was  readily  available  to  any  one  who  walked 
in  and  filled  out  an  ordinary  library  use  slip.    For  the  most  part  this 
public  material  was  classed  in  typical  library  manner  and  distinguishei 
from  strictly  archival  material  by  call  number.    The  large  majority 
of  the  questions  asked  about  the  past  of  the  University  and  about  its 
graduates  can  be  answered  from  this  material  located  through  a 
typical  library  card  catalog. 

We  have,  however,  committed  the  great  heresy  of  interfiling 
with  this  catalog,  reference  cards  locating  essentially  every  individual 
mentioned,  or  subject  discussed,  in  the  first  two  hundred  years  of  our 
archival  material.    Thus  the  indices  to  our  archives  are  interfiled        ^ 
with  the  card  catalogs  of  our  historical  collection— which  has  proved    * 
to  be  an  eminently  practical  arrangement.    Thus  if  you  are  interested 
in  Mr.  X  you  will  find  in  the  card  catalog  references  to  books  and 
articles  about  him,  if  he  is  known  chiefly  for  his  Harvard  connection, 


and  to  the  theses  and  prize  papers  which  he  wrote  while  a  student. 
You  will  find  the  references  to  him  in  the  Corporation  Records,  and 
will  be  given  a  good  hundred-year-old  transcript  to  inspect.    You  will 
find  references  in  the  Faculty  Records,  and  will  be  given  photostats. 
But  if  you  want  to  use  the  Overseers'  Records  you  will  be  questioned 
a  little  more  closely,  because  we  have  no  transcript  of  those.    So,  in 
effect,  you  will  have  ready  access  to  everything  in  the  Archives  relat- 
ing to  a  man  who  graduated  before  the  Civil  War. 

This  raises  the  question  of  how  deeply  a  university  should  go 
into  the  preservation  of  the  biographical  material  relating  to  its 
graduates,  their  published  works,  manuscripts,  and  association 
material.    Our  rule  is  that  we  shall  keep  the  manuscripts  of,  and 
printed  material  relating  to,  men  known  chiefly  for  their  Harvard 
connection.    Fugitive  material  relating  to  most  men  will  be  dropped 
into  their  alumni  folder  files,  but  not  material  relating  to  John 
Adams  or  John  Kennedy.    Association  material  is  almost  never  kept. 
No  large  institution  can  afford  the  effort  and  space  required  by  a 
collection  of  the  works  of  its  graduates.    Modern  universities  are  so 
diverse  that  such  a  collection  has  no  more  significance  than  a  collec- 
tion of  books  by,  say,  red-headed  men.    At  Cambridge  we  long  ago 
had  to  abandon  the  effort  to  keep  up  a  collection  of  books  written  by 

The  ephemeral  publications  of  the  Faculty,  the  reprints  of 
articles  and  the  like,  are  a  troublesome  matter.    For  years  we  asked 
Faculty  members  to  send  us  two  copies  of  all  such  pamphlets,  which 
we  boxed  temporarily.    When  the  authors  died,  we  bound  these 
pamphlets  up  in  two  volumes,  one  of  which  went  with  their  papers  in 
the  Archives,  and  one  of  which  went  to  the  library  concerned  with  the 
subject  matter  of  their  work.    Recently  the  flood  of  reprints  from  the 
men  of  science  has  made  us  review  this  system  as  too  costly  to  be 
worth  while.    After  all,  these  articles  can  be  located  in  their  original 
places  of  publication  by  use  of  the  standard  indexes. 

Returning  from  this  digression  to  the  question  of  serving  the 
administrative  offices,  I  would  like  to  point  out  that  some  of  the 
records  are  unwritten  and  some  of  the  service  unrecorded.    As  you 
and  I  well  know,  many  of  the  most  important  decisions  in  the  history 
of  an  institution  never  do  get  into  the  records.    Probably  all  private 
universities  have  an  unwritten  policy  of  establishing  admission  quotas 
by  race,  religion,  or  geography.    The  last  is  sometimes  avowed,  the 
others,  never.    Incoming  presidents  and  deans  need  to  know  the  history 
of  such  policies.    At  Harvard  the  Corporation  keeps,  besides  its 
minutes,  a  record  of  "agreements  and  understandings"  which  are  not 
regarded  as  being  binding  votes.    Usually  the  archivist  has  a  better 
historical  perspective  of  university  policy  than  administrative  officers 
serving  for  short  terms,  so  his  knowledge  of  unrecorded  agreements, 


or  the  reasons  for  recorded  ones,  can  be  very  useful.    And  this  mean 
of  course,  that  the  archivist  should  have  a  faculty  appointment  so  thai 
he  will  be  aware  of  the  unrecorded  winds  of  policy.    In  a  small  colleg 
it  would  be  an  ideal  situation  to  have  the  archivist  also  secretary  to 
the  faculty  and  administrative  boards,  but  of  course  these  are  full- 
time  jobs  in  large  universities.    I  have  often  thought  that  it  would  be 
desirable  to  separate  the  record-keeping  function  of  the  secretaries' 
offices  from  their  other  functions,  and  to  designate  the  archivist  to 
keep  the  records  so  that  he  may  be  aware  of  what  is  going  on,  but  no 
one  has  warmed  to  the  idea. 

All  academic  bodies  have  a  tendency  to  shatter  into  committees 
in  which  the  most  vital  decisions  are  arrived  at,  and  their  records 
furnish  the  background  of  the  bare  formal  votes  of  Trustees  and 
Faculty.    In  Cambridge  the  committee  records  are  a  headache  becaus 
of  the  habit  of  giving  these  bodies  such  ambiguous  titles  as  Committe 
of  Ten,  or  of  Eleven,  or  of  Twelve.    The  men  who  served  on  them  wil 
think  the  archivist  stupid  because  he  does  not  remember  what  a 
particular  committee  was  about.    This  has  forced  us  to  distinguish 
between  the  records  of  standing  committees  and  those  of  the  ad  hoc 
committees.    The  former  are  arranged  alphabetically  in  the  archives 
of  their  parent  departments,  and  the  latter,  chronologically  within 
departments.    The  fact  that  in  our  confused  Cambridge  system  a 
dozen  bodies  can  spawn  committees  on  the  same  subject  has  driven 
me  to  considering  placing  all  ad  hoc  committee  records  in  one 
chronological  order,  but  this  is  just  too  heretical. 

Curiously  enough,  the  most  frequent  use  of  committee  records 
has  been  in  connection  with  law  suits,  particularly  over  university 
property.    As  these  cases  tend  to  be  recurring,  we  can  usually  amaze 
each  new  generation  of  university  lawyers  by  instantly  putting  the 
desired  information  in  their  hands  in  exactly  the  form  which  they 
want.   We  have  never  failed  to  produce  evidence  wanted  by  the  Uni- 
versity lawyers. 

Each  university  archive  will  be  asked  to  furnish  various  catch- 
all  services  for  the  administrative  offices,  and  it  is  usually  easier  to 
perform  them  than  to  convince  the  offices  that  these  are  not  archival 
functions.   We  keep,  for  example,  for  the  Treasurer's  Office  files  of 
presumably  worthless  stocks  and  bonds,  which  of  course  were  in- 
herited and  never  purchased  by  the  Treasurer.    From  these  files  he 
occasionally  extracts  triumphantly  a  certificate  for  stocks  or  bonds 
of  a  corporation  which  has  experienced  a  resurrection. 

Sometimes  the  administration  offices  get  curious  ideas  of  the 
scope  of  our  services.    One  day  the  Building  and  Grounds  department 
telephoned  me  and  enquired,  "If  we  drive  a  well  behind  Dunster  Hous< 
will  we  find  water  ?"    I  flipped  off  the  shelf  behind  me  a  volume  con- 
taining a  map  of  Cambridge  in  1630,  and  found  that  it  showed  a  pond 


in  the  place  where  Buildings  and  Grounds  proposed  to  search  for 
water.    So  I  told  them  to  go  ahead,  and  they  did  so,  not  realizing  that 
this  service  was  unusual. 

Once  the  department  in  charge  of  repairing  art  objects  called 
up  the  Archives  and  asked  for  instructions  regarding  the  disposition 
of  the  portrait  of  Governor  William  Stoughton,  one  of  the  key  pieces 
in  the  history  of  American  art.    So  I  said,  "send  it  to  the  Archives," 
where  it  hangs,  one  of  several  fine  works  of  art  sent  to  us  by  de- 
partments which  were  confused  as  to  our  archival  functions. 

So  far  as  physical  problems  are  concerned,  the  most  trouble- 
some office  to  serve  is  that  of  Buildings  and  Grounds.    In  the  end, 
we  assigned  them  a  segment  of  the  archives  and  told  them  to  keep 
their  own  plans  in  order.    In  fact,  no  order  is  discernible  to  an 
outsider,  but  they  find  things.    They  are  grateful  for  even  the  small 
service  which  we  perform  because  of  their  experience  when  after  the 
last  war  the  University  temporarily  took  over  most  of  the  buildings  of 
Camp  Devens  for  off-campus  student  housing.    These  were  beautiful, 
solid  brick  and  concrete  buildings,  with  nary  a  plan  to  show  where 
wires  or  pipes  ran. 

Considering  the  whole  picture  of  the  use  of  the  Harvard  Archives 
by  administrative  offices,  it  is  obvious  that  the  greatest  number  of 
reference  services  is  in  relation  to  such  uninspiring  things  as 
cancelled  checks.    The  use  of  their  really  archival  material  in  our 
custody  is  relatively  rare,  except  for  the  minutes  of  the  Corporation. 
These  are  so  active  that  the  keeping  of  the  index  up-to-date  is  a 
matter  of  significance.    Beyond  this,  research  by  the  administrative 
offices  is  most  frequently  to  determine  the  precise  terms  of  former 
gifts.    There  is  relatively  little  use  of  departmental  correspondence 
except  by  the  museums,  which  seem  to  be  constantly  losing  objects. 
However,  the  museums  tend  to  keep  their  correspondence  for  a 
hundred  years,  so  they  have  most  of  the  service  problem. 

The  university  archive  is  much  more  concerned  than  is  the 
business,  or  even  the  government,  archive,  with  finding  facts  or 
affording  means  of  research  for  the  public.    The  necessity  of  good 
public  relations  for  the  institution,  the  tradition  that  the  university  is 
a  source  of  information,  and  the  fact  that  it  has  a  great  roll  of 
graduates  in  whom  descendants  and  scholars  are  interested,  drives 
the  archive  to  give  public  service.    One  university  president  of  my 
acquaintance  set  up  the  archive  as  a  sort  of  record  vault  to  his  office, 
with  a  private  stairway  leading  down  to  it;  but  other  demands  soon 
forced  his  archivist  into  offering  the  wide  public  services  normal  for 
such  institutions. 

In  Cambridge,  the  first  question  of  the  public  use  of  the  archives 
came  in  June,  1747,  when  the  town  of  Dunstable  asked  the  Harvard 
Faculty  for  a  transcript  of  the  record  of  a  young  man  recently  ex- 


pelled  for  good  reason.    The  town  had  a  legitimate  interest  in  knowing 
why  the  student  had  been  expelled,  for  it  was  considering  settling 
him  as  its  minister.    The  Faculty  refused  the  transcript,  refused  to 
show  the  records  to  the  Dunstable  committee,  and  resolved  that  "the 
affairs  committed  to  Writing  in  this  Book  [  are  not  looked  upon]  to  be 
records  in  any  Respect,  but  only  an  Account  of  Various  Things,  as  So 
many  Memoranda  to  ourselves."    Here  is  a  curious  forerunner  of  the 
"agreements  and  understandings"  volume  now  kept  by  the  Corporation. 
When  the  Faculty  said  that  its  minutes  were  not  "records"  it  had  in 
mind  the  New  England  concept  of  a  public  record  to  which  the  public 
had  an  inalienable  right  of  access. 

The  most  recent  vote  of  the  Harvard  Corporation  in  regard  to 
the  use  of  its  archives  was  to  resolve  that  they  were  not  maintained 
for  the  use  of  Jack  Homers  searching  for  Ph.D.  thesis  topics.    The 
attitude  of  the  Corporation  has  been  made  somewhat  more  charitable 
by  the  successful  exploitation  of  the  early  financial  records  in  the 
writing  of  economic  history. 

In  spite  of  enunciated  University  policy,  most  of  the  use  of  the 
Archives  for  historical  research  has  been  by  the  public.    Maynard 
Brichford,  University  Archivist,  University  of  Illinois,  in  particular 
has  raised  the  question  of  how  far  we  should  go  in  providing  guidance 
and  advice  to  these  public  users.    No  university  archive  was  ever  set 
up  for  this  purpose,  but  no  archivist  can  avoid  the  problem.    It  under- 
lines the  point  that  the  archivist  or  the  staff  man  making  the  contact 
with  the  public  should  have  as  much  Ph.D.  training  as  possible  in 
order  that  he  can  give  such  advice.    Frequently  the  archivist  will  have 
to  decide  that  the  would-be  user  may  not  have  access  to  particular 
records.   It  may  be  because  he  is  personally  inadequate,  as  a  school 
child  wanting  to  use  valuable  manuscripts.    Sometimes  the  scholarship 
of  the  would-be  user  is  inadequate.    Recently  a  man  came  in  from 
another  university,  doing  a  Ph.D.  dissertation  on  a  subject  on  which, 
as  I  found  by  putting  a  few  questions,  he  had  not  done  the  fundamental 
reading.    There  would  have  been  no  point  in  trying  to  help  him,  so  I 
gave  him  the  few  items  which  he  asked  for,  but  refrained  from  telling 
him  of  masses  of  further  material. 

Sometimes  the  archivist  who  is  a  knowing  historian  can  see 
that  a  proposed  book  cannot  be  written  because  the  requisite  material 
is  not  available.    Surely  he  cannot  refuse  to  give  this  warning.    There 
have  been  times  when  the  applicant  shrugged  off  my  warning,  and  I 
then  felt  that  I  had  to  refuse  to  make  the  material  available  because 
to  do  so  would  have  been  to  waste  the  time  of  our  staff.    I  do  not  think 
that  any  archivist  is  appointed  just  to  be  a  vending  machine,  handing 
out  whatever  is  indicated  by  the  user.    He  has,  I  think,  been  appointed 
to  exercise  his  discretion  and  to  make  use  of  his  knowledge  as  an 
archivist.    It  is  not  an  easy  thing  to  make  these  unpleasant  decisions 


against  applicants,  but  such  a  policy  of  discrimination  is  absolutely 
essential.    The  policy  of  offering  service  to  the  public  can  sometimes 
become  costly  for  the  archivist's  employer.    From  time  to  time 
friends  of  mine  teaching  in  other  parts  of  the  country  will  send  their 
graduate  students  to  New  England  to  write  their  theses,  and  instruct 
them  to  look  me  up.    The  students  show  me  their  plans,  and  I  say, 
"A  good  subject,  but  because  the  available  source  material  is  much 
greater  than  your  professor  thought,  too  wide  for  a  thesis."    Then  I 
cut  down  the  topic  and  area  of  research,  and  wind  up  guiding  a  Ph.D. 
dissertation  which  has  nothing  at  all  to  do  with  my  employer.    I  have 
greatly  enjoyed  these  contacts,  but  I  feel  guilty  about  them. 

Our  general  rule  for  making  material  available  to  the  visiting 
scholar  is  as  follows.    If  the  number  on  his  call  slip  is  for  an  item  in 
the  historical  collection  attached  to  the  archives  he  is  shown  it  without 
question.    If  the  call  number  is  for  archival  material  more  than  fifty 
years  old,  he  fills  out  a  special  form  for  my  eventual  approval,  but, 
subject  to  the  discretion  of  the  reading  room  attendant,  he  is  im- 
mediately given  the  file  which  he  wishes  to  see. 

Correspondence  for  the  period  since  1909  is  a  special  case. 
There  are  many  applicants  to  use  the  correspondence  of  Presidents 
Charles  W.  Eliot  and  A.  Lawrence  Lowell  particularly.    Most  of  these 
requests  are  reasonable,  but  a  few  have  the  purpose  of  sensational, 
and  distorted,  exploitation  of  the  material.    The  doubtful  requests  we 
sift  out  by  insisting  that  the  applicants  record  the  purpose  of  their  re- 
search on  the  application  form.  We  get  an  occasional  visitor  who  ob- 
stinately refuses  to  tell  us  why  he  wants  to  use  the  material,  and  him 
we  must  turn  away. 

Often  we  can  save  the  applicant's  time  by  ourselves  looking  at 
the  files  of  restricted  correspondence  to  see  whether  or  not  there  is 
anything  of  interest  to  him.    If  there  is,  the  applicant  submits  a  formal 
request  which,  if  I  approve,  is  passed  on  to  the  Secretary  to  the 
Corporation,  or  to  the  literary  heirs,  as  the  case  may  be.    I  do  not 
remember  that  any  request  which  I  approved  professionally  has  ever 
been  turned  down.    Sometimes  when  an  incompetent  person  asks  to 
use  recent  departmental  archives,  the  department  head  gives  me  a 
sign  that  he  wishes  that  I  would  find  an  archival  excuse  for  turning 
down  the  request,  since  he  does  not  wish  to  hurt  the  person's  feelings. 
We  never  give  anyone  permission  to  make  a  general  search  of  such 
collections  of  papers.    Sometimes  we  tell  the  readers  that  we  trust 
them  not  to  read  beyond  the  point  already  approved.    Reasonable 
copying  is  allowed,  but  permission  must  be  obtained  to  publish  any 
quotation  from  this  recent  material. 

The  majority  of  the  users  of  our  reading  room  come  to  consult 
doctoral  dissertations.    As  you  know,  the  ancient  theory  in  regard  to 
such  theses  holds  that  the  dissertation  is  the  contribution  to  human 
knowledge  by  which  a  scholar  has  earned  his  degree,  and  is  the 


university's  proof  that  he  earned  it.  Obviously  the  thesis  must  be 
"published,"  in  the  sense  of  being  made  available  to  the  public,  to 
accomplish  these  purposes. 

In  my  university  a  couple  of  the  largest  departments  have  the 
reprehensible  habit  of  assigning  the  candidates  topics  which  will  take 
a  lifetime  of  research,  and  of  accepting  as  dissertations  what  are  no     i 
more  than  preliminary  studies  of  these  topics.    Obviously  these  theses" 
cannot  be  made  available  to  the  public  without  running  the  risk  of 
injury  to  the  author's  literary  rights.    Of  course  this  prospect  of 
injury  is  greatly  exaggerated.    Many  a  young  author,  fully  believing 
that  the  library  is  full  of  lurking  scholars  ready  to  steal  and  publish 
his  ideas,  thus  forestalling  the  publication  of  his  Great  Work,  demands 
that  we  sequester  his  dissertation.    Actually,  such  sequestration  is 
usually  more  harm  than  protection  to  the  authors.    There  are  in 
Cambridge  a  few  departments  which  play  along  with  these  shy 
authors  by  ruling  that  the  theses  cannot  be  consulted  without  the 
author's  permission  for  a  period  of  five  years.    This  is  a  point  on 
which  authors  are  so  sensitive  that  we  do  not  make  exceptions  even 
when  college  presidents  come  in  examing  theses  as  a  step  in  the  hiring 
of  the  writers.    There  seems  to  be  a  certain  fatality  which  dictates 
the  fact  that  when  some  young  Ph.D.  disappears  into  the  jungle,  a 
college  president  immediately  wants  to  see  his  thesis. 

Many  of  the  dissertations  really  are  sensitive.    Among  those  on 
our  shelves  are  ones  dealing  with  living  politicians  in  foreign 
countries,  and  others  reporting  most  unflattering  surveys  of  American 
cities.    One  of  these  really  got  me  into  trouble,  and  I  report  the 
experience  as  a  warning  to  other  university  archivists. 

A  request  for  the  interlibrary  loan  of  a  certain  thesis  came 
via  the  President's  office.    Only  this  curious  course  caused  me  to 
look  at  the  thesis.    I  found  that  it  had  to  do  with  the  habits  of  a  certain 
social  group  in  the  South,  and  that  its  circulation  had  been  originally 
restricted  by  the  then  head  of  the  Department  of  Sociology.    This 
restriction  had  run  its  five  year  course,  but  the  professor  who  had 
placed  it  was  not  available  to  advise  me.    Since  the  loan  request 
came  from  the  president  of  a  southern  university,  it  seemed  to  me 
to  be  discreet  to  report  that  the  thesis  was  restricted.    The  college 
president  was  not  so  easily  discouraged,  however.    He  flew  up  to 
Cambridge,  walked  into  our  reading  room,  asked  for  the  thesis,  and 
was  handed  it  by  the  attendant,  who  noticed,  correctly,  that  the  re- 
striction had  run  out.    The  president  read  the  thesis,  rubbed  his 
hands  gleefully  when  he  had  finished,  and  told  the  reading  room  at-        | 
tendant,  "I'm  going  straight  home  and  fire  the  author;  he  is  one  of  my 
professors."    And  so  he  did.    And  so  the  author  of  the  thesis 
threatened  that  he  was  going  to  sue  me  for  having  published  it. 


Had  the  author  done  so,  it  would  have  been  an  interesting  case, 
for  we  inform  all  doctoral  degree  recipients  that  the  University  re- 
serves the  right  to  make  available  to  the  public,  and  to  copyright, 
any  thesis  or  prize  paper  still  unpublished  five  years  after  the  date 
of  its  acceptance.    It  is  our  custom  to  tell  would-be  poachers  that  the 
University  reserves  the  copyright  on  all  theses  and  prize  papers, 
and,  at  times,  fear  of  the  University  lawyers  has  thus  protected  this 
literary  property. 

For  those  of  us  handling  this  kind  of  literary  property,  the 
Copyright  Law  Revision  Part  2.    Discussion  and  Comments  on  Re- 
ports  of  the  Register  of  Copyrights  on  the  General  Revision  of  the 
U.S.  Copyright  Law  just  issued,  offers  little  encouragement.1    Ap- 
parently the  doctoral  candidate  will  still  have  to  rely  on  Justice 
Joseph  Story's  definition  of  literary  property,  and  his  own  reservation 
of  copyright,  or  else  have  two  extra  copies  of  his  thesis  made  to 
deposit  for  copyright  registration.    The  law  is  anything  but  clear,  so 
a  university  archivist  may  well  find  himself  spending  more  time  on 
the  problem  created  by  doctoral  dissertations,  if  these  are  within 
his  purview,  than  on  any  other  one  segment  of  his  duties. 

Indeed,  the  dissertations  begin  to  trouble  me  before  they  are 
written.    As  the  candidates  think  up  new  questions,  we  are  called 
upon  to  revise  the  regulations  for  writing  of  theses.    The  dean's 
office  long  ago  gave  up  trying  to  answer  questions  as  to  suitable 
paper,  satisfactory  methods  of  reproducing  the  texts,  and  even  the 
kind  of  paste  to  be  used  in  attaching  the  illustrations.    Frequently  a 
student  will  argue  that  the  ribbon  copy  of  his  thesis  must  be  destroyed 
in  the  duplicating  process,  and  he  will  often  maintain  that  only  a 
certain,  usually  non-permanent,  process,  can  be  used  for  this  or  that 
reason.    We  find  it  very  useful  to  have  some  very  strict  rules  in  print 
so  that  we  can  make  a  great  point  of  concession  when  we  want  to 
distract  the  candidate's  attention  from  some  really  important  rule 
which  we  are  enforcing.    One  mistake  which  we  have  made  has  been 
to  permit  the  candidates  to  submit  various  kinds  of  electro-print 
copies  for  the  first,  or  record,  copies  of  their  theses.   We  have  found 
by  sad  experience  that  good  microfilm  copies  cannot  be  made  from 
many  of  these  substitutes;  that  there  is  nothing  like  the  first  ribbon 
copy  of  a  manuscript  for  making  reproductions. 

The  specifications  of  the  kind  of  paper  on  which  dissertations 
are  typed  have  given  us  great  trouble.    An  examination  of  the  theses 
which  arrive  in  any  lot  show  every  kind  of  variation  in  the  paper 
stock,  most  of  them,  I  believe,  honest  errors  made  by  the  students  in 
their  interpretation  of  our  specifications.    The  one  way  to  obtain  the 
use  of  a  uniform  paper  of  good  quality  is  obviously  to  require  the 
candidate  to  use  a  particular  brand  and  weight,  but  no  widely  ob- 
tainable commercial  brand  has  permanence,  good  folding  strength, 


and  proper  surface  qualities.    Last  year  the  representative  of  the 
Crane  Company  of  Dalton,  Massachusetts,  over  the  last  century  the 
most  important  manufacturers  of  bank  note  paper,  suggested  that  they 
box  a  suitable  standard  paper  for  dissertations,  and  so  label  it.   We 
agreed  that  the  idea  was  good,  and  had  their  sample  tested  for  acidity. 
The  report  shocked  and  horrified  them.    Protesting  that  we  were 
making  too  much  of  acidity,  they  went  to  work  and  made  up  a  special 
batch  of  thesis  paper  for  us.    Sent  to  Richmond  for  testing,  this 
sample  soon  had  the  excited  experts  on  the  telephone,  reporting  that 
the  paper  was  actually  alkaline  as  well  as  having  the  best  folding 
strength  of  any  typewriting  paper  they  had  ever  seen.    I  have  used 
all  of  the  commercially  produced  typewriter  papers  recommended  by 
this  laboratory,  and  Crane's  new  paper  is  much  the  best.    It  is  not 
as  erasable  as  Ph.D.  candidates  could  wish,  but  the  more  erasable 
papers  have  much  more  serious  drawbacks.    Our  present  thinking  is 
to  have  this  paper  marketed  under  the  trade  name  Crane's  Thesis 
Paper.    Presumably  any  university  can  have  its  stock  labeled  with  its 
own  name. 

The  ordinary  administrative  office  uses  permanent  and  ex- 
pensive paper  for  its  letterhead,  and  any  cheap  and  highly  acid  paper 
for  the  carbon  copies  to  be  kept  in  its  own  files.    Our  Harvard  pur- 
chasing agent  has  several  times  told  the  departmental  offices  that  it 
has  good  second  sheet  material  available  for  them,  but  apparently 
many  prefer  to  do  their  own  purchasing  and  buy  the  second  sheet 
stock  on  the  basis  of  color.    In  our  university,  no  one  wants  to  issue 
orders,  but  I  can  see  no  other  solution  to  the  problem. 

The  inquiries  which  our  Cambridge  office  receives  by  mail 
from  the  general  public  take  up  a  great  part  of  our  time.    All  of  the 
offices  of  the  University  have  become  accustomed  to  forwarding  to 
us  to  answer  all  questions  relating  to  the  past  of  the  University,  to  its 
graduates,  and  to  American  history.    This  is  a  significant  public 
relations  service  on  which  office  secretaries  used  to  waste  hours  of 
time  because  they  did  not  have  the  necessary  knowledge  and  the  tools 
to  find  the  answers.    So  many  of  the  questions  are  recurring  that  we 
keep  an  index  relating  to  the  most  popular  ones.   We  have  developed 
a  vast  attic  of  odds  and  ends  of  irrelevant  historical  fact  from  which 
we  can  sometimes  produce  information  with  what  appears  to  the  un- 
initiated to  be  miraculous  efficiency.    I  remember  that  once  when 
Perry  Miller  chanced  to  remark  that  he  could  not  find  the  correspond- 
ence of  an  obscure  non-Harvard  man  on  whom  he  was  working,  we 
remembered  that  it  was  printed  in  a  rare  genealogy.    We  gracefully 
accepted  his  lyrical  published  praise  of  our  efficiency  without  telling 
him  that  this  was  just  one  of  those  happy  accidents. 

Many  of  these  questions  have  no  relation  to  Harvard  at  all,  but 
we  are  in  the  best  position  to  field  inquiries  relating,  for  example,  to 


witches  and  signers  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence.    Many  people 
write  to  the  President  of  Harvard  University  as  a  sort  of  historical 
oracle,  asking  questions  on  the  most  diverse  subjects.    Usually  we 
can  satisfy  them.    In  our  own  offices  we  keep  a  small  reference 
collection  containing  such  commonly  used  works  as  the  alumni 
catalogs  of  other  universities  and  the  publications  of  the  New  England 
Historic  Genealogical  Society,  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society, 
and  the  Colonial  Society  of  Massachusetts.    On  the  floors  below  our 
offices  in  the  Widener  Library  building  are  the  collections  of 
American  genealogy  and  history  from  which  we  answer  many  ques- 
tions quickly  and  painlessly.    A  few  years  ago  when  it  was  proposed 
to  move  the  Harvard  Archives  to  a  building  of  their  own  some  blocks 
away,  I  said  that  it  was  a  fine  idea  from  an  administrative  point  of 
view,  but  that  I  would  resign  if  it  was  carried  out,  because  I  would  not 
want  to  have  to  give  up  the  general  reference  service. 

The  most  frequently  asked  of  these  mail-order  questions  is, 
"Did  my  grandfather  go  to  Harvard  ?"    Sometimes  by  asking  for 
further  information  on  grandfather,  we  can  identify  him  as  the 
graduate  of  another  institution.    Often  we  are  asked  to  provide  legal 
proof  of  citizenship,  as  in  cases  where  a  widow  is  trying  to  qualify 
for  a  pension.    As  birth  records  were  not  kept  in  some  states  before 
1890,  our  admissions  records  have  been  most  useful.    Government 
offices  and  insurance  companies  have  never  refused  to  accept  as 
legal  evidence  photostats  of  autograph  documents  in  which  a  student 
recorded  his  date  and  place  of  birth  and  his  parentage.    Sometimes 
a  graduate's  correspondence  with  his  class  secretary  has  been  used 
to  establish  his  mental  competence  at  a  particular  time. 

Requests  by  relatives  for  student  grades  of  a  century  ago  call 
for  considerable  translating  on  our  part  to  establish  their  significance. 
Requests  for  grades  less  than  fifty  years  old  we  refer  to  the  proper 
administrative  office  so  that  they  can  evaluate  the  legal  responsibility 
involved.    Sometimes  when  old  grads  ask  for  their  own  grades  in  order 
to  impress  later  generations,  they  are  shocked  and  deflated. 

Scholars  frequently  ask  for  the  records  of  the  use  of  the  library 
made  by  the  men  in  whom  they  are  interested.    It  is  certainly  a  re- 
quest which  deserves  service,  and  it  can  be  met  without  too  much 
difficulty  for  the  period  when  the  library  was  open  for  only  a  few 
hours  a  week,  and  the  charging  records  were  kept  in  a  book.    With  the 
advent  of  charging  cards,  this  type  of  material  became  too  voluminous, 
so  we  authorized  its  destruction.    If  such  records  were  available,  we 
would  have  to  duplicate  the  list  of  books  charged  out  by  John  F. 

For  the  early  period  of  our  history,  we  sometimes  have  requests 
for  the  costs  of  a  student's  education,  or  a  statement  as  to  who  paid 
the  bills.    Although  this  kind  of  material  is  often  significant  for 


seventeenth  and  eighteenth  century  graduates,  I  hope  that  this  does 
not  encourage  you  to  inquire  as  to  the  cost  of  Henry  Thoreau's 
education,  certainly  a  legitimate  question. 

Questions  relating  to  the  history  of  the  University,  and  as  to 
the  state  of  knowledge  on  curriculum  subjects,  are  all  legitimate,  and 
can  be  classed  only  as  reasonable,  or  unreasonable,  possible,  or  im-    j 
possible.    We  cannot,  for  example,  undertake  to  discover  the  first 
impact  of  a  book  or  of  a  particular  concept  in  physics.    When  such 
requests  require  more  research  than  we  can  put  into  them,  we  can 
usually  satisfy  the  inquirer  that  this  is  so.    In  regard  to  the  questions 
that  have  no  relevancy  to  Harvard,  we  answer  them  if  reference  to  one 
or  two  books  in  the  general  collection  of  the  University  Library  will 
supply  the  answer.    Actually,  a  majority  of  such  questions  are  so 
easily  answerable  by  anyone  well  acquainted  with  the  source  material 
and  reference  works  of  American  history  that  it  would  be  unreasona- 
ble not  to  put  in  twenty  minutes  or  so  of  research. 

Of  course  it  is  often  difficult  to  draw  the  line  between  reasona- 
ble and  unreasonable.    One  lady  who  was  writing  a  club  paper  on  the 
history  of  universities  asked  for  a  thumbnail  sketch  of  mine.    I  re- 
plied, courteously  I  thought,  referring  her  to  a  readily  available 
source,  but  she  replied  in  anger  that  all  of  the  rest  of  the  archivists 
had  sent  to  her  synopses  of  the  histories  of  their  universities,  so  she 
had  simply  omitted  Harvard  from  the  history  of  American  higher 

A  particularly  annoying  group  of  requests  come  from  grade 
school  students  who  have  been  encouraged  by  their  teachers  to  do 
research  by  writing  in  for  general  information  on  leading  American 
figures.    My  staff,  thinking  that  I  am  discourteous  in  throwing  such 
letters  in  the  wastebasket,  now  regularly  intercept  them  and  answer 
them  politely.    More  troublesome  are  the  professors  in  distant  uni- 
versities who  assign  to  the  members  of  their  classes  such  topics  as 
the  speech- education  of  various  nineteenth  century  literary  figures. 
Of  course  such  research  could  be  carried  out  only  in  the  archives  of 
the  universities  in  which  those  literary  figures  were  educated.    It 
would  consume  far  more  time  than  we  would  devote  to  even  important 

We  are  sometimes  asked  by  other  university  archivists  what 
reference  use  statistics  we  keep.    The  answer  is  simple,  practically 
none.   We  have  kept  them  for  short  periods  to  see  how  we  spent  our 
time,  but  in  general  we  have  found  that  the  useful  information  which 
we  needed  could  be  combed  from  charge  slips  and  use-permission          t 

So  far  as  I  personally  am  concerned,  there  are  two  joys  in  the 
life  of  an  archivist.    The  first  is  the  bringing  order  out  of  chaos. 
After  that,  except  for  making  decisions  as  to  preservation,  the  work 


of  the  archivist  would  be  dull  routine  were  it  not  for  the  function  of 
finding  the  answers  to  the  amazing  questions  asked  sometimes  by 
our  administrators,  but  usually  by  the  public. 


1.    U.  S.  Copyright  Office.    Copyright  Law  Revision  Part  2. 
Discussion  and  Comments  on  Reports  of  the  Register  of  Copyrights 
on  the  General  Revision  of  the  U.  S.  Copyright  Law.   Washington, 
U.  S.  Government  Printing  Office,  1963. 

Laurence  R.  Veysey 

While  working  on  "The  Emergence  of  the  American  University, 
1865-1910,"  for  my  doctoral  dissertation  in  American  history  at  the 
University  of  California  at  Berkeley,  I  visited  the  archives  of  eleven 
leading  universities.    My  study  was  an  investigation  of  major  trends 
in  thinking  about  the  ideal  nature  of  the  university  in  this  formative 
period  of  university  education  in  America,  and  it  was  also  a  compara- 
tive look  at  the  actual  policies  and  practices  of  about  a  dozen  leading 
academic  institutions  during  this  fast-changing  span  of  time. 

The  word  "comparative"  should  be  emphasized.    The  aim  was 
to  see  all,  or  almost  all,  of  the  major  academic  establishments  side 
by  side,  to  see  what  they  had  in  common  and  in  what  respects  certain 
of  them  might  truly  claim  to  be  unique.    It  was  for  this  reason  that 
I  had  an  unusually  wide  contact  with  university  archives. 

Many  scholars  in  the  past  have  gone  through  the  archival 
material  for  one  university,  usually  their  own,  and  on  the  basis  of  it 
written  a  history  of  that  particular  university.    This  procedure  has 
resulted  in  some  very  fine  volumes  of  academic  institutional  history, 
although  it  has  also  sometimes  resulted  in  the  uninspired  chronicles 
which  we  are  all  familiar  with,  the  kind  that  are  often  produced  for 
academic  anniversaries.    When  using  just  one  archive,  however,  the 
author  of  such  a  local  history  never  really  knows  in  what  respects 
he  is  merely  recording  what  was  typical  of  almost  any  academic 
establishment  at  a  certain  point  in  time,  or  in  what  respects  he  is 
dealing  with  situations  that  are  unusual  and  deserve  to  be  singled  out 
for  major  attention.    To  try  to  overcome  this  difficulty— the  sense  of 
handicap  that  comes  from  restricting  oneself  to  any  single  institution, 
be  it  Harvard  or  be  it  a  state  teachers  college— this  speaker  set  out 
to  use  many  archives.    The  experience  provided  a  comparative  view 
of  American  universities  in  the  late  nineteenth  century  and  a  similarly 
broad  view  of  American  university  archives  in  the  present  day. 

Before  turning  directly  to  the  archives  as  a  scholar  happened 
to  see  them,  it  should  be  pointed  out  how  the  use  of  eleven  archives, 
rather  than  one,  contributed  directly  to  a  better  understanding  on  my 
part  of  the  American  university  in  the  late  nineteenth  century.    The 
experience  of  using  the  eleven  archives  together  taught  me  that  it  is 

The  author  is  a  faculty  member  of  the  Department  of  History,  Harvard 
University,  Cambridge,  Massachusetts. 



extremely  wrong  to  think  of  a  university  archive  as  relevant  only  to 
the  history  of  the  institution  which  happens  to  house  it.    For  example, 
it  is  incorrect  to  think  that  the  Yale  University  archive  is  relevant 
only  to  the  history  of  Yale.    Because  incoming  letters  more  often 
tend  to  be  saved  than  do  carbon  copies  of  outgoing  ones,  the  average 
collection  of  correspondence  will  tend  to  be  richer  in  materials  ar- 
riving from  other  locations  than  it  will  be  in  materials  which  reflect 
the  activities  of  the  home  base.    Now,  of  course,  presidential  files 
contain  so  much  in  the  way  of  inter-office  memoranda  that  it  would 
be  wrong  to  underestimate  their  richness  for  documenting  the 
histories  of  their  own  institutions.    But  every  archive  will  have 
wonderful  "finds"  in  terms  of  letters  relevant  to  the  history  of  other 
universities.    Thus,  to  name  just  one  example,  some  of  the  best 
material  on  the  University  of  California  in  the  1870's  and  1880's 
exists  in  the  form  of  letters  to  be  found  in  the  James  B.  Angell 
papers  at  the  University  of  Michigan.    And  in  the  reverse  direction, 
the  George  H.  Howison  papers  at  the  University  of  California  contain 
some  of  the  most  candid  descriptions  of  the  Harvard  department  of 
philosophy  in  the  days  of  William  James  and  Josiah  Royce,  simply 
because  several  graduate  students  at  Harvard  wrote  back  to  Howison, 
their  undergraduate  mentor,  with  their  impressions  and  observations 
of  Harvard,  since  Howison  was  an  entire  continent  away.    Or,  to  take 
one  more  case,  some  of  the  most  major  documents  in  the  Edward 
A.  Ross  academic  freedom  case  of  1900,  which  involved  the  adminis- 
tration of  Stanford  University,  are  to  be  found  today  in  the  archives 
of  Harvard,  Columbia,  Cornell,  and,  of  course,  the  University  of 
Wisconsin.    This  point  should  be  rather  obvious  since  all  it  means  is 
that  university  presidents  and  professors  were  constantly  writing  to 
each  other.    But  the  result  is  that  just  about  every  major  university 
archive  should  be  combed  by  anyone  doing  a  history  of  any  other 
university.    Or,  to  put  it  another  way,  each  university  archive  is  an 
extremely  valuable  depository  of  information,  potentially  at  least,  for 
every  other  major  academic  institution. 

This  fact  has  certain  further  consequences.    For  one  thing,  it 
means  that  unfavorable  and  controversial  documents  cannot  be 
restricted  or  held  from  view  nearly  as  easily  as  might  otherwise 
be  assumed.    The  university  which  restricts  access  to  some  of  its  own 
holdings  cannot  be  assured  that  scholarly  silence  will  result;  instead, 
it  must  be  prepared  to  accept  the  consequences  of  a  history  written 
on  the  basis  of  the  materials  which  can  be  found  at  other  archival 
locations.    This  material,  by  its  nature,  is  often  more  gossipy  and 
less  fair  to  the  institution's  side  of  the  story  than  is  the  material  to 
which  the  institution  is  restricting  access  in  its  own  archives.    Thus 
the  fact  that  incoming  letters  make  all  archives  relevant  to  the  history 
of  all  academic  institutions  means,  in  the  first  place,  that  there  should 
be  a  reduced  incentive  on  the  part  of  any  archive  (or  any  academic 


administration)  to  inhibit  the  use  of  its  own  archival  material.    To  do 
so  may  only  result  in  a  poorer,  more  distorted  history  being  written 
on  the  basis  of  the  fascinating  but  partial  material  which  is  available 
in  other  locations. 

But,  secondly,  the  fact  that  no  archive  tells  just  one  institution's 
story  has  another,  more  important  consequence.    It  means  that  every 
university  archive  should  be  conceived  as  a  depository  of  materials 
which  are  national,  not  local,  in  scope.    There  is  a  frequent  tendency, 
illustrated  perhaps  most  splendidly  at  Cornell,  to  link  university 
archives  with  local  or  regional  history.    Often  this  is  a  thoroughly 
logical  combination  in  terms  of  practical  and  budgetary  considera- 
tions, and  it  is  also  true  that  much  of  the  material  in  an  academic 
archive  does  tend  to  have  only  a  local  value.    But  this  is  not  the 
whole  story,  and  in  fact  I  am  going  to  argue  that  this  is  not  an  ar- 
chive's most  important  role.    Again  the  incoming  correspondence, 
which  indeed  may  sometimes  even  be  world-wide  in  scope,  makes 
any  academic  archive  a  national  institution.    Every  scholar,  every 
professor  is  part  of  a  national  network  of  scholarship  in  his  own 
area  or  discipline— indeed,  especially  in  the  sciences,  part  of  a  world 
network.    Every  administrator,  every  president  is  similarly  part  of 
a  national  network  of  academic  institutions,  public  and  private,  which 
have  all  sorts  of  mutual  ties  and  relationships.    Even  a  memorandum 
which  is  purely  local  and  intra-campus  in  its  apparent  scope  may 
illustrate  a  method  of  handling  a  certain  problem  or  of  setting  a 
policy  on  a  basic  matter  which  will  strike  the  academic  historian  as 
having  truly  national  significance.    Or,  to  put  this  last  point  another 
way,  both  the  similarities  and  the  variations  which  purely  "local" 
material  of  any  sort  may  reveal  have  a  very  broad  significance.    In 
this  respect  academic  history  is  not  different  from  economic  history 
or  the  history  of  religion.    The  records  of  a  local  business  firm,  or 
of  a  local  church,  may  hold  some  interest  in  terms  of  the  particular 
community  of  which  they  are  a  part.    But  they  are  more  apt  to  be 
prized  for  the  light  they  throw  on  how  an  enterprise  or  how  a  religious 
congregation  conducted  itself  at  a  certain  period  of  time  in  America. 
And  it  is  precisely  this  sort  of  significance  which  is  the  most  importan 
one,  in  all  probability,  for  the  files  of  most  academic  institutions. 
In  summary,  any  university  archive  is  an  archive  of  at  least  national 
scope,  and  in  two  different  ways— first,  because  of  its  incoming 
letters,  which  actually  document  the  history  of  geographically  distant 
people  and  institutions;  second,  because  of  the  broader  illustrative 
significance  of  material  which  may  seem,  at  first,  to  be  merely  local 
material.    Now,  of  course,  in  practice  all  this  will  depend  on  the 
richness  of  holdings  of  an  archive.    But  even  a  new  archive,  beginning 
with  nothing,  will  soon  have  material  in  it  of  this  potentially  broader 
significance.    In  fact,  it  is  almost  inevitable,  for  American  univer- 
sities are  going  to  be  extremely  interesting  institutions  in  the  late 


twentieth  century,  and  not  all  the  excitement  is  going  to  escape  being 
set  down  on  paper.    Any  institution,  new  or  old,  is  going  to  be  part  of 
this  American  academic  landscape  of  the  late  twentieth  century. 
Fifty  or  a  hundred  years  later,  the  "local"  significance  of  the  ma- 
terial saved  in  a  new  archive  may  have  vanished,  along  with  the  last 
survivors  who  can  remember  the  individuals  involved.    But  these 
"local"  records  are  the  stuff  of  which  national  social  and  institutional 
history  is  later  constructed. 

This  brings  us  to  a  final  point  suggested  by  the  research  I  did 
in  the  history  of  the  American  university  in  its  formative  period. 
Each  university  archive  is  a  gold  mine  for  the  histories  of  other 
academic  institutions  and  is  deserving  of  a  national  rather  than  local 
conception  of  its  role,  regardless  of  how  young  an  archive  it  is.    In 
addition,  the  value  of  university  archives  for  research  in  intellectual 
history— the  history  of  ideas— as  distinct  from  the  history  of  institu- 
tions should  be  emphasized.    Here,  of  course,  interest  centers  on  the 
collections  of  the  papers  of  prominent  professors  housed  in  archives. 
Although  the  late  nineteenth  century  was  a  period  when  it  was  easy  to 
get  a  speech  published  in  pamphlet  form  if  you  were  a  professor, 
since  printing  costs  were  cheap,  it  is  surprising  how  many  speeches- 
some  in  typescript  and  some  in  longhand— from  that  time  one  en- 
counters in  archive  collections  which  were  probably  never  published 
in  any  form.    For  the  natural  scientists  and  the  social  scientists, 
especially,  these  unpublished  speeches,  which  exist  only  in  the  ar- 
chives, are  of  great  value  for  the  historian  of  ideas.    For  example, 
the  papers  of  Thomas  C.  Chamberlin  are  at  the  University  of  Chicago. 
An  astronomer  and  geologist,  Chamberlin  had  an  extremely  keen 
mind  and  gave  many  addresses,  a  number  of  which  were  not  published, 
in  such  areas  as  the  relations  between  science  and  religion.    It  is 
only  thanks  to  the  archive  at  the  University  of  Chicago  that  the 
philosophical  observations  of  this  unusually  important  and  alert 
figure  in  the  natural  science  of  his  day  have  been  preserved.    Then, 
too,  one  finds  a  good  deal  of  material  relevant  to  the  history  of  ideas 
in  letters  as  well  as  speeches.    All  in  all,  the  university  archives, 
when  they  preserve  faculty  papers  as  well  as  presidential  and  official 
files,  are  major  repositories  of  source  material  in  American  intel- 
lectual history.    As  this  fact  becomes  more  apparent,  the  use  of  the 
archives  from  this  point  of  view  is  bound  to  increase. 

Here  a  practical  suggestion  or  two  should  be  interposed.    The 
first  is  a  rather  general  one,  namely  that  a  university  archivist 
should  be  especially  active  in  soliciting  materials— personal  papers— 
from  the  academic  faculty,  as  distinct  from  the  official  record- 
keeping  organizations  in  the  university.    These  need  not  be  the  papers 
of  well-known  or  famous  professors.    One  of  the  most  important  gaps 
I  sensed  in  visiting  archives  was  in  precisely  this  area,  particularly 


for  professors  of  the  late  nineteenth  century.    Only  at  Harvard,  and  to 
a  lesser  extent  at  Yale,  Columbia,  Cornell,  Wisconsin,  and  Chicago, 
are  the  materials  truly  rich  in  this  area.    It  is  too  late  to  do  much 
about  the  late  nineteenth  century  in  this  respect,  but  many  of  the  most 
interesting  American  professors  are  still  very  much  alive  today, 
either  teaching  or  in  retirement,  and  they  should  be  encouraged  to 
turn  over  papers  to  the  archives.    The  late  twentieth  century,  into 
which  we  are  moving,  is  going  to  be  regarded  as  one  of  the  richest 
and  most  fascinating  periods  of  American  history,  and  in  particular 
of  American  intellectual  history.    It  is  not  too  late  to  begin  capturing 
and  preserving  a  record  of  the  life  of  the  mind  as  it  goes  on  in  the 
universities  of  this  period.    Nor  is  it  only  a  few  very  well-known 
faculty  people  whose  papers— that  is,  personal  correspondence, 
speeches,  and  so  on— are  worth  preserving.   We  need  a  sense  of  the 
average  as  well  as  a  record  of  the  great  and  the  unusual.    Fifty  and 
a  hundred  years  from  now,  historians  will  want  to  know  what  it  was 
like  to  have  been  a  professor  in  late  twentieth- century  America. 
They  will  want  to  know  what  professors  did  and  what  they  thought, 
in  not  just  one  but  every  conceivable  academic  discipline.    It  may 
seem  a  bit  far-fetched,  but  just  as  at  Harvard,  every  professor  who 
is  given  a  tenure  position  at  a  university  should  be  contacted  by  the 
archivist,  at  the  time  he  is  given  tenure,  and  urged  to  donate  his 
papers  to  the  university  archive,  either  upon  retirement  or  in  his 
will.    Meantime,  if  that  has  not  been  done,  and  there  is  a  backlog  of 
living  professors  of  all  ages  who  have  not  been  contacted  by  the  ar- 
chivist for  this  purpose,  these  people  should  be  appealed  to  systemat- 
ically.   Of  course  a  professor  has  every  right  to  destroy  his  personal 
papers.    But  enough  men  will  doubtless  be  willing  to  donate  them, 
perhaps  after  preliminary  weeding,  to  make  the  archives  far  richer 
than  they  now  seem  to  be  in  this  kind  of  material. 

In  answer  to  this  suggestion,  it  may  be  objected  that  facilities 
are  not  available  for  housing  and  maintaining  the  papers  of  large 
numbers  of  professors,  which  would  multiply  enormously  as  the  years 
passed.    To  this  sort  of  objection  I  can  only  reply  that  the  storage 
problem  is  a  physical  one  which  falls  outside  the  scope  of  my  re- 
marks (And  microfilm  works  wonders,  of  course.) .    It  can  only  be 
stressed  that  it  would  be  greatly  desirable  to  get  such  a  large-scale 
program  under  way,  within  the  limits  of  whatever  means  are  availa- 
ble.   It  is  the  papers  of  professors  which  will,  without  a  doubt,  be 
given  the  highest  value  by  the  scholars  who  make  use  of  archives 
during  the  decades  to  come.    This  is  not  just  because  the  men  who 
will  use  the  archives  and  write  the  histories  are  themselves  profes- 
sors, and  so  have  a  biased  inclination  in  that  direction.    Instead  it  is 
because  of  the  basic  fact  that  academic  institutions  are  far  more 
similar  to  each  other  than  are  academic  disciplines.    Therefore, 


although  the  official  files  and  papers  which  record  the  progress  of  an 
institution  are  extremely  important,  there  does  ultimately  tend  to  be 
a  sameness  about  them  which  will  make  them  relatively  less  inter- 
esting a  hundred  years  from  now.    Of  course,  the  official  files  of  an 
institution  should  be  preserved  in  the  archive.    And  these  files,  with 
their  value  for  the  administrative  history  of  that  institution,  have  an 
importance  which  far  transcends  the  level  of  merely  local  history. 
But  these  official  files,  from  president,  dean,  and  regents  or  trustees, 
will  ultimately  have  far  less  that  is  distinctive,  original,  imaginative, 
and  exciting  in  them,  than  will  a  similar  amount  of  cubic  space  de- 
voted to  professors'  papers.    And,  furthermore,  in  practical  terms, 
the  official  files  are  usually  easy  to  get.    Indeed,  at  a  few  institutions 
one  faintly  begins  to  suspect  that  the  archive  has  been  made  little 
more  than  a  kind  of  attended  storage  vault  for  such  materials. 

For  these  reasons,  it  is  urged  that  archivists  go  about  actively 
seeking  to  balance  collections  with  the  papers  of  professors,  in  as 
wide  a  variety  of  the  disciplines  as  possible.    For  it  may  be  well 
argued  that  the  highest  function  of  a  university  archive  is  to  attempt 
to  preserve  as  full  a  record  as  possible  of  the  thinking  that  has  gone 
on  at  a  particular  campus.    This  means  a  record  of  the  thinking  of 
professors,  in  the  natural  sciences,  the  humanities,  and  the  social 
sciences.    It  also  means  a  record  of  the  thinking  of  administrative 
figures  about  the  nature  and  role  of  the  institution  they  superintend. 
Because  the  academic  disciplines  are  more  varied,  one  from  another, 
and  because  their  thinking  tends  to  be  more  abstract,  a  record  of 
academic  thought  will  be  given  the  highest  degree  of  attention  a  half 
century  or  a  century  from  now.    And  this  record  of  academic  thought 
will  be  most  of  all  a  professorial  record.   It  is  here  where  a  better 
job  could  be  done  by  the  university  archives  than  is  now  being  done 
at  most  campuses. 

Soliciting  the  papers  of  the  faculty  on  a  large  scale  is  one  im- 
portant way  of  correcting  this  imbalance.    There  are  other  ways  too. 
One  is  by  making  a  better  effort  to  gather  the  published  speeches 
and  articles  of  local  faculty  members,  as  part  of  an  archival  under- 
taking.   Very  often  when  such  speeches  appear  in  obscure  or  unlikely 
places,  they  are  going  to  be  overlooked  later.  This  is  one  rather  easy 
means  of  expanding  the  archive's  holdings  in  the  area  of  professorial 
thought.    All  members  of  the  local  faculty  might  be  asked  to  send  one 
reprint  of  each  of  their  publications  to  the  university  archive  as  a 
regular  matter  of  policy,  to  be  enforced  by  frequent  reminders,  and 
excepting  only  major  books  which  are  easily  accessible  in  a  library. 
Also,  the  equivalent  of  a  local  oral  history  project  devoted  to  profes- 
sors should  be  started.   Now  that  tape  is  so  easy  to  use  and  to  store, 
there  is  every  reason  to  collect  academic  thought  in  this  form.    Here, 
of  course,  a  problem  presents  itself  concerning  the  selection  of  a 


willing  and  able  interviewer.    Because  many  archivists  would  not  feel 
themselves  qualified  to  do  the  interviewing,  and  because  most  profes- 
sors might  find  it  difficult  outside  their  own  disciplines,  this  program 
may  be  difficult  to  launch.    But  if  there  is  anyone  available  in  a 
particular  discipline  who  will  interview  some  of  his  colleagues,  the 
result  may  repay  all  the  labors  involved.   Indeed,  one  could  picture  a 
kind  of  forum,  or  group  discussion,  participated  in  by  all  the  members 
of  a  department  at  a  particular  institution.    In  such  a  discussion, 
recorded  by  tape,  the  department  members  could  engage  in  a  free 
appraisal  of  the  state  of  their  own  discipline,  and  even  (if  there  were 
a  sufficient  atmosphere  of  trust)  an  appraisal  of  their  own  university! 
In  this  last  connection,  though,  perhaps  the  results  would  be  more 
honest  and  more  comprehensive  if  such  a  group  were  to  appraise 
other  universities  and  simply  skip  over  their  own! 

These,  then,  are  a  few  specific  ideas  about  how  one  might  try 
to  correct  the  existing  overbalance  in  most  university  archives  in 
favor  of  administrative  materials,  and  instead  center  the  archive  to 
a  larger  extent  on  faculty  materials.    But  we  should  be  less  concerned 
with  the  techniques  than  with  the  basic  point  that  it  is  the  worth  of 
the  archive  for  intellectual  history,  primarily  for  the  history  of  the 
various  academic  disciplines,  which  is  going  to  be  the  most  permanent 
worth  of  any  university  archive.    If  the  university  presidents  of  our 
own  day  were  commanding  figures  such  as  Charles  W.  Eliot  or  Wood- 
row  Wilson,  this  judgment  might  be  less  confidently  rendered.    But, 
as  things  go,  there  appears  to  be  no  doubt  that  the  faculty  as  a  group 
will  seem  far  more  interesting  than  academic  administrators  as  a 
group,  when  both  are  glimpsed  in  retrospect  a  hundred  years  from 
now.    Furthermore,  the  materials  dealing  with  the  various  academic 
disciplines  will  contain  far  more  excitement  per  pound,  so  to  speak, 
than  materials  dealing  with  the  pyramid  of  academic  bureaucracy. 

The  various  observations  and  suggestions  made  up  to  this  point 
stem  from  my  particular  experiences  as  a  researcher,  visiting  ar- 
chives in  order  to  gather  material  for  a  dissertation.   During  this 
experience,  however,  I  learned  something  about  the  universities' 
history  and  also  about  twentieth- century  American  university  archives. 
Therefore,  let  me  present  a  direct  view  of  university  archives,  at 
least  as  they  struck  one  scholar  not  too  long  ago. 

When  traveling  from  archive  to  archive  in  1960,  usually  spend- 
ing somewhere  between  one  and  three  weeks  working  in  each,  it  was 
possible  to  compare  the  archives  of  the  major  institutions.    The 
requirements  of  my  research  were  essentially  the  same  everywhere, 
so  as  I  kept  posing  the  same  questions  and  demands  I  could  not  help 
noting  variations  in  the  way  these  demands  were  met.    Now,  of  course, 
I  was  treated  courteously  almost  everywhere,  and  in  most  cases  the 
archival  staff  went  out  of  its  way  to  be  of  help.    So  I  do  not  mean 


variations  at  that  level.    But  there  were  fairly  well-marked  varia- 
tions in  terms  of  what  might  be  called  the  style  and  atmosphere  of  a 
university  archive.    In  fact,  when  my  trip  was  finished  I  felt  that  the 
archives  in  which  I  had  worked  could  be  classified  into  three  basic 
types,  each  quite  different  from  the  others.    The  first  type  could  be 
called  the  "old  shoe"  archive,  an  archive  with  a  well-worn,  com- 
fortable, traditional  flavor,  where  nothing  is  too  tidy  and  yet  every- 
thing fits  and  is  easily  accessible.    The  "old  shoe"  archive  is  usually 
run  by  one  person  who  gives  it  a  strong  sense  of  individual  dedication 
and  direction  and  who  has  been  around  for  a  long  time,  and  knows 
many  of  the  professors,  perhaps  even  the  presidents,  from  personal 
contact.    This  person  knows  from  memory  where  everything  is 
located  and,  not  only  that,  has  a  fairly  pronounced  idea  of  how  much 
use  it  has.    Stepping  into  this  kind  of  archive,  one  has  the  feeling  of 
entering  into  the  archivist's  own  domain— a  domain  that  is  almost 
personal  in  its  character.    The  archivist  has  brought  this  world  into 
being  and,  perhaps  even  a  bit  jealously,  stands  guard  over  it,  main- 
taining its  integrity  against  the  sense  of  intrusion.    Usually  such  an 
archivist  has  a  deep  sense  of  loyalty  to  the  institution. 

In  contrast  to  the  "old  shoe"  archive,  the  second  type  of  archive 
was  marvelously  well  appointed.    The  "old  shoe"  archive  had  usually 
been  down  at  the  heels;  not  the  second  kind,  though,  which  is  peculiar 
to  the  East  Coast,  so  far  as  I  know,  and  which  might  be  called  the 
"Ivy  League"  archive.    Here  the  custodianship  of  documents  has  been 
associated  with  a  literary  quality  of  prestige.    The  archive  is  ar- 
ranged with  what  might  be  called  an  Anglican  air  of  formality.   Where- 
as the  "old  shoe"  archive  had  been  an  almost  private  world,  reflect- 
ing the  personal  knowledge  and  will  of  the  archivist,  the  "Ivy  League" 
archive  was  a  public  domain,  a  world  of  portraits  and  portfolios  on 
open  display.    Here  the  constant  effort  seemed  to  be  to  make  a  certain 
impression.   In  the  "old  shoe"  archive  the  visiting  scholar  had  once 
in  a  while  threatened  harshly  to  intrude  into  the  archivist's  day- 
dreams, but  in  the  "Ivy  League"  archive  the  danger  was  rather  that  a 
visiting  scholar  might  in  effect  regard  the  contents  of  the  display 
cases  with  an  ungentlemanly  seriousness. 

There  was,  however,  a  third  kind  of  archival  atmosphere,  one 
probably  more  common  than  either  of  the  first  two.    This  was  what 
could  be  called  the  spirit  of  the  "professional"  or  "bureaucratic"  ar- 
chive.   In  the  "professional"  archive,  service  is  rendered  in  an  im- 
personal manner  to  all  alike.    Files  and  indexes  and  coding  systems 
abound.    Precision  and  classification  are  the  watchwords.    The 
archivist  is  neither  a  one-man  ruler  nor  a  litterateur,  but  rather  an 
official  with  certain  stated  public  duties  and  responsibilities. 

These  are  the  three  types  of  archival  atmospheres  I  detected, 
however,  practically  no  archive  partook  exclusively  of  only  one  set  of 


characteristics  as  I  have  described  them.    These  three  types  repre- 
sent tendencies  only.    For  instance,  to  name  only  the  Harvard  archive, 
whose  excellence  is  so  proverbial,  one  finds  at  Harvard  something  of 
the  "Ivy  League"  sense  of  dignity  and  formality,  something  of  the 
comfortable  working  atmosphere  described  as  "old  shoe,"  and  then, 
in  addition,  the  best  indexing  and  the  best  and  most  elaborate  job  of 
classifying  materials  encountered  anywhere  on  my  journey.    These 
last  traits  are  the  hallmarks  of  the  "bureaucratic"  or  "professional" 
attitude.    And  most  of  the  other  major  archives  would  similarly 
provide  a  blend  of  characteristics,  although  a  bit  less  strikingly. 

Still,  these  can  be  recognized  as  definite  types  of  atmosphere, 
possibly  in  libraries  as  a  whole  as  well  as  in  archives.   Which,  then, 
if  he  had  any  choice  in  the  matter,  would  the  scholar  prefer  ?  Would 
he  find  his  needs  better  served  by  the  "old  shoe"  archive,  or  by  the 
more  genteel  one,  or  finally  by  the  "bureaucratic"  one?   Emotionally, 
on  first  reaction,  many  scholars  would  opt  for  the  "old  shoe"  atmos- 
phere of  informality  and  traditionalism.    Bureaucracy  is  a  bad  word, 
and  nobody  is  supposed  to  like  it.    But  actually,  as  one  thinks  the 
matter  over,  one  begins  strongly  to  suspect  that  the  ideal  archive, 
from  the  scholar's  point  of  view,  might  lie  about  halfway  along  the 
spectrum  from  the  patriarchal  to  the  "professional."    One  certainly 
does  want  the  respect  for  efficiency,  the  sense  for  arrangement,  the 
careful  cataloging,  and  so  on,  which  are  rightly  identified  with  a 
professional  attitude  of  responsibility.    A  filing  cabinet  is  better  than 
an  archivist's  memory,  even  if  the  archivist  has  been  around  for 
several  decades.    Yet  on  the  other  hand  one  also  wants  the  ready 
knowledgeability  about  contents,  the  "feel"  for  substance,  the 
familiarity  with  the  local  scene,  and  the  willingness  to  cut  some 
corners  occasionally  on  matters  of  procedure,  in  order  to  speed 
things  up  reasonably— all  of  these  qualities  being  identified  with  what 
has  been  labeled  the  "old  shoe"  archive.    Perhaps,  then,  halfway  in 
between  these  imaginary  polar  opposites  one  might  get  the  virtues  of 
both  and  the  liabilities  of  neither.    At  any  rate,  it  is  this  sort  of  blend 
which  most  scholars  would  appreciate. 

And  this  brings  me  directly  to  the  final  point.    What  does  the 
scholar  really  want  from  an  archive  ?    How  does  an  archive  look  to 
the  scholar  who  is  interested  in  working  with  its  materials  ?    The 
scholar  appears  to  want  two  things— first,  and  more  than  anything 
else,  efficient  working  conditions;  second,  a  minimal  sense,  at  least, 
of  warmth  and  sympathetic  helpfulness.    But  let  us  try  to  make  the       ^ 
scholar's  needs  a  bit  more  vivid  by  picturing  the  life  of  such  a  scholar 
for  instance  a  graduate  student  working  on  his  dissertation,  as  he  goes 
on  a  research  trip  which  may  include  university  archives. 

For  the  younger  scholar,  unless  he  has  private  means  or  un- 
usual foundation  support,  the  matter  of  his  budget  while  on  the  research 


trip  becomes  all  important.    The  most  important  single  item  in  his 
budget  is  the  length  of  time  necessary  for  the  trip.    This  is  time 
spent  away  from  home,  and,  unless  he  has  friends  to  stay  with  in  the 
city  where  the  research  is  being  done,  every  day  spent  in  an  archive 
means  another  night's  hotel  bill.    This  rather  primitive  economic 
motive  lies  behind  the  mood  of  frenzy  which  can  sometimes  overtake 
the  young  scholar  while  he  is  at  work  in  the  archive,  particularly  if 
he  finds  far  more  material  to  "get  through"  than  he  had  first  im- 
agined.   In  order  to  conquer  the  most  material  in  the  least  amount  of 
time,  the  scholar  will  make  all  sorts  of  fine  calculations  and  what 
seem  like  petty  demands  on  the  archival  staff.    First  of  all,  unless  he 
is  an  extremely  slow  typist,  he  will  certainly  want  to  type  his  notes 
while  looking  through  the  documents.    He  will  be  concerned  as  to 
what  hours  the  archive  is  open.    Indeed,  he  will  often  do  his  long 
distance  traveling  ( from  one  archive  to  another)  on  a  weekend,  so  as 
not  to  waste  the  hours  the  archive  is  open.    And  of  course  he  will 
expect  documents  to  be  delivered  to  his  desk  with  a  rapidity  unknown 
in  European  archives— simply  because  he  has  experienced  the  effi- 
ciency of  American  libraries  and  has  based  his  expectations  upon  this 
sort  of  standard. 

Bearing  all  this  in  mind,  you  can  probably  picture  the  young 
scholar  arriving  on  a  Sunday  evening  in  the  city  where  the  archive 
is  located,  checking  into  a  cheap  hotel  or  a  rooming  house  or  staying 
with  friends,  and  getting  ready  perhaps  by  going  over  his  notes  to 
recall  the  various  collections  he  already  knows  about  and  wishes  to 
see,  figuring  in  advance  the  most  efficient  order  of  business.    Upon 
arriving  at  the  archives  the  next  morning,  he  will  initially  examine 
the  working  set-up,  inquire  about  typing,  and  surreptitiously  discover 
whether  he  must  rent  a  typewriter  from  a  local  shop  or  whether  an 
extra  machine  from  the  archive  office  will  be  lent  to  him,  as  some- 
times is  the  case.    Next  he  will  want  to  make  an  informal  assessment 
of  the  archive's  holding  in  the  areas  of  his  own  interest.    At  this  stage 
he  will  be  completely  dependent  on  whatever  catalogs,  indexes,  lists, 
and  so  on,  the  archive  has  been  able  to  maintain,  in  conjunction,  of 
course,  with  the  archivist's  memory.    This  process  of  preliminary 
assessment  may  take  anywhere  from  a  few  hours  to  a  day  and  a  half, 
depending  on  the  complexity  of  the  categories  of  information  that  are 
relevant  to  the  scholar's  research.    He  is  anxious  to  reduce  this  time 
to  the  minimum,  so  as  to  get  his  actual  research  under  way.    Here 
the  existence  of  intelligent  indexes  and  summaries  can  be  of  enormous 
help.    Even  a  bare  list  of  the  names  of  all  the  correspondents  of  a 
man  whose  papers  are  in  the  archive  can  help  greatly.    And  it  is  at 
this  point  that  the  "old  shoe"  sort  of  familiarity  with  the  materials 
on  the  part  of  the  archivist  can  really  save  important  amounts  of 
time,  hence  contribute,  ironically  enough,  to  the  efficiency  that  one 


also  associates  with  the  impersonal  card  file.    When  this  preliminary 
process  is  finished,  the  scholar  will  have  emerged  with  a  concrete 
idea  of  his  workload  at  this  particular  archive.    Usually  he  will  have 
discovered  more  material  than  he  originally  thought  would  be  relevant, 
and  so  his  sense  of  anxiety  at  getting  through  the  boxes  as  rapidly  as 
possible  will  have  become  heightened. 

Next,  usually  with  his  typewriter,  the  scholar  will  set  up  what 
amounts  to  a  production  line.    The  documents  will  lie  on  one  side, 
the  blank  note  cards  on  the  other.    The  scholar  will  become  a  veritable 
machine,  plowing  through  boxes  of  documents,  mentally  sorting  their 
contents  at  a  rapid  pace  into  relevant  pieces  onto  his  cards.    He  will 
usually  work  as  if  he  were  somehow  possessed  by  a  demon.    All 
scholars  seem  to  agree  that  the  weeks  one  spends  in  archival  re- 
search are  a  strange  interlude  in  one's  life,  a  unique  form  of  exist- 
ence never  before  experienced  and  perhaps  impossible  to  duplicate 
in  any  other  way,  even  by  the  often  equally  intense  task  of  doing  a  bit 
of  scholarly  writing.    Perhaps  the  most  accurate  way  to  picture  the 
silent  scholar  who  sits  with  a  remote  look  on  his  face  at  one  cluttered 
table  in  your  archive  is  to  think  of  him  as  a  combine  machine  whose 
owner  is  being  paid  at  piecework  rates,  yet  for  whom  there  are  severe 
penalties  if  the  quality  of  the  ingestion  is  allowed  to  become  slipshod. 
The  boxes  of  documents  are  rows  of  corn  whose  extent  had  been 
surveyed  at  the  preliminary  stage  already  described.    Now  they  are 
being  uprooted,  sent  through  the  machine,  the  husks  thrown  back,  and 
the  occasional  kernels  being  gathered  onto  those  note  cards.    At  the 
end  of  a  good  day's  work  the  worker  stops  wearily,  noting  with 
satisfaction  both  the  rising  pile  of  note  card  kernels  by  his  typewriter's 
side  and  also  the  growing  heap  of  husks—a  heap  which  is  in  his  mind's 
eye  only,  since  the  documents  with  which  he  has  finished  have 
gradually  been  returned  to  the  archive  shelves. 

The  closing  hour  of  the  archive,  incidentally,  may  not  be  the 
end  of  the  scholar's  working  day  while  on  one  of  these  trips.    After 
dinner  the  day's  note  cards  may  be  sorted,  so  that  this  task  will  not 
pile  up  at  the  end.    Or  the  evening  may  be  spent  in  the  main  library 
stacks,  running  down  books  and  pamphlets  which  were  not  obtainable 
in  other  university  libraries  along  the  way.    But  this  is  not  the  uni- 
form after-hour  activity.    After  one  of  these  days  spent  as  a  human 
combine  machine  in  the  archives,  the  normal  reaction  is  to  want  to 
see  a  movie  or  else  go  quietly  to  bed.    Still,  the  odds  are  that  the 
scholar  averages  a  longer  working  day,  as  well  as  a  more  arduous 
one,  than  does  the  archivist.    The  fact  is  that,  while  the  archivist  is 
following  a  relatively  steady  routine,  day  in  and  day  out,  the  visiting 
scholar  who  sits  in  the  archive  is  going  through  what  is  for  him  proba- 
bly a  rather  rare  experience,  a  peculiarly  intense  manner  of  life 
which  he  might  well  find  it  difficult  to  sustain  for  longer  than  a  few 
weeks  or  months  at  a  stretch. 


All  this,  then,  has  been  a  plea  for  understanding.    The  wander- 
ing scholar  may  seem  to  have  an  odd  glint  in  his  eye  as  the  archivist 
observes  him;  he  may  betray  all  manner  of  symptoms  of  impatience, 
or  he  may  at  times  lose  the  ability  to  speak  coherently  with  the  human 
beings  who  happen  to  be  around  him,  because  he  has  become  so 
thoroughly  immersed  in  the  world  of  the  documents.    The  archivist 
should  be  tolerant.    More  than  this,  the  scholar  will  be  everlastingly 
grateful  to  the  archivist  for  all  the  small  and  large  things  which 
enable  the  human  combine  machine  to  proceed  eight  hours  a  day  at 
top  rate  of  speed.    Efficiency,  together  with  sympathetic  understand- 
ing, is  what  the  scholar  most  of  all  seeks  from  a  university  archive. 
This  brief  description  of  how  the  archive  figures  in  the  scholar's 
life  should  make  the  scholar's  sometimes  desperate  craving  for 
efficiency  seem  more  comprehensible.    If  the  archivist  is  aware  of 
the  strange,  speeded  up  life  the  scholar  is  enduring  while  on  his  re- 
search trip,  the  archivist  may  find  it  possible  to  greet  his  sometimes 
eccentric  requests  with  exactly  that  sort  of  sympathetic  understanding 
which  is  the  best  known  lubricant  for  these  problems,  even  if  it  is  not 
a  specifically  professional  one. 

An  archive  exists,  then,  both  for  the  actual  scholar  of  the  pres- 
ent moment  and  for  the  potential  scholar  of  a  century  from  now,  as 
best  we  can  visualize  him.    The  present  day  scholar  will  always 
insist  that  the  archivist's  primary  duty  is  to  posterity,  to  that 
imagined  scholar  of  the  next  century  who  may  find  a  meaning  in  the 
documents  which  we  are  unable  to  perceive.   In  the  meantime,  though, 
the  immediate  visitor  to  an  archive  will  be  very  much  involved  in  the 
prosaic  problem  of  obtaining  maximum  poundage  of  document  inspec- 
tion for  a  given  hotel  bill.    To  cater  to  the  wants  of  scholarship,  the 
archivist  thus  has  both  a  lofty  obligation  and  a  seemingly  prosaic 
one.    Scholarship  asks  that  documents  be  actively  and  carefully  col- 
lected and  preserved;  it  also  asks  that  they  be  fed  on  momentary 
demand  into  a  human  assembly  line.    Fortunately,  the  existing  prac- 
tices of  the  eleven  university  archives  with  which  I  am  familiar  show 
that  both  the  long-range  and  the  short-range  obligations  to  scholar- 
ship, the  major  task  of  document  preservation  and  the  minor  but  vital 
one  of  providing  an  atmosphere  of  efficiency  and  human  sympathy, 
are  indeed  mutually  compatible.   It  is  not  really  necessary  to 
sacrifice  either  goal  to  achieve  the  other.    For  the  task  of  building 
and  maintaining  a  university  archive  has  already  been  done  most 
splendidly  in  the  past,  and  not  just  once  but  again  and  again.    For  this 
fact  the  scholar  of  all  people  has  the  deepest  reasons  to  be  grateful. 


Number  One 

Number  Two 

Number  Three 

Number  Four 

Number  Five 

Number  Six 

Number  Seven 

Number  Eight 

October  1954 

The  School  Library  Supervisor.  Chicago, 

American  Library  Association,  1956.  $2.00. 

September  1955 

Developing  the  Library's  Personnel  Pro- 
gram. (Not  published.) 

November  1956 

The  Nature  and  Development  of  the  Library 
Collection.  Champaign,  111.,  The  Illini  Union 
Bookstore,  1957.  $2.00. 

September-October  1957. 
The  Library  as  a  Community  Information 
Center.    Champaign,  111.,  The  Illini  Union 
Bookstore,  1958.    $2.00. 

November  1958 

Public  Library  Service  to  the  Young  Adult. 

(Not  published.) 

November  1959 

The  Role  of  Classification  in  the  Modern 
American  Library.  Champaign,  111.,  The 
Illini  Union  Bookstore,  1960.  $2.00. 

November  1960 

Collecting  Science  Literature  for  General 
Reading.    Champaign,  111.,  The  Illini  Union 
Bookstore,  1961.    $2.00. 

November  1961 

The  Impact  of  the  Library  Services  Act: 
Progress  and  Potential.    Champaign,  111., 
The  Illini  Union  Bookstore,  1962.    $2.00. 



Number  Nine  November  1962 

Selection  and  Acquisition  Procedures  in 
Medium-Sized  and  Large  Libraries. 
Champaign,  111.,  The  Illini  Union  Bookstore, 
1963.  $2.00,  paper-cover;  $3.00,  cloth-cover. 

Number  Ten  November  1963 

The  School  Library  Materials  Center:    Its 
Resources  and  Their  Utilization.    C ham  - 
paign,  111.,  The  Illini  Union  Bookstore,  1964. 
$2.00,  paper-cover;  $3.00,  cloth-cover. 

Number  Eleven  November  1964 

University  Archives.    Champaign,  111.,  The 
Illini  Union  Bookstore,  1965.    $2,00,  paper- 
cover;  $3.00,  cloth-cover.